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I'm checking out this movie for the first time. Hope it's better than I am expecting. My mind is saying this may have some remnants of Minority Report in it. I'll have to wait until the end of the movie to see....
Jan 14, 2014, 10:23 am - NBey6

Some ideas & Some Thoughts...
Who are or have to be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry smart in school???people who study pharmaceuticals, like the people who work in pharmaceutical companies [pharmacologist] trying to come up with a new drug in humans, animals and plants..They should ask for the best of the best of the best in that field and they dont For crying out loud, there is like at leasssstttt: 6,000 diseases/ailments that...
Sep 3, 2011, 3:48 am - pumpi76

So, here's how this Photo Morphing goes.
It was actually tested in the movie, TRON - Legacy. Watch that movie very carefully and compare it to the supposed video that was released recently. There is something there that is not - quite - right....
May 8, 2011, 10:12 am - JADELottery

Some ideas & Some Thoughts...
Advice to 60 year olds: Some 50 or 60 year olds buy themselves: $400 dollar watches to show off...Instead buy yourself a: $300 dollar watch with the: $100 left back, sounds funny but put it in the bank and with it, withdraw, 10 cents every week and buy yourself a banana...You will be able to buy yourself 2 bananas every week for 20 years...i am not a psychic but who knows it could expand your life 4 more years...It could be a: $400 watch, or a $400 cell phone...Instead...
Nov 29, 2010, 1:25 am - pumpi76

Another Way to Make People Lose Weight or Keep their slim Weight: Beer/Alcohol & Some Thoughts
Another Way to Make People Lose Weight or Keep their slim Weight: Beer/Alcohol.....Beer is the most, drank/drink beverage ON THE PLANET...If you came up with a drug or something to put in beer and make people lose weight, or keep their slim weight, it will be awesome.... Which i am suprise nobody has THOUGHT of it, yet......
Oct 26, 2010, 1:32 am - pumpi76

'Les Grossman' has a new film coming out
Supposedly Tom Cruise's alter-ego in 'Tropic Thunder' will be in a movie of his own, according to Paramount and MTV Films. Some people may not be all that enthusiatic, but I thought Tom's character was funny. I would definitely go see him in the new movie. Picture Group...
Jun 10, 2010, 3:26 pm - NBey6

A Message/Letter to the Human Race...
I see stuff everywhere and on TV and i want you to know something.....I dont know WHERE you came from...I dont know, WHAT planet are you from...It will not surprise me if Aliens their UFO s are from this planet AND YOU are the REAL ALIEN...You are something else...I am serious....There is Living creatures, there is INANIMATE object, there is: dark matter, there is matter, there is systems, there is the Spiritual World, there4 is Other Universes, there is LIFE, there is: DEATH, The...
Apr 14, 2010, 9:45 am - pumpi76

Hackers in the movie: Die Hard 4: It can be possible: if they talk to the computer
How many of you seen the movie: Die Hard 4 with Bruce Willis, seen the bad hacker in that movie how he is able to do all that damage (i am talking about the bad guys)...Well i was thinking for someone to pull that stunt they will have to type very fast and most people can t type that fast and the fastest typer will make mistakes, like with numbers and symbols...And then i thought... If someone SPEAKS to the computer it will be able to to do it faster, way faster...Like with a...
Feb 5, 2010, 6:01 pm - pumpi76

This is very Funny; In the Distant Future; Tattoeing to look of a Particular Race, Feature, color
I bet this never occurred to anyone...Well i was watching the movie STAR TREK how many of you have seeing that movie??Remember the women that was ALL COLOR GREEN??Hot chick by the way...Anyways you know how science is always advancing and they are coming up with new drugs all the time...Well someone is going to elaborate on the technology of tattoeing and they are going to create other colors and perfect the tecnology so that...
Nov 20, 2009, 9:29 pm - pumpi76

To All the Women of the world: A Pet Project: Very Funny: Tunnel Boring Machine
Women of the world there is something you could do if you want to, i am just showing the proposal...If you hear the movie: Oceans 12 i think it is or Oceans 13 they say in that movie that the Tunnel Boring Machine which helped made the Eurotunnel, cost: 30 million dollars each... WAnt to know something i did the calculations and this is what i figure out, since i think this is important, i call it the pet project...The world has 7 billion people right now...So half of the world's po...
Oct 19, 2009, 3:38 am - pumpi76