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The time is now 8:56 am
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February 7, 2025, 8:30 am
All times shown are
Eastern Time (GMT-5:00)

Lottery Drawings Report Card
Lottery Post ranks every lottery on the types of drawings used to draw the winning numbers for its games. Lotteries with a higher proportion of games using traditional lottery ball machines receive higher rankings in this report card than those using computer random number generators.
Lottery Post is a proponent of true lottery drawings using player-visible drawing methods. Even though states using computers claim that they are auditable and valid, Lottery Post believes the transparency and common sense approach of using mechanical drawing machines provides a more fun and confidence-inspiring experience for the lottery player, and therefore we recommend players seek out those games using real lottery drawing equipment.
If you want to help boost your state's rankings (or keep your state ranked high), we urge you to contact your government Lottery Director and government representatives, and let them know you don't want computerized lottery drawings. Also, be sure to sign the Petition for True Lottery Drawings.
Grade: A+
- New Jersey (100% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash4Life, Jersey Cash 5, Mega Millions, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday, Pick 6, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: none - New York (100% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash4Life, Lotto, Mega Millions, Numbers Evening, Numbers Midday, Pick 10, Powerball, Take 5 Evening, Take 5 Midday, Win 4 Evening, Win 4 Midday
Computerized: none - Puerto Rico (100% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Lotería Tradicional, Loto Cash, Pega 2 Noche, Pega 2 Día, Pega 3 Noche, Pega 3 Día, Pega 4 Noche, Pega 4 Día, Powerball, Powerball Double Play, Revancha
Computerized: none - South Carolina (100% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash Pop Evening, Cash Pop Midday, Mega Millions, Palmetto Cash 5, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: none - Texas (100% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: All or Nothing Day, All or Nothing Evening, All or Nothing Morning, All or Nothing Night, Cash 5, Daily 4 Day, Daily 4 Evening, Daily 4 Morning, Daily 4 Night, Lotto Texas, Mega Millions, Pick 3 Day, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Morning, Pick 3 Night, Powerball, Texas Two Step
Computerized: none
Grade: A
- Ohio (92% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Classic Lotto, Kicker, Mega Millions, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday, Pick 5 Evening, Pick 5 Midday, Powerball, Rolling Cash 5
Computerized: Lucky for Life - Connecticut (89% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash 5, Lotto, Mega Millions, Play 3 Day, Play 3 Night, Play 4 Day, Play 4 Night, Powerball
Computerized: Lucky for Life - New Hampshire (89% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Gimme 5, Mega Millions, Megabucks, Pick 3 Day, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 4 Day, Pick 4 Evening, Powerball
Computerized: Lucky for Life - Vermont (89% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Gimme 5, Mega Millions, Megabucks, Pick 3 Day, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 4 Day, Pick 4 Evening, Powerball
Computerized: Lucky for Life - Italy (86% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: EuroJackpot, Lotto, MillionDay Day, MillionDay Night, SiVinceTutto, SuperEnalotto
Computerized: VinciCasa - Massachusetts (86% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mass Cash, Mega Millions, Megabucks, Numbers Game Evening, Numbers Game Midday, Powerball
Computerized: Lucky for Life - United Kingdom (86% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Euro Millions, EuroMillions HotPicks, Lotto, Lotto HotPicks, Set for Life, Thunderball
Computerized: Millionaire Raffle - Ontario (83% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Daily Keno Evening, Daily Keno Midday, Early Bird, Encore Evening, Encore Midday, Lottario, MegaDice Lotto, Ontario 49, Pick 2 Evening, Pick 2 Midday, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday, Poker Lotto
Computerized: Canada Lotto 6/49, Daily Grand, Lotto Max - West Virginia (83% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash 25, Daily 3, Daily 4, Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: Lotto America - Ireland (82% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Daily Million 2pm, Daily Million 9pm, Daily Million Plus 2pm, Daily Million Plus 9pm, Euro Millions, Lotto, Lotto Plus 1, Lotto Plus 2, Plus
