Obama Is A Slow Learner


Entry #7,795


Avatar MADDOG10 -
No doubt Obama believes that. Having never been an entrepreneur or risk-taker, he hasn’t a clue about what prompts them to invest their time and money in ways that produce growth and jobs. And he’s too ideologically committed to government programs to find out how the private economy works.

Which leads us to President Reagan, the record of economic recoveries around the world, and suggested reading over the summer to broaden Obama’s economic understanding.

As Obama must know, the Reagan recovery was a stunning success. And it wasn’t spurred by government spending. It was based on a 25 percent cut in individual income tax rates, phased in over three years, and initial spending cuts followed by efforts to curb spending growth.

Five months before Reagan was reelected, the jobless rate had fallen from a high of 10.8 percent and was heading to 7.2 percent on Election Day. Reagan was talking about “morning in America.” Five months before the 2012 election, Obama is reduced to concocting misleading economic claims to justify his reelection—or changing the subject.

Reagan’s economic record is not unique. Harvard economists Alberto Alesina and Silvia Ardagna studied policies aimed at stimulating the economy in 21 countries between 1970 and 2007. Their conclusions were unequivocal. “Fiscal stimuli based upon tax cuts are more likely to increase growth than those based on spending increases,” they wrote. “We would argue that the current stimulus package in the United States is too much tilted in the direction of [federal] spending rather than tax cuts.” They added that spending cuts are “much more effective than tax increases in stabilizing debt and avoiding economic downturns.”

The Alesina-Ardagna study is hardly a secret. It may not have come to the president’s attention, but his economic advisers are bound to know of it. In any event, it hasn’t had an iota of influence in the Obama White House.

But there’s still a chance Obama could learn the error of his economic ways. Every summer, he puts together a list of serious books he intends to read while on vacation. Last year, the list included books on civility, migrations, and a novel by Geraldine Brooks.

This summer, the president would benefit from including Job Creation: How It Really Works and Why Government Doesn’t Understand It. The authors are David Newton, a finance professor at Westmont College in California, and Andrew Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants.

They make two main points. One is that “private enterprise, unencumbered by excessive government intervention, will create jobs. Period!” The other: “If job creation and economic prosperity were the result of government action and stimulus, currently we should be experiencing one of the greatest economic booms in our history.”

This is the best That I've read on the private sector. NOT for who has done it, but for the ONE who hasn't. This has WORKED, and yet " O " still believes his policies are going to recover us, in which the American public now knows this is BS at it's Best..!
Avatar jarasan -
The fed., state, and local govts. regulatory strangleholds must also be diminished significantly if we are to recover efficiently.
Avatar JAP69 -
This summer, the president would benefit from including Job Creation: How It Really Works and Why Government Doesn’t Understand It. The authors are David Newton, a finance professor at Westmont College in California, and Andrew Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants.
Obama would never release that he bought the book or read.

Avatar rdgrnr -
The first sentence in the piece was a real head-scratcher:

"President Obama has been touted by friends and family as the smartest man ever to sit in the White House."

How the hell could anybody ever come up with THAT opinion? LOL! Especially after 3 1/2 years. Anybody who can't see that this guy is in way over his head and totally incompetent at this job is living in a dream world.

