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The cancer has gone to the breast bone again, causing a lot of pain. I will be getting 5 rounds of Radiation treatments starting Thursday and ending Wednesday. This should stop the pain. I will also be on a new pill starting 5/10. It's supposed to work with my genetics. The VA. is taking great care of me. I am still able to get around, and I did get both covid shots. Thanks everybody for the prayers and well wishes. I hope you all have some great hits on the lottery. Good Luck Libra Dave
Apr 26, 2021, 2:47 pm - libra - Lottery Discussion Forum

Libra Dave
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to everyone. Thanks for all of your well wishes and prayers. Happy Holidays Libra Dave
Dec 21, 2020, 12:03 am - libra - Lottery Discussion Forum

Libra Dave
I had a Pet Scan yesterday. My VA cancer doctor called me and told me most of my cancer spots had shrunk and the spots did not glow as much as in the last scan. Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. I go for my next chemo treatment 8/18. The next scan will be in 3 months. Good Luck Libra Dave
Aug 14, 2020, 8:14 pm - libra - Lottery Discussion Forum

Libra Dave
I went back on chemo 5/27/2020. The cancer has spread to my sternum or breast bone. I also lost 2/3 sight in my right eye from a blood clot. I haven't gave up, and I won't. Like a lot of you I have been house bound, only leaving for doctors appointments. My grown kids do all of our shopping for us. I appreciate all of the prayers and well wishes. Good Luck Libra Dave
May 28, 2020, 2:30 pm - libra - Lottery Discussion Forum

Libra Dave
The last scan showed that the cancer spots had grown slightly, and a couple of new spots showed up. I am back on the infusion for now. The infusions are 4 weeks apart. May go back on chemo after the next scan, which will be in May. I am in no pain, I do not have a lot of energy. Thanks for the prayers and well wishes. Good Luck Libra Dave
Feb 22, 2020, 12:44 am - libra - Lottery Discussion Forum

Libra Dave
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Everybody. Thanks You for all the prayers and well wishes. The cancer has stabilized, meaning it's not getting worse or better. I go for another scan in February. Good Luck Libra Dave
Dec 23, 2019, 12:20 am - libra - Lottery Discussion Forum

Happy Birthday to Libra Dave
Thanks Everybody. I had a good day. Things have leveled out a bit, Not getting worse or better. That's the best way I can explain it. I appreciate all the well wishes and prayers. Going every 4 weeks for the infusions and every 3 months for the scans. Next scan will be in November. Thanks again Libra Dave
Sep 30, 2019, 12:32 am - libra - Lottery Discussion Forum

Libra Dave
I had surgery on my face to remove a mole that had grown while I was on chemo. It was non-malignant. That was on 6/5/2019. It has healed up pretty good. I am still doing the infusions every 4 weeks and will have another scan in 2 more months. I am having some side effects from the infusion, mostly sore joints and the lack of energy. The last scan showed that the spots where not glowing as bright as before , which is a good sign. Thanks for all of your prayers and well wishes. Good Luck Libra
Jul 5, 2019, 12:28 am - libra - Lottery Discussion Forum

Libra Dave
The spots on my lungs have grown. I'm on Optivo now. I hope I spelled that right. I get it intravenous every 4 weeks. I'm still mobile, doing a lot of traveling to see relatives. I'm in no pain, and most of the side effects from the chemo have worn off. The main thing I got my sense of taste back. Thanks again for all the well wishes and prayers. Good Luck Libra Dave
Mar 21, 2019, 5:43 pm - libra - Lottery Discussion Forum

Libra Dave
Merry Christmas Everyone. Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. Good Luck Libra Dave
Dec 24, 2018, 9:34 pm - libra - Lottery Discussion Forum

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