Computerized: EuroDreams
Unknown: System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2[System.Char,System.Char]
Grade: B
- Germany (78% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: EuroJackpot, GlücksSpirale, Keno, Lotto 6aus49, Plus 5, Spiel 77, Super 6
Computerized: none
Unknown: System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2[System.Char,System.Char], System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2[System.Char,System.Char] - Florida (76% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash4Life, Fantasy 5 Evening, Fantasy 5 Midday, Jackpot Triple Play, Lotto, Mega Millions, Pick 2 Evening, Pick 2 Midday, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday, Pick 5 Evening, Pick 5 Midday, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Cash Pop Afternoon, Cash Pop Evening, Cash Pop Late Night, Cash Pop Matinee, Cash Pop Morning - Georgia (71% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash 3 Evening, Cash 3 Midday, Cash 3 Night, Cash 4 Evening, Cash 4 Midday, Cash 4 Night, Cash4Life, Fantasy 5, Georgia Five Evening, Georgia Five Midday, Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: Cash Pop Drive Time, Cash Pop Early Bird, Cash Pop Matinee, Cash Pop Night Owl, Cash Pop Primetime - Virginia (69% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Bank a Million, Cash 5, Cash4Life, Mega Millions, Pick 3 Day, Pick 3 Night, Pick 4 Day, Pick 4 Night, Pick 5 Day, Pick 5 Night, Powerball
Computerized: Cash Pop After Hours, Cash Pop Coffee Break, Cash Pop Lunch Break, Cash Pop Prime Time, Cash Pop Rush Hour - Pennsylvania (67% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash 5, Cash4Life, Match 6, Mega Millions, Pick 2 Evening, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 5 Evening, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Pick 2 Day, Pick 3 Day, Pick 4 Day, Pick 5 Day, Treasure Hunt
Grade: C
- Michigan (58% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Daily 3 Evening, Daily 3 Midday, Daily 4 Evening, Daily 4 Midday, Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Fantasy 5, Keno, Lotto 47, Lucky for Life, Poker Lotto - Maine (56% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Gimme 5, Mega Millions, Megabucks, Pick 3 Day, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 4 Day, Pick 4 Evening, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Cash Pop Brunch, Cash Pop Early Bird, Cash Pop Matinee, Cash Pop Night Owl, Cash Pop Suppertime, Lotto America, Lucky for Life - North Carolina (54% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash 5, Mega Millions, Pick 3 Daytime, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 4 Daytime, Pick 4 Evening, Powerball
Computerized: Cash Pop Clock Out Cash, Cash Pop Lunch Rush, Cash Pop Midnight Money, Cash Pop Morning Buzz, Cash Pop Primetime Pop, Lucky for Life - South Dakota (50% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Dakota Cash, Lotto America, Lucky for Life - Indiana (44% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash4Life, Daily 3 Evening, Daily 3 Midday, Daily 4 Evening, Daily 4 Midday, Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Cash 5, Cash Pop Afternoon, Cash Pop Evening, Cash Pop Late Night, Cash Pop Matinee, Cash Pop Morning, Hoosier Lotto, Hoosier Lotto +PLUS, Quick Draw Evening, Quick Draw Midday - Montana (43% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Big Sky Bonus, Lotto America, Lucky for Life, Montana Cash - Oklahoma (43% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Cash 5, Lotto America, Lucky for Life, Pick 3
Grade: D
- North Dakota (40% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: 2by2, Lotto America, Lucky for Life - Wyoming (40% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: 2by2, Cowboy Draw, Lucky for Life - California (38% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, SuperLotto Plus
