
ForumsResults 3291 - 3300 of 3325 for If I have my way. (3.92 seconds)

Tonight Basketball
AWESOME TNTEA!!...i really thought at the half you would lose the bet...good call!! comon Utah miss luck tntea!!
Nov 22, 2006, 11:52 pm - billyloco - Gaming Forum

Denver +1 For Thanksgiving
i'm leaning towards teasing Den to +8 and parlaying it with Dallas to -4....i don't think Denver will really lose, Kansas City should be as tired as Denver but maybe even more so. Hope both of us are winners tho. the REAL billyloco
Nov 22, 2006, 9:28 pm - billyloco - Gaming Forum

Keno, both casino and lottery
Rip, I don't know how to follow the information on the Navy observatory site you mentioned previously?
Sep 1, 2006, 4:07 pm - Elizabeth03 - Gaming Forum

Keno, both casino and lottery
Kenosavy: You appear to be the only one with even a potentially mild interest in how this works, so I'll caution you. I tried the method with the tweaks described in the post above (blog entry yesterday, or the day before) and only ended up with 8 matches in 23 picks. Not even close to good enough with that many picks. For this to be of any value I've either got to get a lot better at determining which will hit, or I've got to reduce the size of the pool of picks to compensate for the no
Aug 28, 2006, 11:50 am - Rip Snorter - Gaming Forum

Keno, both casino and lottery
One of the several errors I made working that ATCAN prediction up yesterday was in failing to use the August moon phases, beginning backward from this one. If you happen to be giving this method a shot here are the draw-dates I should have used for 2006 (if I'd done it today): 18-Aug-06 Aug 11, 2006 Aug 4, 2006 Jul 27, 2006 Jul 13, 2006 Jul 5, 2006 Jun 27, 2006 Jun 20, 2006 Jun 13, 2006 Jun 5, 2006 May 29, 2006 May 22, 2006 May 15, 2006 May 7, 2006 A
Aug 25, 2006, 5:15 pm - Rip Snorter - Gaming Forum

Best Slots in Vegas
Depends if you count each bill seperatly. If so, then $10 +$20+$20 is $50 input and $184.43 output. Of course these were all 3 seperate gaming secessions and I never actually put more than $20 into the machines. Total Profit was $134.43 after 2.5 Hours of play.
Aug 10, 2006, 1:22 am - xmsr3 - Gaming Forum

dog racing
It hasn't happened that I can see. Just a civil discussion of an issue people disagree about. Civil discourse ain't a sign of ruffled feathers.
Aug 7, 2006, 11:27 am - Rip Snorter - Gaming Forum

dog racing
Just answer to your question. It does not cost anything to go to the dog races. It only cost you if you bet on them. I am a animal lover also and it is not cruel to race the dogs. And they are treated good. It is the minds of some people on this earth that treat them cruel. Remember there are a lot of sick people living on this earth not only to animals but to human beings to.
Aug 7, 2006, 5:48 am - Grammy3 - Gaming Forum

dog racing
Hi Rick. Glad you liked Mike's idea. Here's one he hasn't posted yet, but I hope he won't mind me passing it on, doing a pre-emptive strike on him. Everyone knows the dog called an Afghan is actually just a homosexual Irish Setter. So, Mike's figuring on getting a dozen miniature male Afghans and miniature male Irish Setters for this event. They muzzle the Irish Setter and make sure it's a high fence around the track. They turn the miniature Irish Setter loose a couple of minutes
Aug 5, 2006, 1:13 pm - Rip Snorter - Gaming Forum

dog racing
Only to protest them! I have a hard enough time walking down the street in this heat. Imagine running around a track in it. Dogs love to run and compete, and watching the agility races in comfortable, indoor stadiums is a real treat. These wonderful, loyal companions spend most of their lives in crates. They are over-breeded for profit and then selected for racing, killing the thousands of puppies that don't make the grade. The average racing life for a greyhound is 3 years. They can live up to
Aug 3, 2006, 2:22 am - justxploring - Gaming Forum