Should Fox News Be Banned? Group Says Yes


Entry #7,609


Avatar rdgrnr -
Of course it should be banned.
Afterall, it refuses to be a cheerleading squad for Obama's police state like every other news outlet is.
They simply refuse to promote the Democrat Party's agenda.
They won't come out and say sodomy and abortion are good things like our benevolent leader has told us.
This is unacceptable behavior in a police state and can not be tolerated.
Different points of view only serve to confuse people and complicate things.
They cause disorder.
We all need to think the same way and have the same thoughts and opinions.
We must all think the same and act the same. Don't rock the boat. Don't make waves. Go along with the program. The government knows what's best for us and what we should learn, hear and know.
It is best if we all cooperate.
Fox News refuses to cooperate with the government.
Ban Fox News!
Avatar JAP69 -
Run them out of town on a rail.
We need more news time from those MSNBC programs. Maddow, she is the best. She rips the guts out of republicans. Thats what we need.
Maybe some liberals here at lottery post blogs can get a time slot on that network. They can go on public speaking tours. Make lots of money.'
Avatar jarasan -
Especially that Shepard Smith! He is a teleprompter reading monkey face. Yeah and don't forget O'Reilly and his hyper inflated ego, what a self righteous pompous a$$ he is.
Avatar Todd -
Avatar sully16 -
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
                                           GEORGE WASHINGTON
Remember him, father of our country, saved us from tyranny , oppression, and abusive taxation.
You know what many are singing about Obama...
The thrill is gone... BB King.
Avatar louise black -
All the Bullies already know free speech will not be stop! If we allow their first of kin the KKK and White Supremcy to rally and parade around with their hatred. These Clowns are going no where.Let them spread their PROPAGANDA! it only hurt the idiots that can't separate the fICTION from the NONFICTION. Let there alway be free speech once upon a time my race couldn't SPEECH!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Rejoice , Rejoice yon servants. No need to worry well sing our way out of the trenches and try to eradicate all the GOP'rs that won't fall in line along with our other media outlets.
The liberals will have to do a lot of discouraging lies to have the American public think otherwise
If there is hatred being spewed around it's probably because of your Racist overtones about the KKK and White Supremacy
. The Liberals have been fiction for the past 3 1/2 years, but I'm glad to see your putting your best foot forward. Are we living in your past or our future Louise?
Avatar scorpio -
no,can't ban fox,or limbaw,as the hippocrits would run to the aclu so fast.i am an independant,and vote for the best there is out there,but guess what it isn't romney if you're a 99er.
Avatar bobbya -
Without the FOX Republican and CONservative Propaganda Channel how will ( rabies infected MADDOG10,the reader of re-written American history sully16,the not making ANY sense JAP69,and the LIMPbaugh and FOX Nazi propaganda channel fan rdgrnr continue to be misinformed,uninformed,and LIED to by a owner as corrupt as Rupert Murdoch run by as big a Fascist-Nazi as Roger Ailes get).
How could they spread the Lies,Mis-information,propaganda,if they never received their talking points from the likes of the truth tellers of FOX,Bill O'LIElly,Insanity Hannity,and the former beauty queen Frau Greta,the weatherman,and the sportscaster of the morning show if they weren't on the air.
They would be forced to rely on those other truth tellers by the hundreds of A/M radio 24/7,The Heritage Foundation,and many other CONservative think tanks and blogs as well as the numerous COnservative run rags and newspapers like the Rupert Murdoch owned N.Y.Post and Wall Street Journal for their bad information,half truths and Lies.
Avatar louise black -
Avatar Todd -
@bobbya, I am a proud conservative too, so what name-calling do you have for me? I assume you have the best one in reserve for me, so let's have it. All conservatives are evil, right? Lay it on me.
Avatar bobbya -
Being a CONservative IS enough punishment for you!
Let's just say I fell sorry for you!
Avatar scorpio -
and what do you have to be proud of,getting in Obamas way so he cannot help the 99ers,and usa.
Avatar Todd -
I'm not sure I understand the capitalized "CON" in conservative. Is that "con" as in "convict", or "con" as in something negative ("con" means "against")?

All anger aside, maybe you're not aware of what "conservative" means.

Being conservative means believing in smaller government and more personal freedom. It means you believe in a safety net, but one that is used only when truly needed -- and then released when no longer needed. It means you believe every single person should be treated equally under the law. It means you believe in the constitution as written, and not as a flexible document that changes with the whims of the time. It means that you believe laws should be written by Congress, signed and enforced by the Executive branch (the president), and judged as to whether they are constitutional or not by the judiciary branch -- and that no branch of government should assume the roles of another branch.

I'm not sure what in there you feel so threatened by, but I assure you that's all there is to it.

I don't think it's necessary to call people names to make your point, and hopefully you notice that I do not resort to those base tactics. If we all debate the substance and leave the name-calling and false accusations of racism out of it, we might yet have a meaningful dialog. Otherwise it's all nothing but useless hatred.
Avatar bobbya -
PROgressive means forward and/or for.
CONservative means against and/or as in CONfidence game who spout one thing while,once in charge to the opposite like the Bush Regime did when they blew a 900 billion budget surplus on their way to doubling the national debt in less than 8 years.
The same people are saying the same thing again.Woe to America if they are allowed to do the same thing AGAIN that brought America this Depression that it took them 7 years to do and will take us again backward if given a chance.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result'
That describes CON servatism and RepubliCan't=INSANE!
Avatar bobbya -
PROgressive means forward and/or for.
CONservative means against and/or as in CONfidence game who spout one thing while,once in charge to the opposite like the Bush Regime did when they blew a 900 billion budget surplus on their way to doubling the national debt in less than 8 years.
The same people are saying the same thing again.Woe to America if they are allowed to do the same thing AGAIN that brought America this Depression that it took them 7 years to do and will take us again backward if given a chance.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result'
That describes CON servatism and RepubliCan't=INSANE!
Avatar rdgrnr -
If you're afraid our methods might destroy the country, move to North Korea or Cuba where your preferred methods have been in place for decades and enjoy yourself.
Have fun, comrade!
Avatar Todd -
Bobbya - I'm afraid you don't understand that conservative is not the same thing as Republican. When Republicans spend a lot of money, they are not being conservative. So your comments about the Republican congress spending too much is wrongly accusing conservatives of spending too much. Conservatives do not do that kind of thing.

Also, spending under Bush was to big indeed, but it is NOTHING compared to the massive government spending under Obama's first two years, when the Democrats in charge of both the Congress and the Presidency borrowed and spent trillions of dollars, as if it were free money. And all the money spent did nothing to lower unemployment -- in fact unemployment skyrocketed.

If a *conservative* approach was implemented after Bush left office -- like was done when Reagan was elected into office after Carter -- the economy would be healed by now and headed to great prosperity. And whatever conservative president that was in office implementing that policy would be easily re-elected by a very happy electorate. Just like Reagan.

It is always much better to argue with the facts, rather than simply throwing around juvenile word games with political names. With more knowledge, you'll also be a much happier person in general.
Avatar louise black -
I am sorry Todd,but with all due respect with all the identifying going on in his blogging,he's right as to what all this going on of the Republicans Party,Tea Party and Conservatives are.How can you call him out, when I am sure you have read the blogging of other ,one might think there 's some bias going on here.Oh! we understand the Conservatives alright.

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