
ForumsResults 121 - 130 of 726 for Charity. (0.03 seconds)

Hundreds expected at funeral of 'Lotto Angel' who gave away most of $10 million jackpot
It's been said that charity begins at home. However, giving away 75% of your winnings to others leaving 3 million combined for her 3 children 6 grandchildren saying you securing their future ,that statement leaves me lightheaded.She had a generous heart was loved by many, no doubt!
Jun 1, 2018, 2:13 pm - noise-gate - Lottery News

One lottery ticket sold in New Jersey wins $521 million Mega Millions jackpot
The bonus for selling a winning ticket goes to the business that sells the ticket. It's part of the business' taxable income, but the business can pass it on to employees, donate to charity, reinvest in the business, etc. Pretty much anything the business does with the money other than keeping it in the bank is deductible. As such, the business could give bonuses of much more than the 15k limit for gifts if the bonus was big enough. Any money paid out to employees would be taxable income, just l
Apr 4, 2018, 1:29 am - KY Floyd - Lottery News

More millennials than seniors losing money to scams
The number of scammers and the diversity of scams out there are at an all time high. If everyone would follow this one simple rule, they would never get scammed by any of the common scams floating around: Never ever under any circumstances give out money or financial information to ANY unsolicited call, email, or letter you receive (this includes giving out your details on your credit cards, debit cards, bank account information, social security numbers, etc). Unsolicited emails, uns
Mar 5, 2018, 10:45 pm - duckman - Lottery News

Lottery game sparks gambling fever in eastern Canada
What a great way to raise money for charity while also providing a boon to the local economy. Since it's a 'raffle', I assume the odds will depend on the number of tickets sold that week, but they have to be very, very good! I wouldn't relish standing in line for 7 hours to purchase a $5 ticket(s), but for a one in twelve chance of winning $1,000,000, I just might.
Jul 24, 2017, 12:11 pm - OneTrickpony - Lottery News

Texas man pleads guilty to fraud in lottery scandal case
What a bunch of ham-fisted morons. I'm not even slightly larcenous, and I bet I could come up with a better cash-in scheme than what these idiots tried; I particularly enjoyed the attorney claiming to lottery officials that we'll give all the money to charity if they'd only approve the claim...
Jan 11, 2017, 7:35 pm - Seattlejohn - Lottery News

British Columbia Lottery taking bets on US election
Oh Trump is ugly too but only physically. Hillary is nasty and ugly down to the bone. Nasty runs in her veins. The difference here is people know what she did when she was in a position of authority. They know what she does in a position of overseeing charity. Have you seen any photos recently of Haiti? ALL charity groups there should be ashamed of themselves but since Hillary is very relevant today, we need to look at what her charity did in Haiti. They funneled very, very little
Nov 2, 2016, 1:13 pm - dr65 - Lottery News

NH family claims $487 million Powerball jackpot, wants 'to do great things'
Congrats to them. Living in Maryland, its the same way I intend to handle me winning a jackpot one day. I could care less for fame, notoriety, popularity, and the like. Family. Investments. Charity. Thats my agenda!
Sep 12, 2016, 10:46 pm - delS - Lottery News

N.H. supermarket donates lottery commission to charity
I sincerely hope all businesses have been giving to charities without the benefit of having to win the lottery bonus to do so. If they need the publicity that bad, they should have done it 50/50{half to charity and half to the employees, taxes notwithstanding}. There is no way I'm gonna ignore the employees with this sort of once in a blue moon windfall. EMPLOYEES ARE GETTING SCREWED ENOUGH ALREADY.
Sep 2, 2016, 7:27 pm - mypiemaster - Lottery News

N.H. supermarket donates lottery commission to charity
Exactly my first thoughts. They'll help everyone except their own employees, many of which likely receive public assistance and/or are working multiple jobs to make ends meet. Of course, as many would say, business is business. Donating it to charity, as you point out, will likely generate the most bang for the buck; tax write-off, building goodwill, and media coverage. On the bright side, the supermarket didn't just pocket the funds, as many other businesses in a similar situation, would.
Sep 2, 2016, 6:58 am - Ron5995 - Lottery News

One Powerball ticket worth $487 million sold in New Hampshire
California's lottery is broken because of this stupid peri mutuel law it sucks. If I ever won a 5/6 powerball or mega millions ticket that's worth less than a million I'd donate it charity Then cash it in. Sometimes I wish I could move to Arizona and play lottery there.
Aug 1, 2016, 2:24 am - xstreamgaming15 - Lottery News