
UsernameResults 31 - 40 of 88 for Lantern. (0.01 seconds)

Iowa court says man can't collect casino winnings
Not to worry about that, after all they quit selling tickets long before the draw and they are the ones who hold the draws.
Feb 15, 2010, 11:02 pm - LANTERN - Lottery News

Iowa court says man can't collect casino winnings
If you win big and or often at cards they say that you count them, so you are not allowed to use winning techniques at casinos, system players should then stay away from casinos and or just win a little at a time and quit playing before they win too much. If a person won at the roulette too much and or too often, what will they accuse that person of? Maybe they will just not pay and ban that person.
Feb 15, 2010, 10:56 pm - LANTERN - Lottery News

Five-time lottery winner accused of taking ticket from group
From what little is being said here, it seems as if the man who had the ticket is the only one who won and the other claim is false. The one who buys and holds the ticket wins, there does not appear to have been an agreement, there is no such proof. The man already won 4 times, there is no reason why he could not had won a fifth time, nobody else came to claim the other 4 prizes before right?, Not until he won $17 000 000.
Oct 31, 2009, 7:27 pm - LANTERN - Lottery News

Cheated winner wants Texas Lottery to pay up
Wel, I was not too far off, he is from Nepal which is very close to India and he did say that he was going back there. They might never see him again, unless he was crazy enough to stay here on the US, but as Indians here stick together, even if he stayed, they might never see him. ----- For some reason that just made me remember about D. B. Cooper., who they never found.
Oct 30, 2009, 9:34 am - LANTERN - Lottery News

Cheated winner wants Texas Lottery to pay up
That guy might be long gone, back to India, Pakistan or where-ever and so perhaps a lot of the money also. The owner of the ticket should get the full amount of money owed to him, regardless, the Tx lottery is said to make more than enough money every year, but they are so greedy. When a lottery clerk wins big, they should first be investigated good and the winning money put in hold for at least 2 to 4 weeks just in case somebody has claims to it, if after 4 weeks nobody comes forth, then
Oct 29, 2009, 10:46 pm - LANTERN - Lottery News

Delaware legalizes sports betting
Gambling is gambling, regardless of what kind. I don't see as to how sports betting can be worse than lottery gambling or bad in some way. Why would lottery gambling be O.K. to do and sports betting not? Why would lottery gambling be Clean and sports betting UnClean ? Isn't stocks trading gambling?
May 15, 2009, 7:43 pm - LANTERN - Lottery News

Tennessee may cap lottery winnings at $600 for poor
THey are wrong, if they can buy tickets then they can win whatever the prize might be, if they are not allowed to buy tickets then they can't win anything of course, unless somebody buys the ticket for them, then maybe they could share the money. But they don't ID people who buy lottery tickets. If they are FREE to buy, then they should also be Free to fully win. If they don't want those people to buy tickets with that money, then don't give them money, just food stamps, Rent Stamps and
Apr 11, 2009, 9:33 pm - LANTERN - Lottery News

Privatization of Texas lottery may get 2nd look in 2009
I made a mistake on the last post. A pick 5 of the 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 kind would or should pay up to $50 000 and not $5 000 as I posted before.
Apr 12, 2008, 1:29 pm - LANTERN - Lottery News

Privatization of Texas lottery may get 2nd look in 2009
I think that it is crazy! They can make more money for sure, but not as much as they think that they can. The 2 big problems might be the state government and the lottery itself. In order to make more money they would have to be free of all and any restrictions, that is being able to handle the lottery on their own, without the state government and the lottery getting in their way. But even is that was possible which would not, they still would not be able to make as much as they thi
Apr 11, 2008, 2:49 pm - LANTERN - Lottery News

Privatization of Texas lottery may get 2nd look in 2009
If they want more sales, they should pay more money out in wins, more wins and higher wins.
Apr 8, 2008, 2:08 pm - LANTERN - Lottery News

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