Anouncement to the Entire World: I Apologize...



Guys made a horrible mistake and i admit it...I apologize...You, may say why??? I cant explain it is one of those things, you see we spend money WE DONT HAAAVVVEE, recession or not...And it will come to haunt us...Think about it as a bug in all of the world stocks markets that comes to haunts you EVERY SINGLE TIME...I said it before, we dont live in PARADISEEE...I cant explain it...

Well here is the mistake... Remember the Powerballss i kept mentioning for 25 cents, $2 the ticket and $3 the ticket, ect...I know is going to hurt, but they all must pay not more than: $25 Million dollars to each winner...ALL OF THEM...Put it this way...IS BETTER AND IT HELPS THE MIDDLE CLASS...THATS THE WAY IT MUST BE....

So if is paying: $800 Million dollars for 1 drawing that means that there will be for that drawing 32 winners, each winner of: $25 Million dollars...And is better...

The same must be with the Unified Stock Market, it must pay the same amount maximum, not more than: $25 Million dollars...

Something we keep forgetting is that populations dont remain stagnant, they constantly grow...

also is very cold and harsh to have 5 million people chase the same lottery and only 1 wins...

they probably will not listen to me, but you cant say i didnt say it...

Entry #1,909


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