Maryland United States
Member #35,589
March 20, 2006
185 Posts
With megamillions controling 70% of the numbers waged is only fitting that the majority of the grand prize winners be from quick picks. We should not assume that MM quickpick system controls the variety of combinations given out thus allowing them more control of the quantity of grand prize winners. If you give out 70% of the tickets bought, then expect to see the major winners from that group of 70%.
As smart as the players here on LotteryPost are your systems will never produce a grand prize winner....for 1. you are only part of the 30% of numbers selected by the public and 2nd if you buy specific multiple picks then your numbers are too organized to go unnoticed.
So then the question becomes....if our systems are being countered by Megamillions supercomputers....then perhaps our philosophy of our approach is wrong. Instead of trying to select the winning combination, shouldn't we be allowing MM to select our winning combination through quick picks.
Yes.....I know what you are thinking....That sounds ridiculous.......How do you beat a computer at it's own game? defying its logic structure.
What if....what if.....there was a way to improve the odds of your megamillions quick picks? Interesting isn't it.........could MM filter sweep then be fooled? Now that's a theory worth investigating.
I believe I have maxed out on "Chaos55" and the principles it was designed to operate upon. I'll still be using it for occasional wagers...but its evolution appears to have maxed out at 4 of 5 predictions. Once it's allignment has been uncovered by the filter sweeps, there are just too many ways that MM can beat you and have it still look legit.
I will now put my efforts in seeing what is the mathimatical feasiability of "Intelligent QuickPicking".
mid-Ohio United States
Member #9
March 24, 2001
20,272 Posts
"Intelligent Quick Picking" for MegaMillions is already being tried. During the last two MM drawings I posted 10 computerized QPs on the prediction board and they matched 3of5 each time once. Continue your work, I haven't perfected the system yet, so if you do you could be the first to post a 5of5 hit. Good luck to you.
* you don't need to buy every combination, just the winning ones *
Maryland United States
Member #35,589
March 20, 2006
185 Posts
I figured you'd be up to the task.
But let me make this a little clearer....I am not talking about having just any computer spit out a series of quick picks.....I am talking about having using the MM millions terminal at any 7-11 or convenience store to get your quick picks......that is the catch!
mid-Ohio United States
Member #9
March 24, 2001
20,272 Posts
I hope you know if the terminals picked 70% of the winners they also picked 70% of the losers too. "Intelligent Quick Picking" implies selected picking and using the terminals at the lottery retailers don't give you a choice when you allow them to do the picking and retailers don't allow you to cancel the QPs you don't like.
* you don't need to buy every combination, just the winning ones *
Maryland United States
Member #35,589
March 20, 2006
185 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by RJOh on Nov 1, 2006
I hope you know if the terminals picked 70% of the winners they also picked 70% of the losers too. "Intelligent Quick Picking" implies selected picking and using the terminals at the lottery retailers don't give you a choice when you allow them to do the picking and retailers don't allow you to cancel the QPs you don't like.
You are exactly correct and that's the point I am making......I know their terminals don't give you a choice, how can one still accomplish 'intelligent quickpicking'?
Think about it RJOH.....I know if anyone here can figure out the answer I am embarking upon, you can.
If MM leans toward picking the very numbers it controls(because 70 percent of buyers just do quickpicks).....then isn't it possible for us to help it along that journey. How do you help italong that journey? The easy answer is by breaking the law.......every electronic system has a pulse. no matter how faint...much like touch telephones can tell which buttons are the individual numbers. You can send an electronic pulse to dictate to the system which numbers to quickpick......any system tied to the internet or not also registers a frequency that can be piggybacked upon and manipulated.....and so for all intent, the computer thinks it has just pick a number of its own origination...etc..etc.........but that is not the road I am going down...I do abide by the laws....however the same principle can be accomplished without illegal invasion by using the very strength of MM and turn it into a weakness......can it be done? It my theory of filter sweepers are correct then why don't we just put a mirror infront of those sweepers.
Anyway this is all jibbrish until I can put it into a mathematical system......then I will test it out and see how it goes.
Ps...If the terminals pick 70% of the winners how can it also pick 70% of the loosers...that part of your statement I didnot understand.
mid-Ohio United States
Member #9
March 24, 2001
20,272 Posts
Shane3, In your opening statements, you said MegaMillions controlled 70% of the numbers waged on, I assumed that 70% included the losers too. I'm sorry if my assumptions were wrong.
* you don't need to buy every combination, just the winning ones *
United States
Member #45,801
August 28, 2006
335 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by Shane3 on Nov 1, 2006
You are exactly correct and that's the point I am making......I know their terminals don't give you a choice, how can one still accomplish 'intelligent quickpicking'?
Think about it RJOH.....I know if anyone here can figure out the answer I am embarking upon, you can.
