Just came back from, If you have probs thread


I have the EXACT same problems that are being described in this thread started by Todd, "If you have problems..." in the LOTTERY DISCUSSION FORUM. I've cleared my cache and disabled the rich text editor. I still cannot post a message on the forum. The 'post reply' button is more dysfunctional than I am. That's why this message is appearing on my blog. It's the only available place on LP that I can post a message.

I am so glad to hear that others are experiencing the same exact problems that I am. One can get paranoid real easy around here lately.   I've been led to believe that this is my problem and no other members are having these problems, and the only solution is to use Firefox as a browser and a different internet service provider, a cable hook-up, a different anti-virus software, and several spyware programs running congruently.

These things aren't going to happen. It either works the way it has for the last 5 years or it's not going to work for me at all.

Thank God for Blogs! (If it's allowed to post)

Entry #41


Avatar truecritic -
For Internet Exporer 6

Couple of quick things you can try....
1) IE->Tools->Internet Options->Programs Tab.
Click the button "Reset Web Settings..."

2) Same but instead of the Programs Tab go to the Security Tab.
Click Internet. Then go down to the Custom Level button - make sure it says medium (click default).

See if any of that helps....If it doesn't.....what version of Windows? Verify you do have IE6 - can maybe come up with some more stuff to try, if you want.
i'm having some of the same problems.i can't post half the time then when you try to press the button nothing happens.
Avatar bellyache -
This may sound a bit weird, but when I was having problems a while ago, I went to my control panel, board settings and then unclicked the "use rich text editor" setting. For some reason it caused problems for me.
Avatar richm17087 -
I went to Internet Options clicked advanced then restore defaults..It worked for me I had the same problem Rick
Avatar bellyache -
Opps...I see you already tried diableing rich text editor. Sorry I didn't catch that. Hope you are able to figure out what's wrong.
i've had problems too.it seems like sometimes i can post and other times i press the button and nothing happens.i have days where i can't post a topic too.thing is some people live on fixed incomes and can't afford all the extra gadgets that you need.i know i can't afford it........
Avatar Rick G -
OK... these are some good suggestions. Rather than throw my baby out with the bath water I'd rather remove the baby, dry him off, and then empty the tub.   If the baby still stinks I'll have to throw him out too.

Thanks much to truecritic and richm for a couple of real things to try. I've always thought this was a settings problem. Thanks bellyache and lottomike too for your input.
Avatar truecritic -
Glad to see that you are back in the game!
Avatar Rick G -
Thanks to Richm for making it possible to post my nastiness on the forums again.

I'm much obliged.
Avatar Rick G -
I just want to say that in the last few days I've had some real help offered from a lot of my LP buds. I truly appreciate it.

Thanks guys...it means a lot!
Avatar four4me -
glad to see you got the kinks ironed out.

I know how you feel about trashing your PC it's like been your friend i feel the same way about my old clunker. Which still works for the most part but is doing duty as a lottery data base until i can get a newer pc. When Todd made all the changes the last time i had much difficulty logging onto the site and using the features too. No to include that keeping up with my ISP new formats were taxing the pc's memory cause they have lots of stuff running in the background.

i still think your boys should get you a new pc after all you provide for them, and if everyone pitched in you can get something newer that in only a few days you will forget about your old pc. well at least you can store a lot of lottery stuff on it and still use it for other stuff like writing that lottery book you always wanted to. Then with all the money you'll make from the book you can buy each one of your children a new pc too.
Avatar Rick G -
HA, thanks four4me. That's the way it is for me. I've had a lot of PC's and this one is the best I've ever had. There would be tears upon disposal.

We're still going to get a new one...don't think it'll be an early Xmas present but we're going to go in on it together. I'll take this baby to bed with me at night when that time comes, monitor and all.
Avatar truecritic -
Microsoft Windows XP is now 6 years old. I think it would be a good idea to wait until Vista comes out. Should be in the early part of 2007. That is what I am shooting for.
Avatar Todd -
EEK, I wouldn't install Vista on that machine, not if you can help it! Vista needs horsepower and memory, the more the better. Don't install Vista on an old PC - XP is perfect for that, and it will be for AT LEAST another 3-4 years.
Avatar Rick G -
Todd, I wouldn't store Grandma Moses' favorite recipes on this machine! The machine might be older than she was! At least she was functional in her later years.
Avatar justxploring -
Last year after I lost a 3 year job, I was pressured into buying a new laptop. Everyone said I had to get into the new millennium. Then I had to buy USB cables for the printer, since nothing I had was compatible. I didn't like the little laptop pad and bought a mouse. What the heck - I had my Visa! Fortunately the store had huge rebates, but I still had to use my credit card. I really like the bright LCD screen with 16 million colors (anyone have a list?) and the compact keyboard, but my HP desktop & 14" CRT monitor were perfect. For 7 years this cpu purred without a major crash. In 2002 I upgraded from Win95 to Win98SE and added RAM to total 176mb. I was told it was too slow for broadband with its 266mhz processor, so I finally gave in when I saw a good sale. (It's now a year old and I still use the same dialup service!) Sure this is a cool laptop with lots of extra features and software but IMHO if you ever decide to buy a new computer, there are a lot of people in who are selling great systems for $99 or less with Windows 2000 and processors with speeds of 800mhz or more. Having enough RAM is important and XP uses a lot of memory. The standard 256mb I got with this computer just isn't enough, so be careful. I probably could have gotten away with adding another 256, but I ordered 512mb from Crucial (a company I highly recommend.) I liked Win98, I liked my old, trusty computer, and it was a good friend that came back to life after dozens of power surges. It's just like the Bonneville, Rick. If it runs well, gets you from point A to point B without too much trouble, why fix it?

Not to blab on about technology, but in 2004 Hurricane Charley "blew up" my 25" RCA, so I went to Circuit City to buy another television. I got a 27" Panasonic flatscreen which was very sharp and had all sorts of features I didn't need. I also found the screen to be way too dark. After 3 weeks I exchanged it for a 32" Magnovox regular tube set. I love it! I was told that, since it only had composite input/output and S-video (not component) I'd be unhappy watching DVDs. Nobody on this planet can convince me I'm not very fussy about sound and a clear picture. For the life of me, I cannot see any difference. For 2 years this set, which was $369 and found later on sale for $289 (so I got an $88 credit from Circuit City!) is the best tv I've ever enjoyed. So there ya go!
Avatar Rick G -

We watch an $89 19" TV from Target. Works great and has a great picture. When you're used to living frugally you find you appreciate the simple things in life.

My sons and I go out to eat at our favorite restaurant on birthdays and special occasions. We all have the filet mignon. It's a real treat for us. We're going out this week to celebrate my older son's Associates Degree. To some this would be no big deal, but to us it's a little slice of heaven.

PS...we still haven't got a new computer...lol

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