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"A Failed Former President
Carl Sanders, Governor of Georgia which Jimmy Carter defeated is remembered as one of the finest, most effective governors Georgia has ever had, Jimmy Carter as probably the least effective in modern history. Carter's failed presidency speaks for itself through documented history, not his feeble attempts at rewriting it ..... the old you didn&#...
Nov 18, 2005, 9:22 am - konane

They Not Here Yet - Not Verified
Caravan migrants deliver gift to Trump a lawsuit Ed Morrissey -- Posted at 10:01 am on November 2, 2018 They haven t yet reached the US border, but their attorneys have already stormed Washington DC. A dozen migrants in the caravans marching toward the American border have filed a lawsuit accusing Donald Trump of violating their Fifth Amendment rights even though they have yet to set foot in the...
Nov 2, 2018, 8:43 pm - PlanB

Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya's Sarin To Syrian Rebels
Found this headline in a video. Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya's Sarin To Syrian Rebels Source:ZeroHedge May 1, 2016 10:00 PM Authored by Eric Zuesse via, The...
Apr 8, 2017, 11:31 am - konane

Most of what you Posted was B.S. - OR HARMFUL TO AMERICA - THOUGH SOUNDING POSITIVE. SPIN THESE Among other things since becoming president, Barack Obama has: Signed the NDAA into law - making it legal to assassinate Americans w/o charge or trial. Initiated, and personally oversees a 'Secret Kill List'. Waged war on Libya without congressional approval. Started a covert, drone war in Yemen. Escalated the p...
Oct 16, 2012, 12:24 am - CajunWin4

Common Denominator
I was sitting down talking to a family member today. I realized we have a common denominator, which is Spiritualism, numerology and Divine Knowledge. As we spoke, I realized how close we are, how much I realized that I needed this in all of my planes. I wanted to keep him talking and keep this vibration near me for all eternities. As we began to connect, I realized the polarity we vibrated, would and can move parallel universes. I spoke yester...
Mar 14, 2011, 2:07 pm - WILLWRK4NUMBERS

To the State of Texas: You need to have 2 steps just like KY Cashball, playing everyday
You do...Why because that way there can be people who if they win can play leverage with people who want to win it... Texas if you could only have Texas 2 Steps playing twice a week with 2 option one for: 50 cents and the other for: $1 twice a day it will be spectacular....You will become some like the state of Virgini...
May 30, 2010, 4:21 pm - pumpi76

What if you Create a Bussiness that Pays your State Lottery to give you the Pre-Tests Numbers
Not a bad idea...You know how they can be predictions websites and how: 4,000 people can each pay: $10 a month for predictions numbers and how: 4,000 x $10 a month = $40,000 x 12 month = $480,000, almost: $500,000...if is: $15 x 40,000 = $720,000 a year... What if you sign an agreement and make the people who su...
May 20, 2010, 11:40 pm - pumpi76

"North American Union Already Starting to Replace USA
North American Union Already Starting to Replace USA by Jerome R. Corsi Posted May 30, 2006 Source Human Events Online In March 2005 at their summit meeting in Waco, Tex., Preside...
Jun 3, 2006, 9:30 pm - konane

Hello!! I decided to post this as I have a winning lottery system that over the past year I could have won 4 powerball,megamillions jackpots,more info later. I did not have acccess by way of credit card till aug 2004. I can send you my email cofirmation from Niles Int. showing the numbers I played aug 11,2004 for the powerball, those same numbers came up one week later aug,18,2004 on the powerball and would have won the jackp...
Jan 20, 2005, 2:04 pm - WIN-D-LOTTERY

Hello!! I decided to post this as I have a winning lottery system that over the past year I could have won 4 powerball,megamillions jackpots,more info later. I did not have acccess by way of credit card till aug 2004. I can send you my email cofirmation from Niles Int. showing the numbers I played aug 11,2004 for the powerball, those same numbers came up one week later aug,18,2004 on the powerball and would have won the jackp...
Jan 20, 2005, 1:57 pm - WIN-D-LOTTERY