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Anyone have the numbers for president and government?
Oct 1, 2013, 11:06 am - honeybuttaz1979 - Mystical Forum

Tennessee Senator criticizes Lottery vacation, sick leave policy
I understand your reaction if you're the government worker getting laid off. However, philosophically, I believe smaller government is better, and I strongly believe in capitalism and competition as the means to achieve the best possible results.Taxes pay for government jobs. The more government jobs, the higher the taxes.On the other hand, companies make their money independent of taxes, and actually generate income for the government because they themselves are taxed.Therefore, letting corpo
Apr 8, 2004, 10:34 am - Todd - Lottery News

Feds seize gambling site Bodog, indict founder
So if I understand it properly, the owners of this gambling site ran a business, advertised like any other business, paid it's winnings to its winners. Seems like someone I would want to do business with. Those would be the things I would look for in dealing with a company of some type. Last I looked, I didn't have any off or unpleasant dealings with people who were stealing, acting out of control or any other undesirable behaviour from anyone who was a customer of this gambling site. If
Feb 29, 2012, 9:29 am - Lottery Playa - Lottery News

Pennsylvania lottery winners to be taxed for the first time
I think that's fair, Brown said. If I win $75 million, I wouldn't mind paying 3-percent state taxes. Brown may not mind, but im sure MOST of us DO MIND! Ignorance at its best. But is anyone surpised. Why does government constantly think it's ok for the people to fork over cash on a consistent basis. Give government every single penny and you will have an even larger deficit, larger govt and ZERO liberty. Lottery players deserve 100% of their winnings. The State already makes
May 12, 2015, 1:38 pm - Lottery Playa - Lottery News

Ct. Senate votes to collect delinquent taxes from lottery winnings
THOMAS JEFFERSON BELIEVED THE SOLE PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT WAS TO SERVE ITS CITIZENS.We do not belong to the government, the government belongs to us.Whenever a government persecutes its citizens, it is no longer a government of the people for the people.IT IS A TYRANNY.
May 16, 2011, 2:20 pm - THRIFTY - Lottery News

Ruling by Justice Dept. opens a door on online gambling
If States want to fix their budgets.... they should STOP spending money they don't have. Government is always looking for a way to find more revenue because they can't stop borrowing for things that they do not have any business being involved with. Instead of finding more ways for revenue, they should find more ways to be less intrusive in the lives of the people instead of viewing us as a resource that can be tapped at will for their failure. These States and their budget woes make my blood
Dec 26, 2011, 8:59 am - Lottery Playa - Lottery News

Happy Texas Independence Day!
The Texas Declaration of Independence was framed and issued by theConvention of 1836 at Washington-on-the-Brazos. As soon as the convention was organized a resolution was introduced for appointment of a committee to draw up a declaration of independence. Richard Ellis, president of the convention, appointed George C. Childress, James Gaines, Edward Conrad, Collin McKinney, and Bailey Hardeman to the committee. Childress was named chairman, and it is generally conceded that he wrote the instrumen
Feb 28, 2015, 5:01 am - myturn - Lottery Discussion Forum

Lawmakers going after unclaimed lottery money
You could give government ALL THE MONEY THAT EVER EXISTED and guess what, it would still claim that it needs more! Just more evidence that government has at least for me, out served it's purpose and has become the abuser of property rights. The very sacred ground from which Liberty grows, lives and thrives. The moment that happened, was the moment that Liberty was being doused with chemical weed repellents so that Liberty would no longer grow and power would be further consolidated into
Mar 4, 2013, 11:07 pm - Lottery Playa - Lottery News

State lotteries head to Washington to enforce states' rights on gambling
No, the Federal Government don;t need any more new rule or regulations to steal any more freedom of choice from people. We are adults, here lately our government, as gone to far with their restricting adult activity. The don't give us credit, that we're wise enough to know what we really want to do. or credit to make our own decisions. Our Government, is inching closer to the line of no return. It seem to be head toward taking FREE WILL away. A right the Almighty give not them. Enough is enough.
Mar 30, 2015, 12:31 pm - cbr$ - Lottery News

Waiting for Wealth
Media, We can completely agree on cuts............I have no desires to do the baseball bat ordeal, that is gormless......Your stance is believing that taking more from the real heavy hitters will aid in resolving the issue......It could help provide some extra $$ towards a balanced budget. The problem lies with the government , which isn't happy with what they make. They continue to outspend what they take in.....Then its the old addage we need more revenue cause we spend more cause the taxpa
May 12, 2012, 11:13 am - CDanaT - Lottery Discussion Forum

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