Obama treats everyone as fair as he can.


sometimes he overdoes it,like when they extended tax breaks for wealthy,oil companies,wall street bailout,as he did it for the nation.Hard to tell what he has done for Blacks if you're not Black.

Entry #5


Avatar rdgrnr -
He hasn't done anything for Blacks.
They're worse off now than they were 4 years ago.
He treats them like they're a commodity that's bought and paid for.
And that attitude may come back and bite him.
They also don't like his promotion of sodomy between men and the wholesale slaughter of Black babies by Planned Parenthood that he supports.
He's got a hard row to hoe with the Black Vote this time around.
He's got some 'splainin' to do.
And that's why he won't even visit any Black Communities.
Avatar Tenaj -
Every time Obama helps people he's pulling a Tea Party knife out his back. He's got more knives in him than Caesar. He is trying to eliminate tax breaks for the wealthy and big oil companies and the loophole corruption in our tax system and give the middle man a fair chance. Blacks and hispanics are just pawns in the big picture.
Avatar scorpio -
it's funny how some red neck rebel flag waving pick up truck driving mountain man from tennesee like rdgrnr knows so much about Blacks.Let's let Blacks speak for themselves,unlike what you're used to doing.
Avatar rdgrnr -
The tax breaks go to the people on welfare and food stamps.
They don't pay ANY taxes.
You can't get a better tax break than that.
They won't pay their "fair share".
Avatar rdgrnr -
We need to come together and forget about race and get people working again.
And the only way to do that is to end the food stamp program.
Lazy people will eventually go to work if you stop feeding them.
Avatar Tenaj -
Ridge is that white stuff that's in the corner of his wife's mouth.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Dance, Bimbo, dance...
Avatar rdgrnr -
Romney has a comprehensive plan that will flood the Black Community with jobs.
We need all components of society working to have our economic engine firing on all cylinders.
With Romney's background and understanding of the economy and creating jobs here at home instead of sending them overseas as Obama has been doing, we can make great strides in the private sector.
Obama, bless his soul, just doesn't possess the skills necessary to accomplish these things.
Romney does.
Avatar JAP69 -
sometimes he overdoes it,like when they extended tax breaks for wealthy,oil companies,wall street bailout,as he did it for the nation.Hard to tell what he has done for Blacks if you're not Black.
I read his jobs bill yesterday and the bill would have given tax breaks to the wealthy manufacturers. Then punish poor struggling companies for moving their company out of the country to survive.
You are correct on what has he done for blacks. I have no idea if he has done anything as far as jobs targeted for blacks. He never speaks of what he could do for blacks as that would kill him politicialy.
Avatar Tenaj -
Mitt Romney has not released key details of his tax plan and everybody knows it This is one his weak spots. He said it will be between him and congress. The pubs know it so they are running a campaign now $hiting on the black community with the crap Ridge is saying right now to cause a diversion. That's how they roll. Read about Romney's NO PLANS RIGHT HERE http://www.lotterypost.com/blog/18887
Ridge was instructed to say what he is saying today.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Barry has a background in signing people up for food stamps and he's very good at it. He's doubled the number of people on food stamps since he took office.
Governor Romney on the other hand has a background in business and saving and creating jobs and he's very good at it. He has saved and/or created thousands and thousands of jobs because he knows how the economy works.
So do we want someone who can put us all on food stamps or someone who can have us all working?
That's the choice we have this November.
Choose wisely.
Avatar rdgrnr -
It's a clear cut but very simple choice when you think about it.

If you want food stamps -- vote for Barry.

If you want a job -- vote for Mitt Romney.

