Our Disgraceful President


Entry #8,246


Avatar scorpio -
I see where romney is toning down his anti Obama adds.guess he's finding out what a great organizer he is with his community committees he organized,and has a hard time keeping up with him!
Avatar bobbya -
More bad news for Conservatives!
President Obama WILL remain black for his 2nd Four Years!
Avatar rdgrnr -
I just read the article and can understand why the two trolls above are trying to distract people from reading it. It's because it shows what an unmitigated lying bast*rd Obama is.

I like this excerpt:

"Barack Obama has done nothing but try to turn American against American based on income and accomplishment. He’s done nothing but sit silently by, smirking, while his defenders, allies, surrogates and staff have called Americans who disagree with him racists, homophobes, sexists, xenophobes, rednecks, idiots, Uncle Toms and anything else you can call someone when you can’t rebut what they say with facts or accomplishments."

Check out the whole article, it's a good one and the reason why the above trolls are squirming in agony - cuz it's all true and they know it.
Avatar scorpio -
they've underestimated Obamas leadership.Obama attacking romneys ineptenance,is like general patton attacking an ant hill,with tanks!
Avatar Tenaj -
This is just a angry backlash because the whole world knows now that Romney is that dude that lost them their jobs due to unethical rich man greed. They know his money got him out of it too and it takes billionaires to do that. They see him in a different light. He doesn't have to play by the same rules as we do. Romney is to be feared. He acts like a log but his money be talking.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Wake up DUMMIES, this is 2012, NOT 2002.
Mr Romney hasn't cost anybody any jobs whatsoever. DEMWIT, he's not running the country, Your purveyor of all time is. Can'y see that, that's because you been fed to much BS.
Why don't you be so gallant and show everyone how smart you are.
Tell us how Mr. Romney has "lost them their jobs" due to unethical rich man greed.
The horses arse Barry has cost "them their jobs" He's been running the show for almost (4), got that ALMOST (4) years Mr. Romney wasn't even in the picture Demwits.
You've been plowing behind a mule that's taking you NO WHERE except down.
Watch out for that log when it comes up and swats you in the ARSE...
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Comment by scorpio - Today, 3:34 pm
they've underestimated Obamas leadership.Obama attacking romneys ineptenance,is like general patton attacking an ant hill,with tanks!


Wow, that's very descriptive, did you think of that on your own?
" An Ant hill being attacked by tanks", How far did you get in school Mr. wit...!
Avatar Tenaj -
He bankrupted 100s of companies and sent the job overseas and hide the money in off shore accounts. He even had a ponzi scheme going with this son. Now the world knows and he is the dude that he caused a lot of misery for a lot of Americans all the time acting like a log.
Avatar scorpio -
wrong maddydog,you been eating too much of those new jersey blueberries.house and republicans have been running everything,and turning down anything that the dems. started that would make obama look good.remember,repubs said our number one job is to get rid of obama,so,they do it by these inept actions.
news flash today:dems believe Texas might be a blue state in the coming election in november.
fill that harley with ethanol man,you're outa here!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
He had his own house for TWO (2) years oswald, and still coudn't get the job done PERIOD
Avatar MADDOG10 -
You still haven't answered my post tenaj...!
And while your at it    SHOW US where he has bankrupted the companies and sent the jobs overseas...
I don't remember anything about a Ponzi scheme with him and his Son.
Boy, they must have really went to jail for a long time huh.
Don't run your LIPS, SHOW me and the rest of us your proofs of these accusations.    AGAIN..
Avatar bobbya -
The article was written by a confirmed fascist-nazi for a confirmed fascist-nazi rag they call Townhall where they all go to write.
In other words nobody but the dumb and ignorant take anything written for it seriously.
When they say someone else is lying it means that They Always Are!
Typical Nazi tactic written by Goebbels and/or Goering of accusing others of doing what you are doing.Tactic perfected by the nazis on their rise to power.

Did anyone hear about Hitler claiming that he had retired retroactively before WW2?
Avatar bobbya -
MADDOG spoke of horses in his post!
How does he feel about his candidate Willard Romney taking a $77,000 tax deduction as a business expense for his Dressage Horse(s)?
Avatar bobbya -
George W. Bush had a Republican House and Senate for his first six years and the result IS the shape the country is in NOW!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Geez, your puppet in the house is doing a pretty good job of your Goebbels and Goering isn't he..??

