june 30th hits


7481, 7281, 7421, 7981, 7491, 7681, 4281, 7428, 7461, 7921

4981, 7081, 7498, 7401, 7621, 7581, 4681, 9281, 7468, 7928

7451, 7961, 4921, 7021, 4081, 7381, 6281, 7492, 7408, 7628

7901, 7431, 7521, 4621, 4581, 9681, 0281, 7462, 7458, 7968

4928, 7028, 7951, 4961, 7061, 4021, 7321, 9081, 4381, 5281

7496, 7402, 7908, 7438, 7528, 4628, 4901, 7931, 7561, 4521

9621, 9581, 0681, 3281, 7490, 7452, 7962, 7958, 4968, 7068

4028, 7328, 4951, 7051, 4061, 7361, 9021, 4321, 9381, 5681

7495, 7406, 7902, 7432, 4908, 7938, 7568, 4528, 9628, 4931

7031, 4561, 9521, 0621, 0581, 3681, 7493, 7456, 7952, 4962

7062, 4958, 7058, 4068, 7368, 9028, 4328, 4051, 7351, 9061

4361, 9321, 5621, 0381, 7405, 7906, 7436, 4902, 7932, 7562

4938, 7038, 4568, 9528, 0628, 4031, 9561, 0521, 3621, 3581

7403, 7956, 4952, 7052, 4062, 7362, 4058, 7358, 9068, 4368

7811/7881/7781, 7411/7441/7741, 7211/7221/7721, 4811/4881/4481

7488/7448/7748, 7911/7991/7791, 2811/2881/2281, 7288/7228/7728

7611/7661/7761, 4211/4221/4421, 9811/9881/9981, 7422/7442/7742

7988/7998/7798, 4911/4991/4491, 7011/7001/7701, 6811/6881/6681

7499/7449/7749, 7688/7668/7768, 4288/4228/4428, 7511/7551/7751

4611/4661/4461, 9211/9221/9921, 0811/0881/0081, 7466/7446/7746

7922/7992/7792, 4988/4998/4498, 7088/7008/7708, 4011/4001/4401

7311/7331/7731, 6211/6221/6621, 5811/5881/5581, 7400/7440/7740

7622/7662/7762, 7588/7558/7758, 4688/4668/4468, 9288/9228/9928

4511/4551/4451, 9611/9661/9961, 0211/0221/0021, 3811/3881/3381

7455/7445/7745, 7966/7996/7796, 4922/4992/4492, 7022/7002/7702

4088/4008/4408, 7388/7338/7738, 6288/6228/6628, 9011/9001/9901

4311/4331/4431, 5211/5221/5521, 7900/7990/7790, 7433/7443/7743

7522/7552/7752, 4622/4662/4462, 4588/4558/4458, 9688/9668/9968

0288/0228/0028, 9511/9551/9951, 0611/0661/0061, 3211/3221/3321

7955/7995/7795, 4966/4996/4496, 7066/7006/7706, 4022/4002/4402

7322/7332/7732, 9088/9008/9908, 4388/4338/4438, 5288/5228/5528

9311/9331/9931, 5611/5661/5561, 4900/4990/4490, 7933/7993/7793

7566/7556/7756, 4522/4552/4452, 9622/9662/9962, 9588/9558/9958

0688/0668/0068, 3288/3228/3328, 0511/0551/0051, 3611/3661/3361

June 30th hits from all states: yellow

Entry #3


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