I Ache for a President Who Loves America


Entry #12,561


Avatar JAP69 -
If that weren't enough, Obama follows the cultural cues of liberal America, from his lefty mother to his lefty teenage mentors to his lefty college instructors to his lefty radical sponsors in Chicago. Liberals think they are too good for America. Ditto Obama.
Childhood to adulthood that is all he knows.
Avatar lilluv -
Wow! you have to, consider the source, Christopher Chantrill an American Thinker often blogger an egregious liar and longing for times when Blacks were told to sit at the back and STFU. His opinion is about as reliable as the KKK. It's true what can I say. ;)
Avatar JonnyBgood07 -
People had every chance to vote for that person JAP...but the extremist -right had to prop Romney up like he would have a chance.If they gave Ron Paul a fraction of attention they gave slapnuts,This country would be very different by now.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Kochtopus disciples do what they are told to do...that is be anti-Obama with everything that he does. But just as the 47% elected him they will stand with him. Plain and simple.
Avatar sully16 -
Well, get ready for the Corporate Apocalypse, as bathhouse barry puts the nail in the middle class disposable income coffin.
Those corporate libtards that helped re-elect him, will suffer also.
Think about it, what will be give up in order to survive the massive tax coming our way.
People will give up the costliest non essentials first, Premium cable, texting, ipods, internet, name brand grocery items, travel, clothes, jewelry, etc, this will have a trickle down effect.
If 10 people get rid of cable, no problem, but if 50 million get rid of cable, yikes, I see some prices going up as well as lay offs, then with the price going higher, more people will get rid of it.
This will be the same scenario over and over.
That POS, had the chance to put people back to work, the chance to raise the minimum wage, the chance to grow the economy, but he didn't. He played games, class warfare, race warfare, gender warfare. None of this was good for our country, I fear we have crossed the threshold and there's no turning back.
It will be survival of the fittest, the smartest and the well armed.
Avatar rcbbuckeye -
I was taking my wife to work today and I told her I probably should vote today (it's early voting right now) but I probably won't because it just doesn't matter anymore. I know it's just local stuff now, but I really think we have gone over the cliff and there's no return. Sorry to say that, and be a Debbie Downer. I feel bad for me, especially my kids, and my grandkids.
We really don't have true representation anymore, especially in Washington. They will do what they want. And to add insult to injury, our own government spies on us, and it will only get worse.
What kind of country will my kids and grandkids be living in when I am gone?
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Just as the American people survived Reagonomics and Voodoo-economics, We the People, will survive this. The Kochtopus disciples will then return to their house of satan and plan more mayhem. But GOD is still in control. We, that are Christians know this...that is why we are not worried...but those of you that are not, is.
Avatar sully16 -
Lilspeedy, I wonder, Do you got rocks in your head? Do you not realize that when even more people are out of work, that that is less people paying into social security?, Medicare? The cost of everything will go sky high?

Are you collecting a tax payer based pension?, people can't pay property tax, no moola for pensions!
People will stop going to movies, restaurants, buying books and cd's,
And if your a Christian, why are you not up in arms at Obama having the IRS TARGETING CHRISTIANS?
Avatar lilluv -
Right! Lilspeedy this too will pass. God is on the side of this President, that why all the mud slinging, racial slurs and hail of bullets coming his way are invisible. I am my brother keeper.;)
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Sully, you clearly do not understand economics. Everyone's retirement is not based on Social Security. My wife and I are both retired teachers. Our income comes from the TRS(Teacher Retirement System). We are living off the investments that our school systems made for us. I could not live off of social security or maintain the life style my wife and I are accustom to. Also Christians do not bear false witness against each other.

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