Oh and by the way there is Nothing wrong with that TAX deduction at all.. It's for Business.
I take certain deductions for my Business also, what about it...!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
That's where your wrong.
Things in this Country were pretty good untill the DEMWITS took over the last TWO (2) years of George Bush's Presidency and the First TWO (2) years of this WUSS..
That Is why were in the shape we are in NOW>>>!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
they've underestimated Obamas leadership.Obama attacking romneys ineptenance,is like general patton attacking an ant hill,with tanks!
# posted by scorpio : 3:34 PM

His leadership has taken them to the preverbial Crapper, whats next, a tour of the sewer? >....!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Well tenaj,
   Your gallery is running camoflague for you again, but it's not going to work this time...

Are you going to back up your accusations on those statements you made..??
Avatar scorpio -
maddydog,you know if you're always on the wagon,sooner or later you have to drive the wagon!
Avatar jarasan -
T, seriously you should visit a psych soon, get that racism looked at. Here is a link for some in your area:


Avatar MADDOG10 -
Hey scorpion, maybe you could back up her statements since apparently she's not going to....?   !
Avatar scorpio -
newsflash:palin might not be invited to republican convention for anti romney statements.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Just as I thought , a true Demwit..
Avatar scorpio -
been called a wit before maddydoggy.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Yea, I'LL bet you have.. and it hasn't been whole..
Avatar scorpio -
i'm such a demwit i cannot even win 5-0 on lottery,always meaningless 3-0,2-1.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Pretty good losing hand there luke, 3-0 , 2-1
you've never experienced a 5-0 meaningless or not Demwit, and probably never will.
Avatar Tenaj -
Maddog, you can go to http://www.politifact.com/ and you will find a lot of "pants on fire" from both sides. People be lying their asses off to fit their agenda and to sway public opinion. Who said it, who started it, what they said, when, where, mass emails, articles, promises, etc., true, false, liars, some of them are half truths. It's like snopes.com but is more interactive with the truth meters. There's another called fact check as well. Everybody be lying, but some more than others. It's politics.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
That's not what I asked of you. If you can't prove your worth by making a statement such as the ones you made about Mr. Romney, there's no need to tell lies is there..??
Avatar scorpio -
i'm sort of a demos guy myself.
Avatar Tenaj -
I don't have to prove my worth to you, maddog. Who the hell you suppose to be, junior.

I gave you the fact checkers - go read it you   self.

Romney was involved in a ponzi scheme with his son and 3 other unsavory characters too. Hopely Obama is going to drop that bomb next. Romney is a liar and an enemy to the American people. He's the dude behind people losing their jobs. He's gotten richer and richer while bankrupting companies and sent jobs over seas while he made millions and tried to hide the money in Swiss banks.

There's a lot of stuff that Romney has lied about how he acquired his money and it's pretty unethical. Exactly what the American people don't want. He acts like a knot of a log but that man is against America's middle class and he has told a lot of lies that will catch up with him before the election.
Avatar jarasan -
Hopefully the doctors will give you some good meds.

The Ponzi scheme, you mean , the one that the entire country has been subjected to for the past 60 years?

Avatar louise black -
You are right Tenaj, it will come out ,maybe Ron Paul will get his chance after all, I guess Jap69 was channeling his own party when he said, they would step down and some one else will take over the candidacy. mumm!!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
I'm not asking you to prove your WORTH to me tenaj, I gave you the opportunity to prove to everyone else that your not a LIAR.
I guess you couldn't...!
Avatar Tenaj -
You are giving me the opportunity.LOL! OMG! what an ass you are.   No thanks Poop Dog. We all know where to get the facts. You can take your self appointed opportunity and stick it up Ridge's ass. gee

Yo boy Romney was involved in 2 ponzi schemes. The first one didn't pan out.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Uh-oh, sounds like Bimbo's in a bad mood.
Has it been 28 days already?
I hope she's got Midol this time.

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