The Return of the Welfare Queen


Entry #13,009


Avatar JAP69 -
Democrats love buying votes with the tax payers dime.
Obama is shutting down jobs from coast to coast with his alphabet regulations. Obamacare is killing full time employment.

Allowing people to be self sufficient democrats would struggle for votes.

Democrats are the welfare party.
Avatar JAP69 -
When do democrats ever get into a policy of creating a better environment for job creation.
Obama created like three job creation panels and what ever came out of them. Nothing. Obama was / is more interested in shutting down coal and drilling on federal land.
600 billion for shovel ready jobs that created no shovel ready jobs. At least Obama got a big laugh out of shovel ready jobs at that panel meeting or what ever it was.

Community organizer with destructive policies for the USA.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
There are repubs on welfare also.
Avatar CARBOB -
Don't go there, LilSpeedy!!! Everyone knows who leads in the welfare rolls>>>
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
No I don't know, enlighten me with some facts, not opinions. You make learn something.
Avatar MADDOG10 -

Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

It appears that once more common sense is right and the impression left by the New York Times wrong. Indeed, people who live off the government disproportionally support Democrats.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Politicus Politicus is offline
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There was a news article within the last few weeks that talked about the hardest hit sections of the country also being the largest recipients of government aid being Democratic strongholds.

That makes perfect sense. If you live in an economically depressed area you want the party that promises the most aid to win. That is the Dems. The chances are you are on welfare and the party that says they will keep the welfare benefits flowing is usually the Dems. There are whole families that have been on welfare for generations, they wouldn't know what to do without the government handout... they will keep voting for whichever party says they will provide the most welfare benefits.

There are many people out there who needed a hand (welfare or some other government program) who used it for the least amount of time possible until they got back on their feet.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Democrats are more likely to be
the ones on Welfare. As your article points out the
correlation between higher welfare and lower employment,
more single parent families, and higher crime rates, it
stands to reason that most Republicans would avoid this.
Not only do Republicans (generally) advocate personal
responsibility, they also want to hold onto what they
have earned. Since most welfare recipients have not had
to earn what they have, they do not develop as much of a
sense of respect for personal property as non-recipients.
Welfare is just one of the many different ways in which
the government is able to impose a redistribution of
wealth. From the view-point of the welfare recipients,
it only makes sense to vote for the Democrats who
promise to expand the government programs.
Avatar jarasan -
demoncRATS corral their voters with free stuff, like welfare, you know, like the story of the penned piggies that got the free corn everyday at the same spot, and then they got fenced in and turned into sausages.....
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Jarasan you had to mess things up with an asinine comment. STFU!
Avatar CARBOB -
Did MD's answer your question, LilSpeedy? Like you didn't know!!!!!! How many do you know, personally, are on the welfare roll. I know none!!!! That doesn't mean that someone in my circle isn't on the welfare roll.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
I have never been on welfare in my life and I don't personally know anyone that is. Even if I did, I would not judge them because each circumstance is different...but most of all, but for the grace of God it could have been me.

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