Play The N.C. Lottery Over The Internet? It Could Happen

Sep 8, 2005, 2:34 pm (43 comments)

North Carolina Lottery

"Log on... Win millions."

That could be a slogan one day for the North Carolina lottery.

The lottery bill that Governor Mike Easley signed into law last week allows something no other state does: online gaming.

"Our law includes specific reference to online games," said Bill Brooks, who works with the North Carolina Family Policy Council.

Experts said that phrase could be interpreted in different ways. But, they said, the phrase leaves the door open for North Carolina to become the first state to offer lottery ticket sales over the Internet.

"Conceivably, if the commission decided, that could be a method for selling tickets," said Ken Levenbook, the state' s leading expert on lotteries.

He said other states are considering selling tickets over the Internet.

The idea is for players to set up an account with the lottery commission by using a credit card.

The commission would then charge credit cards for a weekly or monthly ticket subscription.

But Brooks and other lottery opponents fear online games would lead many players into a life of compulsive gambling.

"I think it would be a travesty," Brooks said.

Opponents also said the N.C. law is too permissive: It allows the state to offer any game under way in other states.

"Here in North Carolina, the public and the General Assembly is not going to be able to have a discussion about any games that the lottery commission may take it upon itself to authorize," Brooks said.

That means if North Carolina isn't the first to offer ticket sales over the Internet, the state could simply follow another state's lead. Georgia and Illinois are already considering online ticket sales.

A spokesperson for House Speaker Jim Black predicted that it would be several years down the road before North Carolina considered online ticket sales.



Bradly_60's avatarBradly_60

I'm still waiting for Michigan to do something online.  It would be fun and entertaining to play cames on the lotteries websites by putting in codes.  They could also save millions of dollars in retailer commissions by selling the tickets themselves over the interent (online games like Daily 3 and 4, Fantasy 5 and so forth)


Tenaj's avatarTenaj

I wonder why those in charge always try to use the moral issue like they care about whether people become compusive gamblers.


bellyache's avatarbellyache

I wonder the same thing Tenaj. The whole line of "people will become addicts if they play online" is stupid. There are people who are gambling addicts who don't play online and it has nothing to do with being online in the first place. I hope that made sense. lol. =)

Tenaj's avatarTenaj

I think the slogan for NC should be "We's Gambling Now".  lol

I know I shouldn't make fun of my own state but they fought about a lottery for 20 years.


bellyache's avatarbellyache

Heh. That's actually funny!


My suggestion is to let the terminals print out vouchers for online play, like what Georgia proposed a while back. That way the retailers still get a commission and it will help limit peoples purchases.

JAP69's avatarJAP69

If a state that has the lottery offer online gambling why not set up their site for the players to play another states game. The state could keep the money in their own state then.

They are not stupid. They know there are gambling sites on the net.

Tenaj's avatarTenaj

I think it would be too problematic for a state to be responsible for payouts for another state.  They have to be reimbursed, they would have to be linked to another state's system so kind of way.  They would have to collerate.  There would be too many things happening.  When things gone wrong nobody would want to own it. 

So the internet bookies solve the problem for us by taking responsibility for maintaining the websites, operations, and paying us.


IT'S ABOUT TIME. Hello Lotto people this is the year 2005. We are way behind. There is no reason, moral or otherwise to not allow purchases over the net. If your going to be an addict, you'll go to all lenghts to be an addict. I have traveled to other states to buy lotto when MegaMillions get big, like now. So, what't the difference if I purchased online or traveled to another state? Nothing legit. Let's go people bring it online.


The moral issue........................................

The ones that make the most noise about what's good for all of us, are most likely the ones that get caught cheating on thier spouse.

Remember the guy that wanted to hang President Clinton, raised such a stink about morals.
Ka ching! and thanks to Larry Flint he was toast. Don't worry about what I'm doing as long as it don't impact you.


Tenaj's avatarTenaj

I don't have a moral issue about playing online.  Minorities and poor people for the most part don't have computers to play online.  An addict will find a way to play. I play online myself and is grateful that finally NC can do so. I SAY BRING IT ON!  The company that I play with in reality is no different than a bookie.  Think about it.  They front the money and other companies make money to handle your payment when you win.  The point I was trying to make is that the states will not come together on this because it's too much trouble for them, so the online companies do it for us.





I don't have a moral issue about playing online.  Minorities and poor people for the most part don't have computers to play online.  An addict will find a way to play. I play online myself and is grateful that finally NC can do so. I SAY BRING IT ON!  The company that I play with in reality is no different than a bookie.  Think about it.  They front the money and other companies make money to handle your payment when you win.  The point I was trying to make is that the states will not come together on this because it's too much trouble for them, so the online companies do it for us.




We's Gamblin Now! OMG, I just about fell in the floor laughing!

I've been lurking around for a while now, but finally getting the lottery and agreeing with what our slogan should be I had to come out. Hope they don't lolly gag around too long - I can't afford all the gas of going to Virginia every month for tickets. It's so stupid! When I get to Virginia, I buy gas, lottery tickets and lunch. It's way past time these NC dummys started keeping money in our own state! And boy, can't wait for on line lottery!!!!!! No gas, no nothing, but sittin in my jammys, credit card in hand.


