
ForumsResults 81 - 90 of 173 for opinion. (0.05 seconds)

My two cents...
Hi Sista! It's good to see your post! I'll read this again after I get a bit of shut eye. This has been my night owl night and my eyelids are heavy!! Marge has a tight grip on some of these numbers that should have fallen already, in my humble opinion. We still have about a dozen play three numbers that have NEVER fallen straight on midday. Come on, Marge, relax the grip!! maggie
May 26, 2011, 4:49 am - Maggie-Nolia - Mystical Forum

reposting of the prosperity prayer
I am also one who believes that we shouldn't pray solely for money but God is our friend and Saviour and if I have a need I dont have a problem asking him to supply that need whatever it may be. I just wanted to give you my opinion on praying from the bottom of your heart. I have been taught to be able to speak to God as if he was sitting in front of you and let him know, not that he already doesnt, sometimes he just wants to hear you say it, your intermost feelings or needs and BELIEVE in what
Aug 13, 2010, 4:07 am - wendy67 - Mystical Forum

why do bad things happen to good people or the innocent
I think that everyone's life has a different journey - God makes no mistakes - while we may not understand it in the physical He never gives you a burden that you cannot handle - and if he put you through it he will pull you through it.. I try and think about life a on-going Bible of sorts with many parables and testimonies of God's goodness and grace. I don't believe that the Holy books ends it continues with each person writing a chapter - some of our chapters will be lessons which others need
Aug 5, 2010, 5:40 pm - LEELEESMOMMY - Mystical Forum

I dream that I was rape
In my opinion dreams reflect what the planets are doing. The asteriod pallas may have brought about a dream of that nature. ( brings abuse to light ). I do not do dream interps, normally.... hardly ever in the last 7 years. Maybe you are thinking of someone with a dream interp list. There are many sites online that publish free dream interps if you don't have a book of them.
Mar 20, 2010, 10:48 pm - spookysoozy - Mystical Forum

Water, water, everywhere or make that Water Signs everywhere
Hey lesonook - I'll only venture to this - I'm pretty certain that DE will eventually get the 788 - I'm just not sure exactly when. The number we are most due for? In my humble opinion, 5718 followed by MD's recent 4400 (straight if luck will have it). If I get the bead on it, I'll make the effort to let you know, especially since we have so few DE LP members who speak! Now, if I read correctly, you are another Pisces soul about to celebrate - I have some sources that say this will be
Mar 5, 2010, 6:55 am - Jake - Mystical Forum

anyone keep track of what singles come near other singles?
I have noticed single numbers that do that. Generaly they will have a matching pair. I have not made a list of them. I noticed it with doubles too with the matching no match pair. Just my opinion
Feb 7, 2010, 11:47 am - JAP69 - Mystical Forum

Tsunami watch ..Please pray for us here in the Bahamas
I am not sure what God you serve but my God is a ever loving God - No, vodoo is not legalized in Haiti - IS CHRISTIANITY legalized in Bahamas??? You should not make statements about things you have no information about. Trust and know that this kind of tragic event does not discriminate or hold boundaries for anyone or anyplace --- INCLUDING the Bahamas. You have no idea how close the people of Haiti are to God - I guess you missed the reports of people still praying and praising God even in the
Jan 14, 2010, 8:23 am - LEELEESMOMMY - Mystical Forum

Tsunami watch ..Please pray for us here in the Bahamas
Everyone has a right to their own opinion no one wants to hear it but it's the truth. It's sad what happen but it's the truth. It's a warning for the rest of the world the bible speaks of these things. Earthquakes in diverse places. It's the truth if u like it or not. All a warning to get closer to God and start looking at our lives. God will always protect his chosen ones. Warning never turn your back on God. God still have mercy on the Haitian people he sending help from near and far. Sorry
Jan 14, 2010, 7:01 am - percygrinder - Mystical Forum

blue moon Lunar Eclipse on news years eve 2009 into 2010
eclipse *184 929 589 284 0400 one eclipse brought 4444 5555 one time in the past. of course I like triples but with mercury retrograde I expect to see more false triples. In Ga we had 747, a false triple in my opinion. The 7 - 4 afinity there is like a 696. The traditional false 7 triple would be 727. 184 came in more than one state for eclipse.
Dec 28, 2009, 9:34 am - spookysoozy - Mystical Forum

I agree with you 100%. Our Prime Minister has said and said it publicly, while he does not believe in the lottery, he is not against it! And that if enough people say to him that they would like to see it legalized, he will have no problem bringing it to the House of Assembly for the passing of the bill. I feel that the people really need to rally together on this and make this legal. Enough people in Nassau alone play this game everyday!!!! People that you would think doesn't do it are doing
Apr 29, 2009, 11:57 am - baleslady - Mystical Forum