That's it in a nutshell.
Avatar Tenaj -
Jap69, that's because the Senate Republicans blocked Obama's bill to give the breaks to the middle class businessman. They block the bills and tell everybody that Obama is a bad president, but he manages to get some things through that helps.
Avatar Tenaj -
They blocked the jobs bill too.
Avatar Tenaj -
They blocked the welfare reform bill too that takes people off welfare but they don't want that to happen because they want them on welfare so that they can make the haters believe that welfare is what's wrong with this country while they hide $13 trillion. Wake up America.
Avatar Tenaj -
They blocked the jobs bill too they will give businesses an incentive to hire people and put people back to work but they don't want people to go back to work because they want America to think that Obama is a bad president. They block the bill and then turn around run campaigns on how he have betrayed the black community so people won't see what they have really done.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Barry had two years of absolute, total control of the White House and both Houses of Congress.
He got everything passed that he wanted passed.
Republicans couldn't have blocked anything if they tried.
If barry didn't get something passed, it's cuz he didn't really want it passed.
Anybody who doesn't know that is incredibly stupid.
Talk about wake up, LOL.
Avatar louise black -
Let me quess ,those skill would be more like a color for the Right,right!! What PIGS!!!
Avatar scorpio -
rdgrnr,you have job,and jobless mixed up,they are not the same.in areport under romney we would lose thosands of jobs overseas.i'm afraid the republicans only answer is to send more youg ones to die in a foreign war.smokescreen is right,wealthy only care about their tax breaks so they can go on living high off the taxpayers money,then rdgrnr wants to take foodstamps from a poor helpless moms,etc. who have hungry mouths to feed.
Avatar rdgrnr -
C'mon now, Louise, we need to work together on this now.
Ain't no mountain high enough we can't climb if we work together.
Ain't no valley low enough.
Ain't no river wide enough.
Avatar rdgrnr -
No, dorkio, you've got the right concepts, it's just that you have them reversed.
Are you dyslexic by any chance?
Avatar Tenaj -
It takes more than two years to turn an economy around. It was in bad bad shape and Obama did a lot - just look at the official records. They don't lie. Corporations and Tea Party members on the state level purposely threw a monkey wrench in the stimulus, just like they plan to do with the healthcare and people will die because of that hate. Big corporations gave the stimulus money to their CEOs. Some state improved from it. Everybody has to get accilmated to a job but Obama had more knives in him than Caesar through Tea Party hate on national and local levels. Why are the pubs blocking the bills now? I'll tell you why - they hate Obama more than they love America and they are hoping that Obama is not reelected and then they will let go of the bills that favor their receiving wealth and continue their corruption that Bush left off that destroyed America. In the meantime folks everybody suffers except the Super Rich. And it's people like you Ridge whose only motivation is hate.
Avatar scorpio -
rdgrnr,I think Tenaj is a Diva,don't you?
Avatar Tenaj -
scorpio, I think Ridge needs a little more time to re-coup from the last time I tore him up from the frame. His head was cracked open so bad, he thinks I'm dancing. He was already ugly. He's like Humpty Dumpty now. He had a great fall.
Avatar Tenaj -
That's what republicans bank on but they got fooled the last time. burn me once, burn me twice......
Avatar bobbya -
Republicans had complete control of Congress for Dumbya Bush's 1st six years and made ABSOLUTELY NO effort to overturn Roe vs Wade which rdgrnr thinks is an abomination.
Republican's must love killing all those babies that rdgrnr has accused Democrats of killing even though he can't name ONE of those babies.
That same Congress made NO effort to enforce in place regulation on their Corporate Owners and allowed for them to outsource millions of American jobs to 3rd world countries for just plain GREED's sake forcing millions of Americans to apply for food stamps and welfare due to the lack of available jobs because of their efforts.
Romney's plan WILL Indeed flood black communities with jobs,In Darfur and other African countries living in squalor etc. where his Corporate Owners are their raping those nations of their natural resources and need the cheap slave labor to continue their efforts.
Wiilard Romney's record creates jobs off shore.President Obama creates them in America and deserves: 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS!
Avatar scorpio -
rdgrnr survived an abortion,and has hurt mankind ever since.he grew a beard to hide from google earth,but we see him,in his pickup red neck truck with the rebel flag waving,as he stalks his neighbors'sheep.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Now if I can just shame the rest of the cheapskates into getting a premium membership like I did Bimbo, my task will be complete.

How about it, boobio?
Or are you gonna give me that lame routine again that you couldn't get the Paypal thing to work?

How about you, dorkio? Even the tightwad Bimbo finally released the death grip she had on her billfold.
Or are you gonna remain a true lib cheapskate like boobio?

How about it?
Avatar rdgrnr -
Ahh, just as I suspected - crickets.
The cheapskates are speechless.

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