If MM leans toward picking the very numbers it controls(because 70 percent of buyers just do quickpicks).....then isn't it possible for us to help it along that journey. How do you help italong that journey? The easy answer is by breaking the law.......every electronic system has a pulse. no matter how faint...much like touch telephones can tell which buttons are the individual numbers. You can send an electronic pulse to dictate to the system which numbers to quickpick......any system tied to the internet or not also registers a frequency that can be piggybacked upon and manipulated.....and so for all intent, the computer thinks it has just pick a number of its own origination...etc..etc.........but that is not the road I am going down...I do abide by the laws....however the same principle can be accomplished without illegal invasion by using the very strength of MM and turn it into a weakness......can it be done? It my theory of filter sweepers are correct then why don't we just put a mirror infront of those sweepers.
Anyway this is all jibbrish until I can put it into a mathematical system......then I will test it out and see how it goes.
Ps...If the terminals pick 70% of the winners how can it also pick 70% of the loosers...that part of your statement I didnot understand.
Shane3 and Rjoh:
I have only been with the LP for about 2 months or so and am still green because until I joined this board I did not know how to spell Lottery.
What I gather from these posts by both of you is that the Lottery (HQTRS) in whatever state you are in receives the picks from the downstream terminals at your friendly convenience store and takes that infor and sweeps the picked numbers to determine what is the best set of numbers to allow to be picked by the next draw. Is that what I am reading from you guys?
If that is so how can a secret like this be kept when the people that work for state lotteries are State Employes whose IQ's range between a rock and a grape. I just don't believe they have the moxie to pull it off without opening their mouths about the scam.
Apparently, you guys have some info that suggests this kind of fraud. Hey, I would not be surprised, however, I say again I just don't see how they can pull it off without being detected or telling someone about how they are defrauding the public.
Maybe I have just lived too sheltered a life. I tend to believe things this large are more honest than dishonest. However, thats probably just me hoping I am right.
I would be interested in your comments concerning this issue. Also if this is the case it would be nice to figure out a way at least once to defeat this practice and win a big one in spite of the situation.
mid-Ohio United States
Member #9
March 24, 2001
20,272 Posts
floridian writes: What I gather from these posts by both of you is that the Lottery (HQTRS) in whatever state you are in receives the picks from the downstream terminals at your friendly convenience store and takes that infor and sweeps the picked numbers to determine what is the best set of numbers to allow to be picked by the next draw. Is that what I am reading from you guys?
Floridian, you might be reading that in this thread but not from my posts. When you buy QPs, you get combinations randomly generated by the terminals and you accept what ever you get but if you generate your own random combinations and make out play slips, you have the choice of rejecting the ones that are duplicates or the ones you don't likes. With odds of 1:135M for winning a jackpot, the states don't have to result to fraud to keep players from winning. I think in Ohio the lotteries are fair or I wouldn't play.
* you don't need to buy every combination, just the winning ones *
United States
Member #45,801
August 28, 2006
335 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by RJOh on Nov 1, 2006
floridian writes: What I gather from these posts by both of you is that the Lottery (HQTRS) in whatever state you are in receives the picks from the downstream terminals at your friendly convenience store and takes that infor and sweeps the picked numbers to determine what is the best set of numbers to allow to be picked by the next draw. Is that what I am reading from you guys?
Floridian, you might be reading that in this thread but not from my posts. When you buy QPs, you get combinations randomly generated by the terminals and you accept what ever you get but if you generate your own random combinations and make out play slips, you have the choice of rejecting the ones that are duplicates or the ones you don't likes. With odds of 1:135M for winning a jackpot, the states don't have to result to fraud to keep players from winning. I think in Ohio the lotteries are fair or I wouldn't play.
Thanks for the clarification I totally agree with you. Aint no reason to be anything but honest since all the odds favor the house anyway.
It also looks like in Florida that QP's win the Florida Lottery around 50 to 60% of the time. Another game here is MegaMoney, a variation of MegaMillions. QP,s win it also at about 50 to 60%.
Maryland United States
Member #35,589
March 20, 2006
185 Posts
To Floridian....these are all theories, no one has any proof of anything....the odds are so astronmical megamillions does not need to cheap to make money.
However if I were a MegaMillions is how I wpould ripoff the public....
If my system controls 70% of all combinations waged, then I could select one or two numbers and have those programed into the system to not be part of the quickpick selections....or make them use a greater span in the quick pick rotation. This would control all the big prize amounts dispensed.
Of the 30% of individuals would select their numbers I could still use my super computer to monitor the pros and cons of selecting the quick pick set of numbers. There is sooo sooo much one could program into a system and have it lay dormant until it is triggered, that it is not even funny. ....and unless you are a computer super genius most people would even catch the glitch that is lying under the normal program.
So if I only have programed for the number 5 to show up in 10% of the 70% of quick picks...I could seriously control my money outflow.
But this is what I would do if I were a crooked lotto executive......and I doubt if anyone out there is smart enough to pull off something like that.........they don't need to because the odds are already too great.
mid-Ohio United States
Member #9
March 24, 2001
20,272 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by floridian on Nov 2, 2006
Thanks for the clarification I totally agree with you. Aint no reason to be anything but honest since all the odds favor the house anyway.
It also looks like in Florida that QP's win the Florida Lottery around 50 to 60% of the time. Another game here is MegaMoney, a variation of MegaMillions. QP,s win it also at about 50 to 60%.
