I recently acquired 4 of Serotics' books
1. Lotto ...How to Play and Win(revised version of Vol 1 for beginners)(1986)
2. Lotto ...How to Play and Win For Advanced Players(1986)
3. Lotto ...How to Play and Win For Experts(1987)
4. The Only Way to Win at Lotto(Pick 5,6,7 WIN 10,Keno, Pick 6 Horseracing)(1986)
ISBN numbers available.
Robert Serotic also penned books under the name Ruben Citores, which is Serotic backwards. Book 3 contains detailed information on how to create custom wheels from scratch. Book 4 probably is the easiest to obtain for about $30.00 new from http://www.lottomasta.com/serotic-lottery-book.html or Amazon....300 pages. 1 to 3 Key number wheels, pairs, groups, 222 systems and combinations, etc. (I recommend this).
About the author
Robert Serotic is a scientist in the field of numbers, the Lotto and Pool Systems, and system analysis. He has collaborated with the renowned pool and lotto bettor W.Kolb since the age of sixteen (Kolb won more than 20 jackpots in lotto and pool games between the years 1957-1982). After completing his studies in the field of mathematics and physics, Serotic worked as a scientific analyst of management for large industrial firms.
He has conducted independent studies for Lotto and Pool games. Serotic's results in the field of number systems research often came as a shock to many specialists and bettors, but his success in numbers betting proves his competency - nine jackpots between 1964 - 1984, two of which were won in two successive weeks.(Pressburg, December 1981) (Inside iacket comments)