
ForumsResults 111 - 120 of 628872 for If I have my way. (9.45 seconds)

Pick A Pair
Thanks tarheelnc . Yes have several states that I follow that works and there are times now then the lights shines bright and I will post my finding. I notice when I'm playing close attention I can key in on one number and get a hit. Like the 981 and (751 didn't post because it was in Sunday set that I was following)that fell. Observation is the key to winning. I look for the unusual occurances that leds to new ways to look at what will fall the next day. Haven't master the specific states becau
Oct 6, 2009, 11:58 am - msmusic - Pick 3 Forum

North Carolina 7/1 - 7/31
That's very encouraging LUCKY76...I do agree with what you said. Because surely it isn't really fun anymore..Since i'm a stay @ home mother..this is my job sorta..with the extra cash I just use it to try and win more..the last time that I won a huge amount was when the 675 came out...a while ago..which i played on a humbug..because it was on my speedometer...won $330.00 I was so happy...since then I have only been winning $40.00 here or $80.00 there...which is good..but when you play that amount
Jul 15, 2008, 5:51 pm - JuniorMissLotto - Pick 3 Forum

Predictions/Guide Numbers
Hi Badger, You are referring to this statement? The numbers I get are from my guides that are given to me on paper or the guide holds the 3 balls with numbers in his hands for me in my dreams. I don t look at other states numbers. I only Look at PA numbers and use what my guide gives me as well, and I will use numbers here that are given by the other predictors What I meant there is that I did not look or Check every state number that I only looked or checked PA s results.I am now checking all
Dec 7, 2005, 4:53 pm - Clairvoyance - Pick 3 Forum

thank you todd, i will consider once i get some form of counselling because what i am experiencing right now has me torn up in pieces and i can't say i don't understand why because i know why and i maybe its for the best. On a happier note, i will miss lottery post so much, especially because of the people who i got to know and the ones that looked forward to me posting each month. Its really hard for me right now and i will turn this around and i will be 10x stronger before, but right now i nee
Sep 3, 2005, 8:55 pm - LUCKYCHICK80 - Pick 3 Forum

Revamped idea in isolating picks
I never get upset with questions. I get upset with lots of viewings no responses what so-ever. I only track 6 states --MO-NY-NJ-PA-TRI DC.You are correct in your math to determine the root if that's what you're asking. I don't really know how to teach how I am picking my roots. I do not think I track my states like most people at the forum do. I combine all 6 states and track based on 8 draws for some my roots and overall for the sumsTo put it mildly, I do a lot of crazy stuff with my spr
Jul 18, 2005, 9:22 pm - lottaloot - Pick 3 Forum

The Michigan Weekly- 4/2 thru 4/8
lol.........I just take little breaks........clearing the cobwebs.......when I find I am missing an obvious number.....I know it is time to break for a bit......never long though......I love this place too much. Yesterday afternoon, I watched my wonderful Detroit Tigers win their game on TV.............This afternoon, I went for a long walk, thought about going fishing....didn't have any worms and didn't feel like going to the store so I painted wide open......nice warm b
Apr 5, 2005, 3:38 pm - Sandy K - Pick 3 Forum

What was your biggest hit EVER?
So, what was it?Whats the biggest ammount you have ever won?I have hit a number straight ONCE in my lifetime, only ONCE!That was 2 months ago.My total payout was $17,520. My number hit and paid $292.Totally by accident.You see I usually play my number wheeled. Its a double number so it costs me $1.50. I was playing it every day 20 times for a total cost of $30.That week on Wed. night I played it for 4 days, Thursday thru Sunday. That Sunday I was on my way home from work and wasn't sure if I
Oct 24, 2002, 3:47 pm - existo - Pick 3 Forum

Using the CRUNCH - 220 Draws Method
Hello, Mike,Wow! I really had no idea that my winning results and tickets would be posted all over the internet or on this web site. Anyway, I guess that I should be flattered, and at the very least, I am quite impressed. It seems that many of your followers have a lot of questions about using The Crunch and how to best win with it. I do think that you are indeed the expert here since you designed the system anyway. Now, as I was browsing through the archives and the website, I noticed that y
Jun 21, 2004, 12:09 pm - paymenow - Pick 3 Forum

North Carolina Unlimited $$
Date Result Eve/Odd High/Low In/Out Mid Eve Mid Eve Mid Eve Mid Eve Sun, Jul 21, 2019 5-4-7 6-2-3 O-E-O E-E-O H-L-H H-L-L I-I-I I-O-I Sat, Jul 20, 2019 9-4-3 3-4-4 O-E-O O-E-E H-L-L L-L-L O-I-I I-I-I Fri, Jul 19, 2019 3-4-1 3-0-9 O-E-O O-E-O L-L-L L-L-H I-I-O I-O-O Thu, Jul 18, 2019 8-6-8 3-4-1 E-E-E O-E-O H-H-H L-L-L O-I-O I-I-O Wed, Jul 17, 2019 7-8-0 1-9-5 O-E-E O-O-O H-H-L L-H-H I-O-O O-O-I Tue, Jul 16, 2019 8-3-4 1-1-5 E-O-E O-O-O H-L-L L-L-H O-I-I O-O-I
Jul 22, 2019, 12:13 pm - swngnblues - Pick 3 Forum

Pennsylvania: 10/1 - 10/31/2013
nooooo, don't do that, bad Karma.....chalk it off as an experience. Just happened to me the other day. well not the same thing. i played frenzy scratch offs and have already hit it for 500 a few times. i stopped where i always do a small cleaners store. not many know there is lottery in there. i played a lot of frenzies there one or two a day (winning nothing) and i knew it was due. i can see by the ticket numbers that no one was playing it. well i went in last saturday and played my regular num
Oct 3, 2013, 9:49 am - LottoLou - Pick 3 Forum

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