I think QP's win more because more people play QP's. Unlike many LP members, most players don't want to be bother with picking their own numbers and making out play slips. Lotteries are designed with odds that favor the states taking your money without cheating and most players are trying to the same but the odds are against them.
Up until Shane3 started this thread I had thought he would trying to develop a strategy to improve his odds of winning but now I not so sure.
* you don't need to buy every combination, just the winning ones *
Maryland United States
Member #35,589
March 20, 2006
185 Posts
RJOH...actually I am trying to design a scheme to increase the chances of a person's quick picks that MM terminals give out. The thread just got a little off track.
But the principle I am working on is this......if 70% of the winners come from the 70% of quick picks....then can't an individual set up some cookie crumbs that lead the MM back to that person's quick picks or close to it? If my ever ongoing theory that money outflow control is at work then perhaps there is a way to make the MM computer lean towards your quick pick.Can you see what I am trying to say....I don't want to spill my theory out until I have put it together and given it an opportunity to sink or swim. I get off on impossible this could be hogwash......I'll give it a try and see.
United States
Member #4,416
April 22, 2004
1,075 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by Shane3 on Nov 1, 2006
With megamillions controling 70% of the numbers waged is only fitting that the majority of the grand prize winners be from quick picks. We should not assume that MM quickpick system controls the variety of combinations given out thus allowing them more control of the quantity of grand prize winners. If you give out 70% of the tickets bought, then expect to see the major winners from that group of 70%.
As smart as the players here on LotteryPost are your systems will never produce a grand prize winner....for 1. you are only part of the 30% of numbers selected by the public and 2nd if you buy specific multiple picks then your numbers are too organized to go unnoticed.
So then the question becomes....if our systems are being countered by Megamillions supercomputers....then perhaps our philosophy of our approach is wrong. Instead of trying to select the winning combination, shouldn't we be allowing MM to select our winning combination through quick picks.
Yes.....I know what you are thinking....That sounds ridiculous.......How do you beat a computer at it's own game? defying its logic structure.
What if....what if.....there was a way to improve the odds of your megamillions quick picks? Interesting isn't it.........could MM filter sweep then be fooled? Now that's a theory worth investigating.
I believe I have maxed out on "Chaos55" and the principles it was designed to operate upon. I'll still be using it for occasional wagers...but its evolution appears to have maxed out at 4 of 5 predictions. Once it's allignment has been uncovered by the filter sweeps, there are just too many ways that MM can beat you and have it still look legit.
I will now put my efforts in seeing what is the mathimatical feasiability of "Intelligent QuickPicking".
What kind of control are you alleging that MegaMillions exerts? Are you saying that they control 70% of the numbers from the 5/56 and 1/46 pools, or are you saying that they control 70% of the combinations played on any given drawing? How are they exercising this control? If you're saying that the Quick Picks are somehow skewed, then wouldn't there have to be some sort of interface between the mechanical drawings and the RNGs that generate those Qick Picks? Otherwise, how would there be any meaningful control or advantage to them? How would such an interface between the RNGs and a mechanical ball drawing be arranged?
If 70% of winners come from MegaMillions' Quick Picks, then wouldn't the other 30% of winners come from numbers chosen by other means? How does that place anyone choosing their own numbers at a disadvantage? I don't understand what you mean by "specific multiple picks," and what do you mean when you say that they are too organized to go unnoticed? Who or what would be noticing them, and what difference would it make that anyone or anything noticed them? Are you saying that measures would be taken to make sure that none of those specific multiple picks would win? Who would do this? How would they do this? Why would they do this? Again, wouldn't this require some kind of interface between the mechanical ball drawing and the RNGs or a central supercomputer?
If your answer to all of this is to let MegaMilions select your ticket combinations through Quick Picks, then what more is there to do than just buy Quick Picks? And won't the supercomputer notice Quick Picks? How could the winning odds of MegaMillions' Quick Picks be increased? Yet again, wouldn't this have to involve some interface with the mechanical ball drawing? If you could influence exactly what Quick Picks you would be given, how would those Quick Picks be any better than other Quick Picks or combinations selected in any other way? How would you go about influencing those Quick Picks? Would you bait the RNG with seed numbers on the play board before another board where you would opt for a Quick Pick?
What is the "filter sweep" that you mention? How does it work, and what is its purpose? Assuming that fooling this filter sweep would be advantageous, couldn't that be accomplished by simply buying combinations one at a time at different times and places? Surely, you're not talking about doing something illegal like hacking into the MegaMillions terminals or supercomputer.
What exactly do you mean by the "alignment" of the Chaos 55 system or any other system? Are you talking about MegaMillions figuring out what system you are using? Why would they even care what system anyone is using? Aren't the odds of the game and the percentage they take out enough to successfully run a profitable game in an entirely legitimate manner? Isn't that all the money outflow control that they need?
Assuming that it could be accomplished, how would influencing MegaMillions' Quick Picks be any better than accepting ordinary Quick Picks or choosing your own number combinations?
I'm just trying to understand what you're talking about here. I've read your posts in this thread and I can't understand what you're talking about doing.