Barack Obama: A Divider, Not a Uniter


Entry #12,402


Avatar JAP69 -
What else is new?
Next story.
Avatar rdgrnr -
He told us when he first took office that "Republicans can come along for the ride but they're going to have to sit in the back of the bus."
What a diplomat.
Avatar four4me -
coolest thing a black man ever said to a bunch of mostly white bigots since the days when every black was ordered to the back of the bus.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Republicans are mostly white bigots, four4me?
I see you drank the Democrat Kool-Aid too.
Have some more, drink up, enjoy.
I bet you think a Democrat President freed the slaves too, right?
And that the slaveowners were Repubs too, right?
And the racist governors like Wallace and Maddox were Repubs too, right?
And KKK Senator Robert Byrd was a Republican too, right?
And Repubs were blocking the school entrances too, right?
Yeah, have a little more of that Democrat Kool-Aid, four4me, I think you're addicted to it now.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
It isn't a one way street. Has he said anything intelligent besides whine lately? How quick people forget what's been done by him..
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Darn Deep Throat , there you go with your bigoted version of American History again. They no longer use your textbook. They were cut-up and burned years ago, but I see that you keep yours for keepsake. SAD.
Avatar four4me -
You's cry about everything the man does not once have any of you said one good thing about him or his actions. He's a 2 term president and there's nothing you can do about it no matter how it turns out he will reap the perks just like all the past presidents and they will build his library. He'll go on to lecture and make millions of dollars.

If he were allowed to run for a third term he'd win that too. Sadly the GOP doesn't have a player that can win the next election. I understand why you all are so bitter i probably would be to if you's had a man that didn't nothing for the poor or the middle class.

What the republicans don't get is as long as there are poor people then they have a duty to care for them just as the dems do. Since they don't want to educate them feed them or care for them do they just want them to lay down and die. Take away all the poor and who's going to do the work for them that makes them millions and billions of $$$$$$$$$ Not the middle class there one step away from being poor themselves. They would never do menial task work. And they will die trying to join the upper class.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Yeah, I know you Democrats burned the history books and wrote new ones, LiLPeePee.
Just like Hitler and the Nazis did.
What a coincidence, huh?
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Hell, there is NOTHING good to say about him. He has never tried to unite anything except low informed voters. He has divided this country more than any other president has ever done. If your not afraid of the truth, Google it...
If common good was his motive then there wouldn't be anything to ridicule him, but that is the farthest from his agenda, and therefore leaves him open game. Just because his skin color is black, doesn't allow him to be put on a pedestal. His common sense and ability to lead is not part of his character, nor has it ever been by his own actions. So, if that's what you're looking to happen , it will never happen. His own demise will be at his disposal, Not ours....!!!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
REAL HISTORY is taught now. This generation wants the truth. They are sick of all these lies that use to be taught in the history books. If you still believe the history books that you used when you went to school old man is truthful, then you are not only dumb, but you are stupid too.
Avatar four4me -
you mean like when they said crawl under a desk when the bombs or missiles come and you'll be safe.

yea i believed it then i was only 6 and thought everything grownups said was the truth.

of course we all know better now even some 6 yr olds know a missile strike would wipe out a whole city.
Avatar rdgrnr -
You two don't want the truth.

You can't handle the truth.

You just want free stuff.

Just keep drinkin' that Kool-Aid, boys.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Do what you're told.

Everything's gonna be just fine.

More Kool-Aid?
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Bigot alert: Deep Throat trending...shhhhhhhhhh I'll just keep you here for a while.

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