Computerized: Daily 3 Evening, Daily 3 Midday, Daily 4, Daily Derby, Fantasy 5 - Colorado (38% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Cash 5, Colorado Lotto+, Lucky for Life, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday - Arizona (33% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: Fantasy 5, Pick 3, The Pick, Triple Twist - Iowa (33% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Lotto America, Lucky for Life, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday - Kentucky (33% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Cash Ball 225, Lucky for Life, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday - Minnesota (33% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: Gopher 5, Lotto America, North 5, Pick 3 - Nebraska (33% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: 2by2, Lotto America, Lucky for Life, MyDaY, Pick 3, Pick 5 - New Mexico (33% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Lotto America, Pick 3 Day, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 4 Day, Pick 4 Evening, Road Runner Cash - Rhode Island (33% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: Lucky for Life, Numbers Game Evening, Numbers Game Midday, Wild Money - Washington (33% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Cash Pop, Daily Keno, Hit 5, Lotto, Match 4, Pick 3 - Tennessee (31% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash4Life, Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Cash 3 Evening, Cash 3 Midday, Cash 3 Morning, Cash 4 Evening, Cash 4 Midday, Cash 4 Morning, Daily Tennessee Jackpot, Lotto America, Tennessee Cash - Louisiana (29% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: Easy 5, Lotto, Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5 - Idaho (27% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: 5 Star Draw, Idaho Cash, Lotto America, Lucky for Life, Pick 3 Day, Pick 3 Night, Pick 4 Day, Pick 4 Night - Mississippi (27% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Cash 3 Evening, Cash 3 Midday, Cash 4 Evening, Cash 4 Midday, Cash Pop Evening, Cash Pop Midday, Lotto America, Match 5 - Missouri (27% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash4Life, Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Cash Pop Early Bird, Cash Pop Late Morning, Cash Pop Matinee, Cash Pop Night Owl, Cash Pop Prime Time, Lotto, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday, Show Me Cash - Kansas (25% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: 2by2, Lotto America, Lucky for Life, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Super Kansas Cash - Maryland (25% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Cash4Life, Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: Bonus Match 5, Cash Pop 11pm, Cash Pop 1pm, Cash Pop 6pm, Cash Pop 9am, Multi-Match, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday, Pick 5 Evening, Pick 5 Midday - Oregon (25% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: Megabucks, Pick 4 10pm, Pick 4 1pm, Pick 4 4pm, Pick 4 7pm, Win For Life - Arkansas (22% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: Cash 3 Evening, Cash 3 Midday, Cash 4 Evening, Cash 4 Midday, Lotto, Lucky for Life, Natural State Jackpot - Illinois (22% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: Lotto, Lucky Day Lotto Evening, Lucky Day Lotto Midday, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday - Washington, D.C. (21% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball, Powerball Double Play
Computerized: DC-2 1:50pm, DC-2 7:50pm, DC-3 1:50pm, DC-3 11:30pm, DC-3 7:50pm, DC-4 1:50pm, DC-4 11:30pm, DC-4 7:50pm, DC-5 1:50pm, DC-5 7:50pm, Lucky for Life
Grade: F
- Delaware (18% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: Lotto America, Lucky for Life, Multi-Win Lotto, Play 3 Day, Play 3 Night, Play 4 Day, Play 4 Night, Play 5 Day, Play 5 Night - Wisconsin (18% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: Mega Millions, Powerball
Computerized: All or Nothing Eve, All or Nothing Mid, Badger 5, Megabucks, Pick 3 Evening, Pick 3 Midday, Pick 4 Evening, Pick 4 Midday, Super Cash - Atlantic Canada (0% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: none
Computerized: Atlantic 49, Atlantic 49 Guaranteed Prize Draw, Bucko, Canada Lotto 6/49, Daily Grand, Hit or Miss, Keno Atlantic, Lotto 4, Lotto Max, Poker Lotto, Salsa Bingo, Tag - British Columbia (0% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: none
Computerized: BC/49, Canada Lotto 6/49, Daily Grand, Extra, Lotto Max - Québec (0% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: none
Computerized: Astro, Banco, Canada Lotto 6/49, Daily Grand, Extra, La Mini, Lotto :D, Lotto Max, Lotto Poker, Québec 49, Québec Max, Quotidienne 2, Quotidienne 3, Quotidienne 4, Sprinto, Tout ou Rien, Triplex - Western Canada (0% true lottery drawings)
True Drawings: none
Computerized: Canada Lotto 6/49, Daily Grand, Extra, Lotto Max, Pick 2, Pick 3, Pick 4, Poker Lotto, Western 49, Western Max