North Dakota and other rural states are beginning to see a decline in their sales due to the higher price of gasoline.  When gas is over $2.50 per gallon the average guy will think twice about making an extra trip to the convenience store to drop a few bucks on a long-shot.  If he could get on his computer and do the same thing, it would make more economic sense.  As far as compulsive gamblers and minors are concerned, they will find a way to play with or without the Internet.

Orangeman                                                                        See Ya!

bluedog's avatarbluedog

Hello gamers, I don't know if anyone is familiar with the site Lotter where you can play any lottery from any state or country by credit card
I have had a subscription for the past two years with Lotter I live in Texas and tried to get a subscription to megamillions but it was not offered. With their lottery service, I can play any lottery anywhere in the world all I need is a credit card and a computer.

When will the US finally get Smart and start offering online gaming?

PS; if you are a serious lottery player like myself take a look at the site.  You'll be surprised

Todd's avatarTodd

I hate to break the bad news to you, bluedog, but you have been scammed by thelotter.

They do not buy real lottery tickets.

They are one of the biggest scams going, because they say on their web site that you are playing the real state lotteries, but you are not.

If you want to keep throwing away your money on that web site, that's completely up to you.  But if your numbers come up, and there's no lottery ticket to redeem, you'll be the one crying.

With the amount of time you've been playing, you must have racked up thousands of dollars of money, all given to a scammer who claims to buy lottery tickets, but doesn't.

Another site like that is Lottery Universe, which makes it appear they buy lottery tickets, but don't.  Another horrible scam.

bellyache's avatarbellyache

Thanks for the heads up Todd. I don't go to online sites to gamble, but it's nice to know that somebody is keeping an eye out for the scammers. And it is nice to know if I do start to buy tickets online, I can come here and find out if they are legit or not. =)

bluedog's avatarbluedog

You can already play other state lottery games at the Lotter
you would need a computer and a credit card to set up your account.  That will allow you to be able to play different state & in different countries that offer lotteries
take here

Todd's avatarTodd


You do not seem to understand that even though you THINK you're buying lottery tickets at thelotter, you are NOT. 

Do you get it?  It's a scam.

They make you THINK you're buying lottery tickets, but they are just pocketing your money without ever buying a single lottery ticket.

Do you understand what I am saying?

Tnplayer805's avatarTnplayer805

SCAM=your money gone bye bye.  Another way of putting it is your money is being taken and spent on other things besides lottery tickets and it's not going to benefit you. 

Rip Snorter

If a state that has the lottery offer online gambling why not set up their site for the players to play another states game. The state could keep the money in their own state then.

They are not stupid. They know there are gambling sites on the net.

Cool idea.

NC accepts bets on, say, Euro Millions, along with all the others, online.  They keep all the money, pay off if someone gets the right numbers, even if there's no Euro Millions winner in Europe and it rolls.

Keeps the cost of setting up and running the actual draws completely out of the administrative costs, gets players from everywhere, makes a ton of money and has the possibility of higher payouts for the players.

That sounds like an idea that could float. 


Lottery_Analyst's avatarLottery_Analyst

Even though I lost my bet with Todd about Georgia getting an on line ticket purchasing system, I truly think it is only a matter of time before all of us can purchase tickets on line.  Heck, you can purchase almost anything else on line now, why not Lottery tickets, or confirmation of actual state lottery tickets, directly from the state itself.  Local governments are always greedy and looking for new ways to make money.  Look at the escheatment program for each state.  They take in millions each year off of what the citizens do not claim.

Mark my words, it might not happen for another 2 to 5 years, but one day you will be able to buy lottery tickets directly off the internet.

Blessings to and success to all.....

John - LA


This may be the "nudge" so many lotteries are waiting for.  None of them want to be first, but many would probably be second.  Look for the first attempts to focus on something like subscriptions, which, one could argue, are merely a convenience for the well-to-do to make sure they don't miss any drawings.

Tenaj's avatarTenaj

I went on Virginia's website and they allow you to buy tickets (only mega millions) subscriptions if you have a virgina address.  I was hoping to get in the mega millions there.

wizeguy's avatarwizeguy

I went on Virginia's website and they allow you to buy tickets (only mega millions) subscriptions if you have a virgina address.  I was hoping to get in the mega millions there.

I wonder if they accept po boxes in Virginia. It would be cheaper than your gas bills from Charlotte.

wizeguy's avatarwizeguy

My suggestion is to let the terminals print out vouchers for online play, like what Georgia proposed a while back. That way the retailers still get a commission and it will help limit peoples purchases.

HI JimmySand9,

This is the only way I could see online play work without using a credit card which I'd be dead set against.


wizeguy's avatarwizeguy

I would hope they restrict online play to only the numbers games. Otherwise it would be the same as computerized draws which I'm against.


Tenaj's avatarTenaj

Nope virginia do not support p o boxes.  In reference to "online sites do not buy lottery tickets" is the point I was trying to make.  They are bookies.



I would hope they restrict online play to only the numbers games. Otherwise it would be the same as computerized draws which I'm against.


How would playing Mega Millions, Powerball or state games online be the same as computerized draws?

When I buy my $1 ticket tonight, a computerized record will be stored...nothing would change for Internet sales.

Todd's avatarTodd

Nope virginia do not support p o boxes.  In reference to "online sites do not buy lottery tickets" is the point I was trying to make.  They are bookies.


Actually, Prime Ticket Service, which buys ad space here, buys real tickets.  You should check them out if you're looking to play a game not in your area.

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