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BlogsResults 11 - 20 of 222 for pairs system. (0.01 seconds)

fluffy9999's PICKS HIT 4 DAYS IN A ROW!!
Hey, fluff here! OK, when 422 came out on thurs and fluff had the 22 pairs, the next logical bet was 429, or ALL SIX WAYS TO PLAY THAT, and you would have hit in a draw or two for 250! 429 is part of the DAYS SYSTEM FOR NUMBERS FOR THURS AND FRI AND SAT,and would have been in play anyway, but with 422 hitting YOU NEEDED TO RAMP UP THE BET FOR 429! Does this always work, and the answer is of course not. NOONE KNOWS,REPEAT KNOWS WHAT NUMBER IS COMING OUT NEXT...
Mar 25, 2018, 6:49 pm - fluffy9999

fluffy9999 Calls the Pair and Number! plus, ...
fluffy's 1st week september scorecard! Well, the fluffo NAILED IT! FLUFF POSTED TO PLAY THE PAIR 11 ON FRI ny 3 digit game, and the 116, AND THEY BOTH CAME IN THAT NIGHT! The 11 pairs was courtesy of fluffy's DAYS SYSTEM, and the 116 was the Phase 2 PREDICTOR SYSTEM! the phase two predictor has been calling out numbers, and last night fluff was tweaking the system so we could really NAIL IT MORE!...
Sep 12, 2016, 7:38 pm - fluffy9999

fluffy9999's Picks for NY...
Yeah, hey, numbers and win 4! fluffs been working on system improvements, and did have a str hit from this! so, here are some other win-4 numbers my system did pick - for NY pick 3 and win 4 ! Win - 4 NY - 7980,7707,2229,1497,5757 and MUST PLAY STR AND BOXED IS 2627 ! PLAY FOR THE NEXT WEEK! FOR PICK 3 NY, 55 PAIRS AND ALSO 557,558,455 MID ESPECIALLY! HAVE NEW INDICATOR FOR PAIRS AND WILL LET YOU KNOW! 77 AND 22 PAIRS FOR ny...
Mar 13, 2017, 3:10 pm - fluffy9999

fluffy9999's Hot Picks and More!!
Hey, fluff here again! such a crazy week or so, and fluff has a lot to report! First,on sat aug 13, The DAYS SYSTEM HIT AGAIN with 644, which is a pairs hit and the 446 hit! fluff recommends 44 and 00 pairs NY numbers and win 4 every thurs,fri, and sat! also PLAY any number of that pairs, such as 441,442,etc! Now, the 22 pairs we play ny numbers on tues, wed, and thurs! fluff is going to make a change or amend this! 022 came out on...
Aug 17, 2016, 6:33 pm - fluffy9999

Hey, fluff here! OK, now 245 hit tuesday night NY and fluffy9999's DAYS SYSTEM PICKED UP ANOTHER HIT! Keep an eye on 441 also! fluff suggests 22 pairs in play NY and ALL STATES PER DAYS SYSTEM FOR PAIRS HEAVY FOR WED! CHECK OUT FLUFFY9999's PREVIOUS BLOG ON TABLE FOR DAYS SYSTEM UPDATED! fluff likes 579,290,347,255, and the 55 pairs pick 3 ny and possibly 555! Also keep 1155 in play for a few days, and 9999 is in PLAY EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF DECEMBER, OR...
Dec 11, 2018, 10:38 pm - fluffy9999

fluffy9999's Saturday Night Specials NY...
Hey, fluff here! OK, fluff's DAYS SYSTEM FOR PAIRS PAID OFF AGAIN WITH 449 fri night ny and 443 sat midday ny pick 3! Tonight fluff likes the regular DAYS SYSTEM PLAYS OF PAIRS for NY PICK 3 44,00,11,55 pairs for NY and All States! ALSO, FLUFF LIKES THESE PLAYS FOR NY PICK 4 - 2268-2278-2048-7890 ALONG WITH 2280,5588 ALL STATES WEEKEND PLAYS. Keep 9999 IN PLAY NY EVERYDAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! WHEN YOU TRY TO PICK NUMBERS AND OVERRULE THE DAYS SY...
Dec 8, 2018, 6:38 pm - fluffy9999

fluffy9999's HOT NY Picks and more...
Hey, fluff here! Ok, you know, fluff is picking up signals for a bunch of triples for NY pick-3 ! they are 111,777,222,000! fluff would say bet on 777 since it coincides with DAYS SYSTEM picks for sun, and 111 heavier bet for next three days. Also 2280 NY and ALL STATES DAYS SYSTEM SUN PLAY, and 316, and add NY 1155,3030,5588! fluff hates to post a bunch of numbers, SO MUST PLAY NUMBERS ARE 2280,777,111,222! fluff did mention he looked on thurs, which was too late as he me...
Aug 12, 2017, 9:40 pm - fluffy9999

Fluffy9999's Days System Hits Twice Fri Night Ny...
Yup, um numbers! we picked up both 44 pairs fri even as 444 hit in NY! fluff's DAYS SYSTEM FOR PAIRS, has 44,00 pick three pairs engaged for thurs mid, or eve at the latest, and whichever 44 picks you like, whick fluff likes 441 and 449, amongst others! FRI AND SAT WE ADD 55 AND 11 PAIRS FOR PICK 3, AND WE REALLY LIKE THE 255,155,555 LIKE THAT! NOW, when we say to play pairs, YOU SHOULD REALLY BE PLAYING THE TRIPLE! WHICH MEANS YOU WOULD HAVE ENGAGED 444 THURS MIDDAY...
May 12, 2017, 2:19 am - fluffy9999

fluffy9999 asks "who loves ya?" re NY numbers and win 4?
Well, here we are, mon afternoon, and this is what the ny game looks like. Fluff truly believes in NOT playing a lot of numbers, and will try here to key you in to the winners! Right now, he likes 111 mid and eve and keep playing for the next 7 days, and remember 11 pairs for sat!tonight 524 str and box as is mon and 320 looks good tonight and tues.fluff was feeling good about 444 and 441 also, but prefers the 111 for a power this point 11 pairs, esp front&...
Mar 14, 2016, 6:04 pm - fluffy9999

fluffy9999 gives the Lowdown on NY numbers...
situation! continue to play 22 pairs ny numbers wed and 00 and 44 pairs fri, cutting in day or half day early and late per DAYS system earlier blogs! PLEASE READ earlier blogs re DAYS system to keep up to date, and The Predictor System still does work! Been squeezed on time! LOWDOWN - 99 pairs evening fr and back are out 450 plus fr pair and 150 back pair, so this is a solid play! stay on 808 box both mid and even, 333 evening and 000 for fri like the pairs! 506...
Jun 14, 2016, 5:27 pm - fluffy9999