
UsernameResults 1 - 4 of 4 for MADDOG10. (0.04 seconds)

Condensing redundant reoccurring threads
Why don't you take your concerns to Todd, I'm sure he'll listen and tell you in a nice way, that he has spent countless hours developing this system and it has been running like clockwork. See, he allows people to be themselves without a lot of restrictions, something you democrats DO NOT understand. He would probably tell you if you don't like it to go to another site, as I would tell you to do. Or, maybe you could develop your own site with your frivolous suggestions and be happy.
Mar 24, 2022, 10:28 am - MADDOG10 - Suggestions Forum

Suggestion to Todd
Todd, doesn't just lock someone out for no apparent reason. If for some reason you've been locked out, or were'nt allowed to post you were flagrant in your violation of the sites policy. Things have run very sucessful and I can't see any reason to even attempt a vote against this...
Jun 28, 2007, 7:18 pm - MADDOG10 - Suggestions Forum

limit numbers posted / auto clean board every three days
Wow, did someone pee in your cherrios this morning ??? Things are just fine around here for everyone else. Been here long? Oh by the way, welcome to LP>>>! Also like your predictions for today, they are barn burners....!
Feb 4, 2007, 10:08 am - MADDOG10 - Suggestions Forum

an idea for todd
it would be interesting if some lottery officials would get involved in some of the forums here at lp. i believe that most of the lottery officials really don't have the intestinal fortitude to look any further than their nose, for fear of ruffling some feathers, so to speak. i'm not saying their aren't some who do get involved with the public on issues about their own lottery, and rightfully so they should. most do not get involved though because i guess they're not in tune with the betting pu
Jan 19, 2005, 5:31 pm - MADDOG10 - Suggestions Forum

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