
ForumsResults 101 - 110 of 240 for Mirrors. (0.11 seconds)

Mirror states
Can someone tell me which state SC mirrors? I am new to the post and have a lot to learn. Thanks
Jun 6, 2008, 5:51 pm - karenone - Lottery Discussion Forum

Predicting Numbers
What about the mirrors, vtracs, one up, one down, adding 666 (or do you subtract?), and multiplying (or is it divide?) by Pi or the square root of 2? I thought we needed at least 50 straight/box predictions and say they are good for all pick-3s to get any credibility.
Jan 24, 2008, 11:36 pm - Stack47 - Lottery Discussion Forum

getting the wrong # into the right #
There are so many systems out there. You've got V-tracs, Mirrors, hot and cold, even and odd, wheels, all kinds of filters, numbers of draws to go back from, etc. What works great one day is a failure the next. What's been working for me lately, as odd as it may seem, is that I use my Fantasy 5 system for the pick 3 games and surprisingly, it has been doing well. Every couple of days(2-4 days), I hit for a box hit, so far so good, but I'll enjoy the good luck for as long as it lasts, as I know s
Jan 21, 2008, 1:07 pm - Omniscient - Lottery Discussion Forum

Getting More From The Search Past Results Feature
you know you can find out what doubles appeared. For the Search Past Results in the first 2 boxes enter 0 0, leave the remaining box blank. In the second row enter 1 1 in the first two boxes, etc. You will see the doubles in a specific state or collectively. Now you can really see mirrors, mates, totals followers, etc.
Aug 27, 2007, 1:35 pm - LAVERNE MALONEY - Lottery Discussion Forum

are you superstitious?
I try not to break mirrors And i mark an x on my windshield when a black cat crosses in front my car
Apr 3, 2007, 5:36 pm - kandi44 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Ball-Drawn Raffles
Yes definitely ball drawn. I personally feel everything but games like online Keno which is drawn every few minutes should be live ball drawn, not animated results/smoke-and-mirrors/behind-closed-doors RNG's. I want to see those balls rise, tumble and come out of the hopper myself .. which is the main reason I'm NOT buying a ticket.
Dec 16, 2006, 11:53 am - konane - Lottery Discussion Forum

if your state switched would you play?
Where's the human error of having ballsets replaced periodically, having an independent auditing firm oversee both pre-draw and post-draw tests in addition to the actual drawing, watching those carefully weighed balls being loaded with gloved hands rolling around in the hopper and the balls showing themselves as the jackpot draw??????? It's called proper oversight. Whereas you have a machine that can be tweaked by a human which is hidden behind closed doors, drawing conducted without televis
Feb 9, 2006, 6:19 pm - konane - Lottery Discussion Forum

tennessee midday far
Smoke and mirrors, creating hype so people can lose track of what they're doing, how much they're spending. I backed off too when the hype hit and from overall Cash 3 and 4 sales it seems that I'm not the only one who caught on. Good luck with the games you're playing but look out for more ballsets to be added which create confusion in the name of keeping drawings random. That's the way it was done here so you've been informed.
Feb 5, 2006, 10:46 am - konane - Lottery Discussion Forum

new powerball scheduled payout info
A lot of the joy of winning the lottery comes in the surprise. A person who accepts the annuity will get the double dose of that commodity when it comes time for the first payment toward his $30M.Probably nobody much is going to take annuities, and probably PB knows it's so. But it looks SO good on a billboard, that $30M smoke and mirrors trick. So much better than, say, plus/minus $15M before taxes.If this plays you MM players ought to be able to look forward to the same song, different stan
Sep 26, 2005, 8:25 am - Rip Snorter - Lottery Discussion Forum

pairs all states till the end of time.
Pick out any 10 pairs..... mirrors, consecutive, or the 10 odd pairs or the 10 even pairs. ...etc. Any 10 unique pairs .........hit27% of the time. Just like doubles .......they hit about every 3 or 4 days. If you track 40 pick 3 games a day in the US ....both day and eve. then 40 x.27% =10.8 So if you post 10 pairs for the whole country should average 10 or 11 states or games hitting almost everyday! Any less .......and you are a pretty unlucky dude.
Jul 31, 2004, 1:18 pm - WIN D - Lottery Discussion Forum