Alabama Can't Find Anyone to Fill Illegal Immigrants' Old Jobs


Entry #6,232


Avatar JAP69 -
I only see 3 options to find workers.
1) make all attempts to find us citizens for the jobs
2) make application thru proper chanels to get work visas for immigrants.
3) Allow illegal immigrants back in and shut up about it.
Avatar truecritic -
Apparently "Americans" are too lazy to work themselves into shape! The wages are above minimum wage! Where is everyone that is laid off? Perhaps some pressure should be applied, like no more extensions for unemployment?
Avatar Todd -
This article demonstrates exactly how political extremists convince people they are right about "their issue". If one examines the illegal immigrant issue in a bubble -- without putting it into its overall context and impact -- then one may be convinced that we should let anyone into this country!

However, the article fails to address the negative aspects of illegal aliens, and the financial consequences of illegal aliens.

Plus, it does not address the fact that the same type of left-wing people who are always screaming about wanting illegals in this country are also screaming about wanting to increase the minimum wage.

Getting rid of illegal immigration is overwhelming a net-positive for the US, its economy, and its citizens.

1. The incredible amount of taxpayer money spent every year on illegal aliens could be reduced to a minimum. We're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars every year, in practically every aspect of government.

2. Wages would be level-set to the proper amounts, based on the type of work, the difficulty of work, and availability of work. In other words, the market would be able to properly set wages based on real market principles, not based on illegal aliens in the mix -- which has the effect of unfairly helping certain industries.

3. Any increases in things like food prices would be offset and overcome by much greater increases in US worker productivity and increased wages. Over time, the net effect would be that food prices and other prices that are today affected by illegal aliens in the mix would be much more affordable, compared to the household income.

4. The US currency would be in a much better position worldwide, and we will be a stronger trading partner, lifting the value of American goods overseas, and bringing more prosperity to US companies and employees.

There are many, many more tentacles from illegal aliens into the US economy that I've not highlighted here. They would similarly be positively impacted by a vast reduction in illegal aliens.

Free-thinking Americans need to understand that the ONLY reason certain politicians want illegal aliens here is so that they can increase their political power. It has nothing to do with a desire to help the country, because the presence of illegal aliens HURTS the economy.

The other supporters of illegal aliens are owners of companies that benefit from cheap, illegal labor. And these companies funnel cash to politicians who support illegal aliens, ensuring that the politicians will continue pushing an agenda friendly to illegal aliens.

This is called crony capitalism. You may have heard the term, and now you know what it means. The are both Democrats and Republicans who have benefited from this crony capitalism, and it is why we need to get rid of politicians who engage in it, and elect representatives who base decisions on facts, and not on emotions. Because when you base policy on emotions and slogans, you are purposely suppressing logic and reason, and you contribute to the downfall of the entire economy.
Avatar tbraddock -
Well said Todd! The amount of FREE Medical expense all tax payers are covering is a bundle!!!
Avatar sully16 -
50 million on welfare, and they can't find workers?
well said Todd.
Avatar tiparker119 -
Thank you Todd for your hit it right on the nail...!!!
Avatar Tenaj -
Agree wit'cha on this one Todd. Maybe get rid of NAFTA?
Avatar Todd -
Janet: As with any agreement between countries, NAFTA should be considered with regard to its benefit to all parties involved. It was sold to the people as a way to increase the markets available to US companies, but in all the time it has been in effect, I haven't seen that benefit manifested in our economy. The is true especially as the US economy becomes less in terms of manufacturing and more toward a services economy.

I think the main problem with agreements like NAFTA is that they people creating the agreement do not provide firm, tangible goals for the agreement, so we don't have a way to measure its success or failure. Nor do they build in a trigger point for the agreement to be nullified.

Compare NAFTA to military agreements between countries, like when Reagan and Gorbachev signed nuclear agreements. Just because one agreement is for trade and the other is for missiles doesn't mean that one should be nebulous and goal-less while the other is specific and measurable.
Avatar ACPutz -
I'm not a big fan of illegal aliens, but I do have to disagree with some of these supposed facts:

1.   Hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money spent on immigrants each year... maybe if you believe strictly conservative sources (which estimated at 338 billion) but a non-partisan group of Democrats and Republicans did a study and agreed that number was way off. They even estimated that the amount of their earnings that they put back into the state may offset any real detriment. Despite what you'd like to believe, most illegals are keeping their heads down and trying not to be sent home... so they're not showing up at hospitals in mass numbers and applying for welfare... the people that are taxing those system are mostly Americans who refuse to take care of themselves.

