
UsernameResults 31 - 40 of 114 for Lantern. (0.01 seconds)

Digit System Filters (Another Angle)
The numbers given to the balls are just symbols as stated before by so many including myself, what matters is what works, whatever it might be, if a binary (Two Counts) counting system works best for you prediction technique or method then by all means use it, otherwise use some other counting system, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 36 or whatever. A good enough prediction technique is what really counts. If you do better with VTracks, then by all means use them, otherwise use pictures of animals, color
Nov 6, 2010, 12:27 am - LANTERN - Mathematics Forum

Digit System Filters (Another Angle)
I don't know how very many times I have already said this, but here we go again: Statistics is the Glue that relates otherwise unrelated events; I might have not said it exactly like so, but close enough. Only Statistically are Balls and or Numbers related to each other, but related they for sure are, believe it or not. I have shown this before some times on some Old posts of mine.
Nov 6, 2010, 12:15 am - LANTERN - Mathematics Forum

Statistical Analysis of Lottery Results
No, the information I have given is still good, at least most of it is. What I was talking about there is that there are 10 digits on a pic 3 game and that filtering out a digit or digits is a Digit(s) Filter , just as there are Sums Filter , LDR Filters, Width Filters, Etc. And if you filter out 1 or more digits, they would be filtered out either straight by position or boxed for all 3 positions. I made up a possible way with which to filter out 3 Boxed digits and somehow I thought tha
Oct 22, 2010, 10:55 pm - LANTERN - Mathematics Forum

Statistical Analysis of Lottery Results
I was wrong I can't now get the 3 digits boxed filter to work nor can I get any other kind of 3 boxed digits filters to work at all, 1 digit often fails. I finished trying many filters tricks techniques and they all often failed on 1 of the 3 digits. Maybe I should have tried for 2 boxed digits instead of 3, I will try that next time, but not today.
Oct 20, 2010, 12:00 am - LANTERN - Mathematics Forum

Statistical Analysis of Lottery Results
Well, yes, but as it is or might be, most of us, don't have any kind of Faith not even as much as that of a grain of sand, so we can't move no mountain nor even ping pong balls and if anybody out there can, they probably would not bother to do so. No. No, an experiment can never be exactly reproduced. The Universe is always in motion and a-changing. The World moves and so does the Sun and so does the Galaxy, Etc. Every particle no matter its size is unique to itself, including thi
Oct 17, 2010, 11:33 am - LANTERN - Mathematics Forum

Statistical Analysis of Lottery Results
I have not read it, nor will I, but I can tell you that if what produced a particular result is exactly reproduced the outcome might be exactly the same unless, everything created and or what controls it or them has a kind of awareness and control over itself and or over other matter and or energy or what-ever forces there might be. If somebody sees an experiment and or thinks about it, its outcome might also not be the same as it might have been otherwise, that might be another factor also.
Oct 17, 2010, 1:48 am - LANTERN - Mathematics Forum

Statistical Analysis of Lottery Results
If you filter out 1 digit for each position you have: 729 Straight pick 3 numbers left, if you filter out 2 such digits then: 512 Straight, if 3 digits then: 343 Straight pick 3 numbers, if 4 digits are filtered out of the 10 then: 216 Straight numbers, if 5 then: 125 Straight.
Oct 17, 2010, 1:39 am - LANTERN - Mathematics Forum

Statistical Analysis of Lottery Results
As to jackpot kind of games, I have not spent enough time in their study to come up with good enough filtering techniques that can be used with the mediocre filters software that is available now for those kind of games. Jackpots filters software is pityful, that is, very inadequate.
Oct 17, 2010, 1:26 am - LANTERN - Mathematics Forum

Statistical Analysis of Lottery Results
I know of an easy way to more often than not filter out 3 boxed digits out of the 10 that are good for both, boxed and straight filtration on the pick 3 game and for straight play on top of that I know of other ways to filter out even 1 or more digits from each of the 3 positions and that is just digits filtration, besides counting everything else, of course I have not posted about everything that I know about nor did I make predictions that use those digits filtering techniques. Take into ac
Oct 17, 2010, 1:21 am - LANTERN - Mathematics Forum

Statistical Analysis of Lottery Results
Nothing in nature is random . . . A thing appears random only through the incompleteness of our knowledge. Spinoza, Ethics I I never before read that, but I in my own came to know it and hardly know anything at all about Math, you only need a kindergarden kind of education to know that much. I, on very many of my LP posts have said that. ----------------
Oct 17, 2010, 1:08 am - LANTERN - Mathematics Forum

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