The Pennsylvania Lottery's latest raffle-style game, Millionaire Raffle, was drawn Saturday, and made four instant millionaires.
The winning numbers can be found at Lottery Post's Pennsylvania Lottery Results page (https://www.lotterypost.com/results/pa)
Millionaire Raffle is a raffle game offered by the Pennsylvania Lottery, with a limited number of $20 tickets.
With only 500,000 tickets sold for the raffle, Millionaire Raffle offers the best odds for a single ticket to win $1 million of any Pennsylvania Lottery game.
Update: As noted below in the comments, players can structure a Quinto wager to have even better odds of winning $1 million cash, but doing so requires the purchase of 20 identical tickets in a single drawing.
Each of the game's $20 tickets offers a 1-in-125,000 chance of winning $1 million. There was one drawing on Jan. 3, 2009 to select four $1 million prize winners, four $100,000 prize winners, 100 $1,000 prize winners, and 5,892 $100 prize winners.
This is the fifth consecuitve raffle for the Pennsylvania Lottery using the same successful forumla of tickets and prizes. Pennsylvania's first raffle was held Dec. 31, 2006.
The odds of winning $1 million and $100,000 prizes are 1-in-125,000; the odds of winning a $1,000 prize are 1-in-5,000; and the odds of winning $100 are 1-in-85.
The overall odds of winning any prize are 1-in-83.
Tickets first went on sale Oct. 27, and were sold out prior to the drawing.
Each raffle ticket contains a unique, eight-digit number issued sequentially across the commonwealth from the Lottery's central computer, starting with number 00000001. The last raffle ticket issued for the game contained the raffle ticket number 00500000. The eight-digit number printed on the ticket must match the eight-digit raffle number combination selected in the drawing — in the exact sequence in which it was selected — to be considered a winning ticket.
Lottery Post's unique Millionaire Raffle results page allows the player to view the raffle results with or without the extra "00" prefix on each number, depending on whether the player feels the extra zeros are a help or hindrance.
All prize levels are paid out in cash, including the jackpot.
All 100 winning tickets of $1,000 and all 5,892 winning tickets of $100 can be validated and paid at any numbers games retailer.
Players with winning tickets worth $100,000 and $1 million must file a claim for payment.
Winning tickets may be redeemed up to one year after the drawing date.
"With only 500,000 tickets sold for the raffle, Millionaire Raffle offers the best odds to win $1 million of any Pennsylvania Lottery game"
what about the quinto??????????????
odds are 1 in 100,000 to win a million with $20
so there are better odds than 1 in 125,000
Right you are! If you buy 20 Quinto tickets, all bearing the same number, you have 1 in 100,000 chance of winning $1 million cash.
And you can place that bet twice a day, if you are so inclined - you don't need to wait for the raffle.
Nice catch!
I have updated the story to reflect the possibility of getting better odds with a Quinto wager.
can any one out there teach me how to do run down numbers on pick 3 & pick 4 "Please"
Booooooooooooooo! I bought my $20 ticket and didnt win doo doo. I bought 1 for the NJ Raffle too. That drawing isnt til Jan.21st but if I don't win anything with that, I don't think I'll be buying anymore $20 tickets.
Long time, no lurkie. LOL I missed LP. Happy new years everyone.