Rush, Hannity, Savage face 'death by Obama'


Entry #8,406


Avatar jarasan -
Unfortunately the entire country faces "death by Barry", if the demoncrats steal another election.

Barry must go, four and out.
Avatar bobbya -
The REAL truth IS that their Corporate Owners that overpay them millions of dollars per year to spout their fascist-nazi drivel of lies and half-truths 24/7 on nazi radio and the FOX Propaganda Network are getting tired of them continuously helping to elect and re-elect MORE Democrats every election after them spending all those millions Every Year to further the fascist Corporate Ownership of All of America starting with The Government which they want to be A Government for The Corporations,by The Corporations,and of The Corporations.
The ONLY thing that the Repugnantcans LACK that the Nazis HAD are the Swastika Armbands!
Avatar jarasan -
booby is still an idiot troll, the true nazi is yo' biach man child in the white house right now, that wants to "nationalize" industry starting with autos and oil, thus nationalist party or nazis in charge right now, you f'ing moron. He also rules by edict another nazi tactic, his ValerieeJJ is a nazi fascist mao lover. Get a brain booby troll. If you actually learned what a nazi was, your walnut sized brain would grow.
Avatar bobbya -
the dingleberry jarasan with an IQ of "Four and Out"thinks my brain needs to grow?
Avatar jarasan -
No, booby troll idiot, I don't think your brain needs to grow, you need to learn stuff, then your walnut sized brain MIGHT grow. The reason you're such an idiot troll is because, walnut sized brains are easy to brain wash...... 'cause there is such little brain matter there to begin with, it easily brain washed. Tiny brains are what Barry Soetero worshipers have, tiny little troll brains that are incapable of learning, original thought, or logic. Duma$$ booby troll.
Avatar rdgrnr -
That would be the only way to get people to listen to Democrats on the radio - put them on Rush's Show.
I mean they tried to get people to listen to them on Air America, right? Too many suicides.
George Soros lost tens of millions on that fiasco. Which was funny.
Democrats are the most boring people on Earth, ain't nothin' in the world ever gonna change that.
I mean, who can sit and listen to a Democrat for more than a minute or two before you wanna jump out of your skin from boredom?
Avatar jarasan -
Demoncrats used to be tolerable, now they are downright fascists, you used to be able to have sit down, not no more, it is their way or the highway.
Avatar scorpio -
who's rush limbaugh?
Avatar bobbya -
You got it scorpio.The junkie Limpbaugh has lost so much of his audience and advertisers that he has to do his own commercials NOW to earn his overpaid salary for helping More Dems get elected than Repugnantcans.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Yeah, I think Rush is gone.
I think mediamatters drove him off the air just like they said they would.
Just like George Soros and Stuart Smalley and Air America did.
The highest ratings and highest ad revenue ever is just an anomaly I'm sure.

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