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Honestly read post by other members and

Comprehended what they said!
[ 0 ]
[ 0.0% ]
Just ignored all that rubish!
[ 1 ]
[ 7.7% ]
Thought that maybe their tell the truth!
[ 1 ]
[ 7.7% ]
Looked over lottery web sites for answere?
[ 1 ]
[ 7.7% ]
Thought that nobody knows what their doing!
[ 2 ]
[ 15.4% ]
Said that maybe that makes sence!
[ 3 ]
[ 23.1% ]
Wonderer were they got their information!
[ 1 ]
[ 7.7% ]
Accutally looked up some of the data!
[ 3 ]
[ 23.1% ]
Believe it is all nonsence!
[ 0 ]
[ 0.0% ]
Just don't care and play whatever!
[ 1 ]
[ 7.7% ]
Total valid votes
[ 13 ]
Discarded votes
[ 9 ]

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