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RNG computer program
Sorry I fail to see the difference between RNG and a game of odds ( unless the RNG is rigged then it's different). There was a time when I thought that if you flip a coin many times in row and it's all heads, then the next flip is more likely to be a tail. This is false however, flipping a coin will always give you a 50/50 odds of heads or tails. RNG produce similar results to a game of odds. So that each game does not depend on previous games. Just like a coin flipping (unless it's rig
Apr 9, 2019, 10:25 pm - cddvd - Mathematics Forum

Probability formula Independent events
Here is the Chances Are Chart to figure your chances on these 50/50 groups. 1 in 2 2 in 4 3 in 8 4 in 16 ....most Stinkers flip back the other way here..if they make it here 5 in 32 ....* This is where I miss alot. I wait to long for the next safer one. 6 in 64 ......pretty safe place to start a Trap. 7 in 128......rare 8 in 256......very rare 9 in 512......lucky if you see one of these a year 10 in 1024...almost never 11 in 2048 ...It's a rigged game! Call the cops..LOL 12 in 4096 13 in
May 12, 2004, 8:17 am - WIN D - Mathematics Forum

How do I prove my state lottery's CGNs are fixed?
We'll in way we think alike but the difference is, I've found out what I needed and moved on. I trust you are still lingering in the thoughts that the lottery can be won by some strategy that you incorporate in your playing, or you can somehow prove the lottery is rigged and then by doing so win it, or perhaps prove to the world that it is rigged/fixed then be some sort of hero for doing so. Not gonna happen! No one cares. Unfortunately. Been there done that! I've even tracked dow
Dec 11, 2007, 3:03 am - nanolike - Mathematics Forum

BETA - Neural Network in Java. Numbers Predictor
Is not as simple as your friend had described you. Just starting from a 101 pattern you have xxx Straight combos. THEN starts the real work...the next step when you get another pattern, again is part of many patterns of anywhere of X-X combos. And that is nothing gained until you spend some serious work stuyding the skips and history data, which depending of what state you play may or not be rigged.... So, it will come down to your playing budget, and a chance that those straight sets yo
Aug 28, 2017, 10:41 pm - Igamble - Mathematics Forum

What Does It Take To Win (Mathematically Speaking?)
I didn't feel attacked by your post. I just happen to think that new readers may have been mislead by your statement that no one was claiming big wins with system play. Why do you feel such a need to defend the person who left the empty space? I happen to agree with you that the lotteries are sufficiently random for the number of objects they manipulate. But you must be aware that there are many here who believe the computerized draws are rigged in a way that they can be predicted. Not too fa
Mar 18, 2011, 5:56 pm - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

The Most important Lottery Statistics
Just a quick note: This post is not to say that Quick picks are not good or to discurage the contrary: if you can buy Qps in addition to your own picks thats even better...the primary reason of this post is to find the most important statistical categories or filters that have the most potential in prediction future draws...and some comments how to use these filters Coin Toss: i said at the very beginning Computers and controversies aside ...i'm assuming that we are playing live ball
May 18, 2008, 3:02 am - benmas - Mathematics Forum

How do I prove my state lottery's CGNs are fixed?
JadeLottery, what I do see in the graphs and all the data is this; They do seem to bring up suspision that it the wisconsin lottery could be fixed to a level of accuracy beyond normal suspision. That being the case, you might wonder how or why you even or ever noticed what you noticed and put together the incredible data in the first place. And what your true goal is now? Is it to prove something to yourself? Or to win? Please dont say both it really is one more than the othe
Dec 16, 2007, 4:06 am - nanolike - Mathematics Forum

How do I prove my state lottery's CGNs are fixed?
If it is at all possible, lotteries may be rigged to provide one of two outcomes - either certain numbers played by those who do the rigging can be selected or the most popular numbers selected can be eliminated from the draw - and keep in mind that around 70% of all tickets purchased in any lottery will be quick picks. With the second possibility in mind data like this can be analyzed to eliminate certain numbers from non-QP selections to maximize the winning possibilities. Interesting thread -
Dec 14, 2007, 9:36 pm - johnph77 - Mathematics Forum

How do I prove my state lottery's CGNs are fixed?
Ouch! my head hurts now! So much to absord and so little time (as absorbing all that would require me to go to school for a good couple of years and get a math degree of some sort , lol) Awsome post though! I've often wondered about Indiana's lottery and how to prove it was rigged. I think the easiest and most compelling result would be to put in FOI request with the state pertaining all the sales data and compare the amounts of each combination sold against the actual draw results (say t
Dec 11, 2007, 12:51 am - Thoth - Mathematics Forum

Why not wait? Until it's a 99 % chance.
ID is computerized and has been messing me up for 3 years now. They just keep on skippin. Just when you think you got um, they re-boot. The Commish has just recently changed, she will take over soon. Hope she will loosen up the pick3 so more people will want to play. The Scratch off's ....well they say that's where most of the lottery sales come from....I'd like to see daily payout's of Pick 3 of at least $100,000 a day not most days of $1200 or less total for the WHOLE STATE!!!!! It's so obvio
Aug 3, 2006, 2:15 am - mony - Mathematics Forum

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