"Use your God given senses. They were given for a reason"


A teaching moment….no choice…..I need to because it is important to a little thing called our:

National Health


… which happens to be in dire kcufing straits…in case you haven’t noticed. A ton (Pun intended…no lol) of Americans are just kcufing HUGE to the point where it is life threating…THAT would mean…you die…to the “dumb downs”…who most likely have a smartphone or in their case a “dumbphone” all in their grill, thinking they are somebody…on their bike. (Without a motor…a bike….as in a Huffy)

The teaching moment…or tool…same thing:

If you have been following the Blog/thread…same thing….you know that my mother went shopping yesterday and picked a couple of items up for me and I am very thankful for that, because I am really pressed for time, very busy…NEVER enough time to do what I need to do.

She bought some antipasto, a container, the medium one. There is the large and the medium and she decided to purchase the medium container. She also made the purchase of some salad mix….a bag….pre washed ready to eat right from the door, just open it up and pour some on to your plate.

That is how I ate my antipasto with some salad….that is HOW it should be. (Very little dressing. Too much dressing will kcuf up a good salad….don’t drench it….use your God given senses…lay off the extremes. The extremes are ruining America!)


My mother just ate the antipasto! (An extreme)


That is America!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And it just makes me want to kcufing scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What is wrong with something that is actually good for you??????????????????

It is almost like most Americans have a “Deathwish” and it is scaring the kcuf out of me.



The Human body NEEDS vegetation………….all you “dumb downs”…that would be salad.


You only have so many chances to right the ship before you run smack in to some rocks.

Think about it.


Life is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too beautiful. It is.

(To be cashing in early!!!!)

Entry #344


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