2. Sure wages would be level set... they'd go up if all you had to hire were Americans since then employers would have to be concerned with labor laws.

3. And that certainly is going to raise the price of food. Alot of those illegals work circles around Americans because they appreciate the work and want to be back the next day... stick and American in there and you're paying twice as much for half the output. If you really think you're food prices are dropping your crazy.

4. Sure you'd have less money leaving the country since the illegals wouldn't be sending part of their salaries home, but that doesn't affect the cost of our goods overseas?   As it is we've moved most of our products overseas to take advantage of cheap labor and lax labor laws... but have you seen the price of anything come down? I haven't. I've have seen the quality and size of things such as soup cans take a nosedive though.

Like I said, I'm not a fan of having illegals in the country. But as a Free-thinking American I also recognize the vital role they fill on the workforce.   During WWi and WW2 it was illegal immigrants that grew our agricultural society to one of the top in the world - filling in while our soldiers were off at war. For their efforts they got treated like slaves and eventually deported when our soldiers came back.   Like I said I'm not saying they should be here illegally, but closing the borders and kicking everyone out is not the answer either... it's just the typical American response.

Avatar Todd -
@ACPutz: Your history is a little off. Illegal migration was indeed a problem around WWI, because the US did not establish a border patrol until 1924 -- 6 years after the end of WWI.

During WWII, we signed a treaty with Mexico that INVITED workers from Mexico, and they came here LEGALLY.

So, your premise that illegal aliens made us into a great agricultural society is nonsense. Illegal aliens only fulfill a "vital role" because there are companies that make a killing off of their backs.

You also seem to be saying that it is OK for illegal aliens to be treated poorly. Seriously? #2 in your points says that if we got rid of the illegal aliens, we would suddenly have to worry about labor laws. So you're OK with illegal aliens being mistreated by the companies that hire them? Because labor laws are there to protect people from abuse, not as some kind of punishment for employing people "by the book".

Finally, I always find it interesting to hear about "non-partisan Democrats and Republicans". Because such a thing does not exist, unless you're talking about awarding a medal or something. Like I said before, the are both Democrats and Republicans who are financially supported by companies with a stake in illegal alien migration, and such politicians often band together under banner of non-partisanship. It is in reality a case of crony capitalism.
Avatar ACPutz -
@Todd - I think it's your reading that may be a little off.

My point was that during WWI when our servicemen left home it was the a majority of Mexican labor that tended our farms - for that they were often not permitted to travel off the farm or permitted to leave until the harvesting season was over. Pay was whatever they could find. The 1924 advent of a border patrol is a nice fact but has nothing to do with who was working our lands during WWI and leading up to the Depression.   When WWII came around of course we invited Mexican workers in... with the same stipulations. But the majority didn't come with work visas or whatever the needed at the time... any they certainly weren't treated as guests... they just slipped in and went to work while our soldiers were away... once again building up our agricultural society.   If they hadn't tended our lands who would have - Rosie the Riveter? She was busy. So your comment that this is nonsense seems to me to be, well nonsense.

If you actually reread what I wrote you find that I never said that it's "Okay for illegal aliens to be treated poorly."   Seriously?   If you're going to put words in my mouth I'd appreciate if what you made up either made some sense or wasn't so caustic. To deny that it happens, and that it happens to illegals because it's easier to screw them is either naive or just plain silly.   I know illegals that clean homes and their biggest problem is they finish a job and the owner kicks them out because they know there is no one for them to complain to without the risk of getting deported. I never said it's "OK" what I do realize is that it happens. As you must since you say companies make a "Killing off of their backs." Now if you remove those people and put in litigation friendly Americans - what do you think happens? Yeah, the cost of doing business goes up because now not only can big business not screw over the illegal, but you know they're going to get some lawsuits come there way as well. So you tell me how the cost of goods goes down?

As far as you're comments on "non-partisan Democrats and Republicans" I understand what your saying and agree completely. But you missed the context it was put in. A Conservative review of the immigration issue put the money burden at $338 billion where a non-partisan review put it at nearly a non-event. My guess is the truth probably falls somewhere in between. But as a former reporter who knows a bit about twisting facts and bent sources, I think if you want to say something as "hundreds of billions of dollars" you're going to have to do a hell of a lot more research. A casual look at the possible costs of immigration should set off alarms that it's not null and it's not 300 billion. Unfortunately with the advent of the net, too many people take everything the hear or read as gospel, and it just isn't so.   Doesn't matter if you get your info from MSNBC or Fox News - somebody has had their filthy fingers in the mix - and if you repeat it enough times everyone begins to think it's true.

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