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Your favorite articles and websites
Do any of you have any websites or articles that have helped you on your path or are related to lottery predictions? My past studies have been on the Metaphysical path, but I'm open to learning new ideas.Hi JRLGGA:Seems there's not a single response to your request. I don't know whether this will help much with lottery winnings, but maybe it will offer up some things to try. These are Amazon guides, reading lists on metaphysical subjects related to prediction:Oracles, Augers and Divining - Th
Mar 12, 2005, 6:10 pm - Rip Snorter - Mystical Forum

A good read for my Mystical friends
Point taken, Millions, but how do you explain the different experiments of persons physically reacting to an dvent displayed to them before it happens? (The polygraph and ESP tests for example? The four hours before 9/11 and the 12 hours before the tsunami? The reactions recorded on all of these 40+ different RNG's combined and correllated together?).BTW this is not a new thing...the results came out immediately after 9/11. People fear being called weird and scientists most of all. So you d
Feb 12, 2005, 1:53 pm - Rick G - Mystical Forum

Greetings faith117 A special comprehensive report on the wings of angels for your consideration and dream consolation on #617 If the Angel comes, it will be because you have convinced her, not by tears, but by your humble resolve to always be a beginner. Rainer Maria Rilke No worries Blessings Eddessa_Knight with Glorious Light ANGEL NUMBER 617 Number 617 is a blend of the vibrations and attributes of number 6 and number1, and the energies of number 7.Number 6
Oct 28, 2017, 8:54 pm - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum

Real scissors on hand
our collegem$ MystiQue, et al- Re: Vibration #777 Originally posted by MystiQue470 on June 8, 2017 With Compliments special thanks to Joanne from down under :-) Eddessa_Knight with Angel Light ANGEL NUMBER 777 Number 777 is a highly spiritual number with the mystical number 7 appearing tripled, making its influences most powerful. Number 7 resonates with the the Collective Consciousness , spiritual awakening and awareness,spiritual enlightenment, spiritual acceptance an
Jun 28, 2017, 3:41 am - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum

need #s for new dream please
I think this dream was telling you to take care of #1 Yourself! I would Play 001, Anyone got a number for Anemia Health Benefits of Mango Mangoes contain phenols, this phenolic compound have powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities. Mango is high in iron, pregnant women and people with anemia are advised to eat this fruit regularly. Mango is effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin. It is also valuable to combat acidity and poor digestion. Mango is high in antioxidant and
Aug 7, 2009, 11:11 am - mymonthlypicks - Mystical Forum

New Psychic Lottery Predictions
Traveling Through Timeby Clifford Pickover What is time? Is time travel possible? For centuries, these questions have intrigued mystics, philosophers, and scientists. Much of ancient Greek philosophy was concerned with understanding the concept of eternity, and the subject of time is central to all the world's religions and cultures. Can the flow of time be stopped? Certainly some mystics thought so. Angelus Silesius, a sixth-century philosopher and poet, thought the flow of time could be suspe
Aug 15, 2004, 9:42 am - konane - Mystical Forum

Our Frst American Woman Saint
Thank you ,Raven , for your gracious contribution on the adding further information to this important but relatively ,unsung, woman saint who led a very productive life both in Secular and SIRITUAL mattersin American life + Stay tuned, more to is my hope that this encourages further study and outreach by the faithful. Eddressa_Knight day w/ love and LIGHT
Jan 5, 2024, 8:44 pm - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum

BIO Manifestation: Next To Fighter Jets, Catch The Chang es
HIGH FLYER UP TIC: next to a fighter jet. Speaking of fighter jets Did you know a researcher from an aeronautical university in the United States did a study looking at why the impact of biorhythms is so important in aviation accidents with military fighter pilots? In one incident, on September 11, 1985, a pilot was killed after his A-7 aircraft crashed into a mountain in Pindos, Greece. It s a sad story, I know. But the fatal accident had a clear biorhythmic explan
Sep 30, 2023, 6:12 pm - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum

Space Telescope captures its first images of a star (
James Webb Space Telescope is finally ready to do science and it s seeing the universe more clearly than even its own engineers hoped forT The mirror on the James Webb Space Telescope is fully aligned and producing incredibly sharp images, like this test image of a star. NASA/STScI via Flickr NASA is scheduled to release the first images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope on July 12, 2022. They ll mark the beginning of the next era in astronomy as Webb the largest space telescope ever
Jun 17, 2022, 2:24 am - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum

Evolution of America's Freedom :-)
DateLine February 9th, 1735 -There is Always a an 'ADAMS' John Adams is born. On this day in 1735, John Adams, the son of a farmer and a descendant of Plymouth Rock pilgrims, is born in Braintree, Massachusetts. He enrolled in Harvard University at16 and went on to teach school and study law before becoming America s second president. Although a founding father, Adams did not fight in the Revolutionary War,. Eddessa_Knight with History's LIGHT
Feb 9, 2020, 9:26 pm - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum