ACLU To Obama: 'We Are Tired Of Living In A Nation Governed By Fear'


ACLU To Obama: ‘We Are Tired Of Living In A Nation Governed By Fear’

Tuesday, June 25, 2013



Under President Obama, the United States is “a nation governed by fear,” the American Civil Liberties Union says in an open letter that echoes the criticisms Obama has made of George W. Bush’s national security policies.
“[W]e say as Americans that we are tired of seeing liberty sacrificed on the altar of security and having a handful of lawmakers decide what we should and should not know,” the ACLU writes in the statement.  “We are tired of living in a nation governed by fear instead of the principles of freedom and liberty that made this nation great.”
A blistering letter from the ALCU to the President must have some liberal shaking in their boots.  How can they defend the points made in the letter?   They cant because they themselves were echoing the same words to Bush 10 years ago.  America is a nation governed by greed and hypocrisy.  Our government has ‘Caligula Syndrome’, they don’t care about th nation, they are just going to line their pockets and watch it burn.  -Mort
Entry #590


Avatar rdgrnr -
You know your fortunes are turning when even the @ssholes at ACLU are jumping overboard saying something like -- “We are tired of living in a nation governed by fear instead of the principles of freedom and liberty that made this nation great.”

I mean like whoa! The ACLU cares about "freedom and liberty" all of a sudden? LOL, next thing you know they'll be saying that maybe Jesus wasn't such a bad guy afterall...

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