
ForumsResults 91 - 94 of 94 for Ouija. (0.06 seconds)

Pendling numbers.
Well then, if you want to be in contact then I will go more in depth! I did not do that in my previous post because you said it freaked you out LOL! You are so right that your guides will not harm you. Guides are souls or spirits that have lived many lifetimes and have gained much wisdom. They are there to help and assist you and are your friends; in fact they are the best friends that you have. They do truly love you and would NEVER do anything to harm you in any way. They will also NOT contr
Apr 19, 2006, 4:15 pm - Clairvoyance - Mystical Forum

Are pre-draws corrupting your lottery strategy ?
Look Crow... er I approached a fellow member here at Lottery Post years ago about putting together a new software to help some of us older players with our hobby. We needed help with our old Pad and Pencil methods ......and some of our old tried and truelottery tools we needed for our Pick 3 games. Ricky(Paurths) was part of our little trackers group back then. Ricky was a really a great player, tracker and fellow member. After a while we figured it out .....Ricky was the only one of us
Jan 24, 2012, 11:35 am - WIN D - Lottery Discussion Forum

Ping for All
Finally. Finally. Scorpio Sun today. Merc kissing the Scorpion too and great vibes between Jupiter and Mercury. Wow. No wonder I've been pinging 718 (in every combination) hard, as well as 1718 and 5718. The last ping I had on this subject was 817. I keep trying to get on to other numbers, and I'm making progress, but this won't let me go. Maybe I need to stop protesting and just go with it. Yes, DE's 187 was a thrill, but there is more to come and maybe even a repeat in the works. And trip
Oct 23, 2011, 11:23 am - Jake - Mystical Forum

Win with Magic ( numbers and more)
PENDULUM OR DOWSING 343 106 209 437 1004 I will post three articles on this subject. The first will be for beginners. The second will have more advanced information. The third will be about charts, supplies and etc. Take your time with this information and practice, practice, practice. The more you practice, the better you will get in understanding this method of communication, the technique and the tools. ~~~ Pendulum Dowsing A pendulum is nothing more than a communication d
Jun 12, 2011, 4:26 pm - Harve$t Moon - Mystical Forum

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