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BlogsResults 1 - 10 of 783 for fraud. (0.03 seconds)

Sovereign Crime on a Industrial scale. Great article: March 16, 2021 The Sovereign Crime of Industrial Scale Vote Fraud By...
Mar 16, 2021, 6:17 pm - jarasan

"Mortgage Fraud Funding Jihad?
Found this very interesting. Mortgage Fraud Funding Jihad? By Patrick Poole...
Apr 11, 2007, 10:19 am - konane

THE SMOKING GUN in the Obama Eligibility Case: Stanley Ann Dunham's Passpor
THE SMOKING GUN in the Obama Eligibility Case: Stanley Ann Dunham s Passport Sunday, February 8, 2015...
Feb 8, 2015, 1:55 pm - CajunWin4

Affordable Care Act Fight Fraud and Protect Taxpayer Dollars
The Affordable Care Act: New Tools to Fight Fraud, Strengthen Medicare and Protect Taxpayer Dollars The Affordable Care Act will improve and expand consumer protections, strengthen Medicare, and reduce health care costs. One important way it achieves these goals is by improving government-wide efforts to fight fraud and waste. The new law contains some critical new tools to improve and enhance the Administration s efforts to prevent, detect and take strong enf...
Jul 23, 2012, 9:04 am - Tenaj

Donald Trump Penalized by New York Judge $364 Million In Civil Fraud Case
Feb 16, 2024, 3:43 pm - truesee

SCOTUS Rejected Sydney Powell's Election Fraud Cases Without Comment
Mar 1, 2021, 7:19 pm - truesee

enron founders funeral draws crowd
Enron Founder's Funeral Draws Crowd HOUSTON (July 12) - Former President George Bush and his wife, Barbara, were among the mourners Wednesday at the funeral of Enron Corp. founder Kenneth Lay. Lay's funeral drew some of the high-profile guests who were close to him before he...
Jul 12, 2006, 9:51 pm - LOTTOMIKE

Accused Charlotte banker worked as fraud specialist
Accused Charlotte banker worked as fraud specialist 'Ironic' job for former Charlotte banker, one of 35 people charged in mortgage scam. By Stella M. Hopkins Posted: Thursday, Jul. 01, 2010 A former Bank of America branch manager in Charlotte, charged last mo...
Jul 1, 2010, 3:44 pm - NBey6

I think it is time to resolve this issue..
WASHINGTON The outcome of the Nov. 6 presidential election shocked almost everyone, with very few analysts expecting Barack Obama to win so decisively and to take so many of the battleground states that seemed to be pulling toward Romney. But then the reports of voting irregularities started leaking out, then gushing out like the 59 different Philadelphia voting divisions in which Mitt Romney received zero votes compared to Obama s 19,605. An...
Nov 28, 2012, 9:02 pm - MADDOG10

Man Arrested For Forging Deceased Father's Signature On 2020 Ballot
Oct 13, 2023, 10:03 pm - truesee

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