The custom lottery results page is what I want. However, I need to be able to sort the list by result so that I can see the trend for the night. Have you ever noticed that all the lotteries coming out for a certain night will be within a given range? If I can isolate the pattern (and there is one) then I can figure out what the first number of the draw will be. Or at least give me an advantage play by giving me a "range" to stick in. Then the rest of the numbers are contingent of the first. I can see a definite pattern that is more visible with a listing that will let me sort by result. And then switch back to draw date.
Looks to me like you could just add a sort feature to the custom lottery results page. Then a sort by draw date too. Btw, does it update itself or do I need to refresh it when a new result comes out?
And, if I pick to view only the pick 6's for that night, would that be all the major jackpots for that night? Or aren't some pick 5's in the major jackpot range also? It will not let me choose to view both pick 5's and pick 6's at the same time if I needed it. I would like that to be a feature. Viewing all the results on one page confuses the otherwise noticeable pattern., depending on how it is sorted. There are a lot of smarter people on here than me, so I know you would get more winners from lp if this was made available to them. But I would make it a premium feature for paying members only. (Might drive up sales.)