7 main tactics used by the NRA to achieve their goals


1. Money to Dominate Legislators at the State and Federal Level.

  • NRA’s annual budget = $250 million
  • Brady’s annual budget = $7 million
    • NRA has 600 employees
    • Brady has 23 employees

2. Money Spent to Influence Federal Elections
(Total 2004,2006, 2008 )*

  • NRA + Pro Gun Groups = $53 million
  • Brady + Gun Control Groups = $3 million

*(Source of data: Open Secrets.org)

3. Create Fear, Maximize Sales to Criminals
Fact: The Criminal market = 25% of the gun industry’s annual sales.*

  • The NRA fights to protect this market share,
  • They must defeat any law that would make it harder for criminals to get guns e.g. laws to stop gun trafficking, close the gun show loophole, etc THEN SAY
  • “You need a gun with you at all times to protect you from armed criminals.”

4. Powerful State by State strategy.
Intense focus on State legislators to get insane gun laws passed e.g.,

  • Guns in bars,
  • Concealed and open carry of guns

5. Disinformation

  • “More guns equal less crime”
  • “Guns save lives, more guns save more lives.”

6. Suppress Data that shows the catastrophic assault to public health and safety caused by the unregulated gun industry.

  • Just like the tobacco industry suppressed data for decades that showed smoking caused cancer.

7. Simplistic Sound Bite Logic
Law abiding citizens are always going to be law abiding.

  • Fact: Every criminal was once law abiding citizen.

The government secretly wants to take your guns away:

  • Any sane gun law will lead to the government being able to take your guns away.
Entry #157


Avatar JAP69 -
The left hates organized competition.
Who has Obama and the left organized for their gun control agenda?
It has been an end to end push of the media and the left since the Newtown shootings.
Can not let a crisis go to waste.
Community organizers do great work you know.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
I afraid the NRA is all about the benjamins. Money is truly the root of all evil.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Correction: I'm afraid...

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