There were four winning tickets sold for Saturday night's 6/49 draw offering a jackpot prize of $50.3 million: one in Quebec and three in Ontario.
The lucky Ontario tickets were purchased in the Sudbury area, as well as the Halton Region west of Toronto and Durham Region east of the city. It was not immediately known exactly where in Quebec the winning ticket was bought.
Each winner will receive just under $12.6 million.
The prize is the second-biggest jackpot in Canadian lottery history.
The biggest — $54 million — was won in 2005 by 17 oil and gas workers from the Alberta communities of Camrose, Killam and Sedgewick.
Trevor Miller of the B.C. Lottery Corporation says whenever a jackpot gets this big, a huge number of tickets is sold, meaning almost every number combination is taken. He says that increases the chance a huge jackpot will be won.
The nice thing about the Canadian lottery is the winners will get to keep their shares of the money without the government taking taxes out of it.America could take lessons from the Canadians.
I could not agree more. Americans are way too highly taxed already — and it's about to get much, much worse.
All those people buying lottery tickets have already paid taxes on the money used to buy the tickets. So why are they getting taxed again on the prize money?
(The obvious answer is that the government taxes lottery winners because they are now considered "the rich", and it would be "selfish" of those rich people to not spread their wealth around.)
The USA loves to tax. They tax taxes!! some states don't even have State taxes but we do here in Oklahoma. Taxes, taxes, taxes!
I do not care for alot of "Rich People", but their money is their money !!!!!!!!!!!!
Class envy and confiscatory taxes will sink our country.
If there were no taxes on lottery winnings, there would be more for winners to share and spend IF THEY SO CHOOSE !!!!
I have some contributions that I would make that would be very helpful to the community. The money would not have to pay for a bureacrat's wages before it got to the right organization or person.
There would be more money to spend and keep people working.
I am somewhat envious of wealth, but I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT I HAVE THE RIGHT TO OTHER PEOPLES WEALTH !!!!!!!!
Congrats to them! I am sure that that one jackpot has made a bunch of people happy.
Just remember Todd, America is one of the best countries in the world and we have the largest amount of humanitarian assistance in the world. People die just to come to the USA. America needs all of that tax money.
Yet we are hated !!!!!!
A vibrant economy provides more tax revenue
than a tax increase !!!!!!!!
That is so true. I am proud to be An American from a different country.
I don't agree that the tax situation is going to get "much much worse", even on the super wealthy of our nation. Most people voted for change that halts the tax-cut gravy train that has been benefiting the top earners. That train is now taking new passengers...a significant number of working families. The last 8 years of terrible leadership and fiscal irresponsibility was the time to be afraid of the much much worse. At this point it is time to deal with that and for our economy to heal. This has been played out in recent history before and it's going to do so again.
"The rich" depends on the type of income their new win would bring in. Unless the person is receiving some sort of income that exceeds a quarter million off their winnings I don't think they will even really qualify as being taxed hard. People regularly win in excess of 10 million on these games though and their after-tax takes tend to be about half. With that amount properly invested they would probably be in the higher tax brackets and rightfully so.
I agree with the point on taxes off the top of my head. Though I think it has less to do with expecting the rich to throw in a larger share and more to do with a government that is inefficient with it's money and the demand that that puts on it's people. Also two wars that are stretching a deficit that has a direct impact on every single business and individual in this country. The left is being pragmatic on this; the rich are not selfish, but instead be just as unlucky as any other American weathering a bad economy. It so happens they have had over a trillion and a half in tax cuts and they are about to be shifted somewhat back to the lower tax brackets. I'm a Democrat and a liberal one but I do not hold anything against the rich at all. The only thing that bugs me about the rich are specifically the rich that claim it is ONLY that they are bring in lots of money that they suffer a tax reversal. FYI, the rich among all others, did very well under Clinton.
Yes, I know, soak "the rich". I totally understand the class warfare.
The thing you have to understand is that the last time the government successfully soaked "the rich" was under Jimmy Carter, and the country had double-digit unemployment (much worse than now) and inflation (much worse than now) and mortgage rates (much worse than now).
You don't bring in extra revenue by taking all the money from the people who create the jobs. In the 1980s Reagan showed how Capitalism, unimpeded by opressive government intervention and taxation, grows the economy where Socialism fails.
It's all in the history books. Every time taxes are lowered on everyone the economy does great. When "the rich" get soaked, the economy staggers or shrinks.
The current economic situation was created by people who mis-used Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to give loans to people who could not afford them. It has nothing to do with taxes -- other than lower taxes helped to prevent it from becoming a Jimmy Carter-size debacle.
Now that the current administration has declared that higher taxes are on the way, hold on for a rocky ride.
And future lottery winners, better play now before two-thirds of your big prize gets snatched away to spread it around.
When did taxing lottery winners become a tax on the rich? A few years ago I match 5of6 in Ohio Super Lotto and won $1500 which didn't make me rich and I paid Federal and State taxes on it same as I did on all my other income.
Todd is very smart and understands Economics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sick and tired of the childish "everything is not fair' mentality.
I am by no means rich, but I have had someone tell me to my face that he has the "right" to steal from me !?!?
I painfully remember Carter - a waste of humanity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember Carter,too.He was elected because after Ford pardoned Nixon,America was looking for "change" in Washington.