Updated Midday Info.....
Highest Due Sums: 17, 6, 4, 1, 11, 14, 22, 20, 18, 15, 8, 27, 23
Highest Due Box Pairs: 06, 66, 33, 55, 59, 37, 22, 57, 29, 77, 89, 38, 25, 23, 49
17 - 089,179,188,269,278,359,368,377,449,458,467,557,566
6 - 006,015,024,033,114,123,222
4 - 004,013,022,112
1 - 001
11 - 029,038,047,056,119,128,137,146,155,227,236,245,335,344
14 - 059,068,077,149,158,167,239,248,257,266,338,347,356,446,455
22 - 499,589,679,688,778
20 - 299,389,479,488,569,578,668,677
18 - 099,189,279,288,369,378,459,468,477,558,567,666
15 - 069,078,159,168,177,249,258,267,339,348,357,366,447,456,555
8 - 008,017,026,035,044,116,125,134,224,233
27 - 999
23 - 599,689,779,788
Due Box ShortSums: 8, 4, 5
8 - 008 017 026 035 044 099 116 125 134 189 224 233 279 288 369 378 459 468 477 558 567 666
4 - 004 013 022 059 068 077 112 149 158 167 239 248 257 266 338 347 356 446 455 699 789 888
5 - 005 014 023 069 078 113 122 159 168 177 249 258 267 339 348 357 366 447 456 555 799 889
Due Box RootSums: 8, 5, 6
8 - 008, 017, 026, 035, 044, 089, 116, 125, 134, 179, 188, 224, 233, 269, 278, 359, 368, 377, 449, 458, 467, 557, 566, 899
5 - 005, 014, 023, 059, 068, 077, 113, 122, 149, 158, 167, 239, 248, 257, 266, 338, 347, 356, 446, 455, 599, 689, 779, 788
6 - 006, 015, 024, 033, 069, 078, 114, 123, 159, 168, 177, 222, 249, 258, 267, 339, 348, 357, 366, 447, 456, 555, 699, 789, 888
Due VTrac Pairs Straight: FP, BP, SP
Due Straight Front Pairs
VTRAC 25pr= 40,45,90,95
VTRAC 12pr= 01,51,06,56
VTRAC 42pr= 31,36,81,86
Due Straight Back Pairs
VTRAC 51pr= 40,45,90,95
VTRAC 44pr= 33 88 38
VTRAC 41pr= 30,35,80,85
Due Straight Split Pairs
VTRAC 31pr= 20,25,70,75
VTRAC 41pr= 30,35,80,85
VTRAC 21pr= 10,15,60.65
Due VTrac Pairs Box: 55, 34, 11, 13
55pr= 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449
990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999
490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499
34pr= 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239
280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289
720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729
780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789
11pr= 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009
555 550 551 552 553 554 556 557 558 559
050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059
13pr= 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029
520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529
070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079
570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579
Longest Out Box...
456 039 067 356 037 078 345 239 358 237 368 457 016 013 147 589 059 238 123 035 245 168 018 578 357 029 027 249 468 367 146 289 379 137 138 125 178 159 046 579 359 056 015 058 167 679 145 025 347 019 269 157 569 017 068 023 069 348 458 047 026 024 268 189 467 148 278 179 479 256 567 169 057 038 089 014 259 036 346 489 156 149 459 689 236 789 378 678 028 257
Longest Out Doubles...
119 224 299 226 277 445 889 788 001 166 007 004 199 022 177 559 339 266 688 577 336 667 334 033 188 499 114 099 566 088 377 255 366 668 118 225 133 008 117 229 557 006 669 011 488 227 677 223 228 044 388 077 112 448 009 558 155 699 233 115 337 055 599 066 338 455 355 335 449 446 556 466 899 244 144 779 122 477 344 003 113 778 799 288 447 116 399 005 002 588
~ Lottery Bible ~
153 502 143 470 524 768 034 562 483 160 869 711 400 949 880 722
693 108 584 526 958 879 163 380 761 846 360 787 455 994 181 747
~ Followers/Leaders ~
153 Followers - 084 129 231 343 502 571 611 627 666 713 775 822 890
153 Leaders - 052 096 204 317 336 368 375 402 541 611 649 885 921
693 Followers - 213 215 218 221 280 469 514 586 769 811 865 874 888 960 980
693 Leaders - 077 152 158 171 376 564 717 719 728 748 798 821 831 833 836
~ +22 Workout ~
37 35 75
59 57 97
71 79 19
93 91 31
81 85 15
03 07 37
25 29 59
47 41 71
FP/BP = Front Pair/Back Pair
426.... BP of 942 (Nov 30th) merged with FP of 469 (Nov 27th)
437.... FP of 435 (Dec 1st) merged with FP of 291 (Nov 29th).... you're like huh? They mirrored 29 = 74
153.... FP of 518 (Dec 29th) merged with BP of 435 (Dec 1st)
693.... BP of 469 (Nov 27th) merged with FP of 398 (Nov 30th)... yes, many were hoping for 695
Unused pairs.... 18 from Nov 29th... 91 from Nov 28th... 98 from Nov 30th.... 94 from Nov 30th... So watch out for 18, 19, 98, 94 pairs to drop soon...
Watch for 00, 33, 55, 66, 88..... we also had two 48 pairs... watch out for 59 pair...
I'm seeing lots of 88 pair in TTT..... Possible 333 or 888?
276 042 388 721 597 833
203 748 628 758 293 173
248 643 793 198
208 248 628 648 753 793 173 193
027 762 288 830 572 217 733 385
284 742 740 288 739 297 295 733
243 648 798 193
247 348 792 893
483 488 938 933
716 582 828 261 037 373
758 182 628 203 637 173
788 688 233 133
752 782 622 682 207 237 177 137
571 162 282 285 026 617 737 730
728 182 185 228 273 637 630 773
788 688 233 133
781 888 236 333
828 828 373 373
Good luck folks!