We (the country) will be extremely fortunate if we can throw him out before he brings us to economic collapse.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Another thing.
If he's so smart, why did he go out of his way to make sure that all of his school and college records and grades were sealed so nobody could ever see them?
Wouldn't a smart person want to show his grades to prove how smart he is?
Wouldn't he be proud to show them?
Avatar JAP69 -
Obama hides a lot from his past rdgrnr. An unknown man has been elected to the white house.
But in 3 1/2 years his goals have been exposed by his actions in the white house. He can not hide that or run from it.
Avatar bobbya -
The truth and the facts are that Saint Ronnie of Reagan signed into law on Jan.5,1983 a 5 cents per gallon federal tax on gasoline.
In April of 83 Reagan also signed The Social Security reform bill that increased taxes on most people bby at least double and then borrowed from the fund to hide the true deficit he was running because of his 81 tax cut he didn't pay for(sound familiar?).
In April 1983 the republican Recession caused by Reagan's tax cuts to the rich officially ended.
Saint Ronnie passed ONE tax cut for the rich and instituted 11 tax increases for everyone else.
may 5,1985 Saint Ronnie went to a cemetery in Bitberg,Germany to lay a wreath honoring 49 members of Adolph Hitlers SS buried there.
calling them Victims Too"!
On Nov. 13,1986 The Reagan REGIME admits selling arms to Iran in violation of U.S. and internationaal law.
They then admit on Nov.25,1986 to diverting anywhere fron 10 to 30 million dollars to fund the contras of nicaraugra in their murderous purges.
George Herbert Walker Bush as President pardoned Casper Weinberger and others for their role in Iran-Contra
On Jan.20,1981 Saint Ronniie took the oath for the Presidency of the U.S. and ON that same day the hostaages being held in Iran since 1979 were also released.
Iran got their missiles to use in their long war with their arch enemy IRAQ!
Avatar rdgrnr -
Ronaldus Magnus has left the building - permanently - a long, long time ago.
Do you realize how ridiculous you look doing copy/paste jobs from moveon about someone who became President in 1981?
Yes, he was one of the greatest Presidents of all time and that bothers you but get over it before you drive yourself insane obsessing about it.
If you really wanna go back that far, try to think of the Democrat Glory Days with Jimmy the Peanut Farmer and 24% Interest rates and Iran holding Americans hostage for 444 days.
Ahh yes, the Good Old Days!
Avatar Rick G -
Obama prefers to read about the fall of America. Here he is caught reading 'The Post American World'...

Avatar bobbya -
Iran held American hostages 444 days.
At least 150 days longer than necessary so Saint Reagan can claim credit for their release that just so happened to occur on the same day,Jan.20,1981,that he was sworn in as President.
He delivered to the Iranians the missiles as promised not long after.
Ronaldus Magnus as rdgrnr's hero the junkie Limbaugh likes to call him was only surpassed as America's worse President when baby doc George dumbya Bush left office in Jan.2009.
That brain disease that runs rampant in All COnservatives and MOST Repugnantcan'ts known as "Obama Derangement Syndrome doesn't allow them to separate Fact from Fiction.
They are NOW witnessing the Presidency of America's New Greatest President in history but their diseased minds will not allow them to accept That Truth.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
" They are NOW witnessing the Presidency of America's New Greatest President in history".

Spoken for one socialist from another.Now that's fact..!
Now fiction would be that " O " showed up in Wisconsin to help the unions and the other "Barry".
Avatar MADDOG10 -
In the wake of the shellacking the Democrats took in the midterm elections in 2010, Mr. Obama held a second dinner with the historians, which was devoted to the question of how he could “reconnect with the public.”
A third dinner took place in July 2011, shortly after Mr. Obama and his team botched the budget-deficit negotiations with Congress, and the United States government lost its Triple-A credit rating for the first time in history. It revolved around the theme “the challenge of reelection.”

Do you honestly think that this recall election will not comeback and bite the hands that started this in the first place.   Think again senior
Now as far as getting this corrupt Governor out of office, have you got any proof of this, You know ( FACTS ) or is this the norm where fiction runs rampant in your speech.
Just show us the ( FACTS ) on this statement of yours....!
Prove to us that your not a Liar on your composite speech.....!
Avatar bobbya -
rabid DOG will soon see the Facts but,as his modus operandi always shows,will deny them when presented just as Judas denied Christ!
The criminal Governor Walker of Wisconsin will be replaced by Kleefish.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Sooner rather than later!
Avatar louise black -
Folks don't believe the" Hype" folks it's all lies.The President is one of if not smartest and a fast learner of all times.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Have you ever heard of the " Bait and Hook "?
      Hook , line , and Sinker... Heh, Heh ,Heh.                           Facts, not fiction.
Avatar rdgrnr -
That reminds me of the tv show, "Bait Car".
Funny show, watchin' all the dopes stealin' cars.

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