TRENTON, N.J. — A New Jersey nurse who won a $1,000-a-day prize from the lottery said she had to call a fellow nurse to make sure she wasn't having a heart attack.
Dawn Jones of Trenton told New Jersey Lottery officials she entered the same numbers she always plays into the Cash4Life drawing Aug. 8 so she quickly called her daughter in to double-check when the winning numbers were announced.
"Then came the silent scream," Jones said.
Jones said she called up a friend who is also a nurse to triple-check the numbers and give her some medical advice.
"My heart feels like it's coming out of my chest, I may be having a heart attack," Jones recalled saying.
"Just breathe," her friend responded with a laugh.
Jones said her health turned out to be as solid as her winning ticket, which earned her $1,000 a day for the rest of her life.
The newly wealthy woman, who works as a nurse at two separate facilities, said she doesn't plan to stop working any time soon.
"I thought about calling out rich," Jones said, "But I know that a lot of people depend on me, so I went to work."
Jones said she plans to use the money to pay off her student loans, put her daughters through college and get to work on her "bucket list."
That's not good because hopefully she either had a beneficiary or somebody else assigned to that winning ticket
$1,000.00 every day for the rest of her life? Nice!
A healthcare worker won!! Yippee...my turn is coming.
It doesn't say if she took the cash-option. As for two jobs=heck no to that. Healthcare generally is very demanding on caregivers, so she will probably re-think her big win!
I'm glad she won. it nice to see a nurse get a payday. usually its the doctors and insurance
companies who make the big money and the nurse empties the bedpans.
I hope she enjoys her win.
she should however, quit her job. as tough as that may be.
If Dawn Jones * DJ felt that she was having a heart attack over a grand a week. Can you imagine those who win $200 mil & above? Better have a heart defibrillator standing by.
Hopefully she will stay away from Atlantic City.
Enjoy the win
Mr./Ms. LottoAce,
I think nursing assistants are the unlucky ones who are relegated to bed pan duties and such.
Nurses, have it a little more plushy (by how much? who knows?)
So, I'd like to see a nursing assistant win it, more than a Nurse.
Mr. Groppo
Not a grand a week NG, it's a grand a day! $365K a year for the rest of her life. Your point is well taken though.
A Grand a Day?. Oh Shhhit DJ. Yeah l can how you would feel a HA coming on. You did good Girl . Enjoy your new found wealth.
Sh$t i get that pounding in my heart for p4 straight what the hell im gonna do if i win a jackpot game!!
good for her keep work!!
Someone in Massachusetts just won the same prize. She, however opted to take the cash option of $5.7 million pre-tax. A smart move IMO.
Where else can you read heartwarming stories like the ones here on Lottery Post?
Thank You, Todd, for this Friday post.
Actually Music- when Todd goes adredging, he brings up all kinds of stuff, both good & bad. From stories like these to those like Abraham Shakespeare & the consequences of being a winner in these times. It's a cornucopia of information for lottery lovers. But we'd wouldn't want it any other way . Sometimes, the dirtier, the better.