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Pick 3 Forecast (Multiple States) 8th Edition [>25% ROI]
My Stats/Track Record A predictor is only as good as their track record. There's no way to tell how good a predictor is by looking at the prediction stats on lottery post so I'm posting my own stats that you can look up and see for yourself. I'm combing the results of the forecast in this forum and in my other forum here( Pick 3 Forecast (Multiple States) 7th Edition [ 88% ROI]) because they are two sides of the same strategy that I'm using. So far I've created 1
Jul 28, 2018, 12:20 am - LottoIntuitive - Pick 3 Forum

Pick 3 Forecast (Multiple States) 10th Edition
Arrrgggg! This is a shame. Have you ever not wanted to not hit.... so you could win. I say that only because I pretest my forecast which means I'm not going to put any money on it until the forecast passes the pretest. Based on the conditions for the strategy I'm using, I can see what's coming but I still can only win within a specific range of drawings (window of opportunity) based on the record number of drawings it takes for the strategy always win. I know I'm not telling yall everything
Jul 23, 2019, 3:45 pm - LottoIntuitive - Pick 3 Forum

Working together to make the MOST ACCURATE PREDICTIONS IN THE WORLD!! Come on in Pick 3 players.
My doubles hit................. 020 just came I usually play $1 any order. The were 76 Doubles total Cost $76 Win $160 Profit $84 I had an epiphany and came up with a different system incorporating the wisdom of the crowd method within 20 minutes before the lottery came out. I have other methods that work just as well as you can see from my previous forum post history and my stats but I always strive to do better. $76 is alot to invest but these are safe picks
Apr 18, 2012, 4:51 pm - IntuitorsDream - Pick 3 Forum

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