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Winning Mystically
Hello FRIENDS! And you know who you are! The DZI beads are really inspiring to read about. Emilyg, can you tell us of some of your experiences with them, and how you found out about them in the first place? I'm learning so much here! I see that we are attracting some readers who just browse through and don't leave replies. Interesting that we group of psychics attract so much attention on this board! lol Even some skeptics apparently peruse this site to eavesdrop on what they can learn t
Feb 13, 2005, 7:27 pm - LuckyFoxTerrier - Mystical Forum

A good read for my Mystical friends
I have felt for some time now that the lottery balls that are drawn are influenced to come up due to collective consciousness. I wish I could find out a ratio between the numbers that were purchased most often on tickets vs. those numbers that are drawn most often, which are recorded. I would bet money that there is a correlation .... come to think of it, I DO BET MONEY ON THEM! lolI finally got the article to open up. Rick, thanks so much for posting it. FASCINATING!!!!! And super thoug
Feb 13, 2005, 1:33 pm - LuckyFoxTerrier - Mystical Forum

A good read for my Mystical friends
I would think that Millions last post about quantum physics has a lot of merit. There is no proof of any of this but then again, when I was in school, the smallest particle known to man was the atom. Now we are into muons, etc.My son works for Fermilab and they are in the process of shooting small particles (I think they're muons)straight through the earth without any physical interference from IL to a Minnesota receptor. This defies all physics of matter that we learned as kids.My feelings a
Feb 12, 2005, 3:09 pm - Rick G - Mystical Forum

New Psychic Lottery Predictions
Quote: Originally posted by konane on September 03, 2004Mercury is the planet of communication which is why all aspects of communication are slightly affected during Mercury retro. Been watching it for over 20 years, and although never profound or totally disruptive, causes just enough interference to be a total nuisance during the period. The article above has this quote in it:A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards t
Sep 4, 2004, 11:06 am - dragon - Mystical Forum

New Psychic Lottery Predictions
From another site which shows this article as having been gotten from another group. Proper credits with links included. From another group EXPERIENCES [September 21, 2003] REALITY SHIFTSWhat happens to those who slip between the cracks of time and space? Perception determines truth. We invent our own reality through our own perceptions and others', and by accepting what appears to be real as real. Text: Courtesy of color=#0000a0P. M. H. Atwater, Ph.D.History is filled with stories of peo
Aug 2, 2004, 11:10 pm - konane - Mystical Forum

Scientists Find Star To be 13 Billion Years Old -FASCINATING Story w/pic
By serendipity, scientists have photographed Venus surface from space for the first time. Though the planet s rocky body is concealed beneath a thick veil of clouds, telescopes aboard NASA s Parker Solar Probe managed to capture the first visible-light images of the surface taken from space, researchers report in the Feb. 16 Geophysical Research Letters. We ve never actually seen the surface through the clouds at these wavelengths before, said Lori Glaze, Director of NASA s Planetary Sci
Aug 1, 2022, 10:09 pm - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum

Harve$t Moon Billionaires Club - Members Only
How to Find People Who Give Away Money By eHow Contributor , last updated June 23, 2014 From time to time you read in a newspaper or see a segment in a TV news program a heart warming story about a wealthy person's generosity: A headline may read, Millionaire Helps Family in Hard Times. Such expressions of kindness are not always reported, and they may be much more common than the occasional human interest article indicates. People who --- day in and day out --- work to raise funds fo
Jul 22, 2014, 6:48 pm - Harve$t Moon - Mystical Forum

Harve$t Moon Billionaires Club - Members Only
Why do the rich keep money in foreign accounts? Offshore accounts legal or illegal? One of the confusing things about offshore investing is that it does often involve breaking the law. For example, strict bank secrecy laws in places like the Cayman Islands and Switzerland allow those with ill-gotten gains to hide their money and thus keep it from being confiscated. Everyone from terrorists to drug smugglers use offshore accounts this way. So it s tempting to believe that anyone wit
Dec 6, 2012, 11:07 am - Empress-N - Mystical Forum

Harve$t Moon Billionaires Club - Members Only
This post is very long and will be split into several posts for ease of reading. Congress members get lots of money while in office. Numbers are within the article and also at the end. The 50 Richest Members of Congress This article was researched, reported and written by Jennifer Yachnin, Paul Singer, Melanie Zanona, Rachael Bade and Jessica Estepa. (9-16-10) Thanks ~ Rollcall com While the economy stagnated in 2009, the personal fortunes of C
Jul 8, 2012, 5:27 pm - Harve$t Moon - Mystical Forum

Win with Magic ( numbers and more)
Ridge, here's an article on sardonyx. There are lots of color and pattern choices with this semi-precious gemstone. The word was misspelled in the zodiac article that I posted earlier, which I didn't notice until now. Thanks for your post! I appreciate it! Gemstones: Onyx, Sardonyx Onyx - a symbol of eloquence. Stone's names: Onyx, Sardonyx (with white and brown bands). Color: The layers in these stones range from translucent to opaque for sardonyx.The stones vary in color
Apr 30, 2011, 1:03 am - Harve$t Moon - Mystical Forum