BAHAMAS36's Blog

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Good sat's ! 2093 592 239 4554 246 1919 1009 1922 037 630 474 546 455 544 321 789 788 509 347 599 95

417 047 589 894 082 013 500 011 001 233 322 455 544 546 369 258 509 951 196 660 040 044 144 141 244 424 422 225 255 388 830 733 449 499 049 7986 057 755 557 1048 9532 7293 4237 1955 914 134 344 433 093 092 0589 583 246 351 533 355 204 152 801 137 529 035 623 368 497 758 822 113 115 9294 866 688 377 167 166 161 711 1974 032 909 4105 good lucky you!!!!Coffee 


 (Coffee(( special treats!!! 1760 1942 865 937 448 1919 5778 7006 1345

045 988 0988 899 3108 8103 1812  346 037 0347 347 956 354 2033 2023 1743))Hurray!  lets see what's coming straight or box!!!   

Entry #116

Using wed's number's again

along wth thes 2039 239 082 374 037 455 4093 093 248 788 509 Good friday!!! scroll down to wednesday's luck!!!! Party142 st8/419 st8/ 377 box/ 246 box/ 833 box 0589 box/ 047 box 978 box/ 057 box/  all those came from wed's number's...jus scroll downBananaBananamore to come!!!

Entry #115

Good wed's 455 246 642 1919 1922 7780 037 371 147 755 744 233 322 544 320 875 866 688 846 754 546 82

379 Banana455 544 322 233 546Banana 037 042 244 424 242 574 876 751 Drum057Drum 1246 Banana1919Banana 1922 435 Drum291Drum 235 Banana170Banana 386Banana 047 266 188 Banana733Banana 833 388 377 827 846 746 766 7006 7760 1925 275 Banana601Banana 055 500 466 644 142 025 522 552 985 168 266 Banana1803Banana 1812 6597 706 966 956 Banana955Banana 599 509 1010 4532 978 737 475 476 786 Banana172Banana Banana173Banana899 0988 0589 748 290 4039 7780 708 1748 2468


Noel2468Banana 739 676 490 419 449 499 022 212 all 100's and triples for sure!!! dontBanana forget to play all for a little smtg! super fly luck!!!!! Banana4554Banana   Banana246????? 042?Banana I SAID DONT FORGET THE TRIPLES Banana111Banana FLORIDAHurray! 733 BOX IN PENNSYNA/ 421 BOX X 2/ 170 BOX MUCH MORE TO COME!!!! Banana668Banana BOX IN DELAWARE /564 BOX IN CONNECTICUT/Banana955Banana ST8 IN MARYLAND/ 057 BOX IN N-CAROLINA/ 371 BOX IN TENNESSEE/ AND (82) IN THE TWO BALL ST8 IN CALIBanana 82/ Banana601Banana ST8 IN IDABananaHO /Banana 386Banana X3 ST8 IN TRI-STATEParty172 ST8 IN MINNESOTA/ 490 BOX IN ARKANSASPartyMORE TO COME!!! Banana601Banana ST8 AGAIN IN MICHIGANHurray! you would of had to have your paper and pen...that's how much str8 hits tonight...with box hits alsoHurray!

Entry #113

Your Blessed! wtg 111 st8/ 659 x3 tri-state! wow!! it's an art! more to come!!

Party660Banana 659Banana 955 599 037 066659 956 699 966 690 Banana111Banana568 235 122 589 118 267 1289 2499 2467 1033 9532 1942 4237 7293 1450 0589 424 242 369 312 455 233 322 320 505 606 remember to also try 007money system....all give it a try! super sunday!!!!YOUR BLESSED!!!!extra treats! 568 789 039 147 356 134 479 0238 0489 0359 0257 0029 0568 0267 8103 1812 1248 1948 1974

Entry #110

Sat's happy go lucky numbers

111 568 235 122 589 118 267 1289 2499 2467 0334 5568 4789 5677 1033 1039 233 322 455 544 024 186 755 637 746 972 049 037 688 866 045 906 966 699 955 599 789 235 933 389 433 344 244 422 758 548 509 519 369 0988 988 899 320 328 327 1803 1812 909 404 500 330 331 super fly luck!!!!!9873 4930 5400 3222 6640 0650 1732 336 663 dont ever forget to play all the hundreds 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900  play all for 10 cents...=$8.00 in <snip>com for lots of profits!!!!!

Entry #109

Good lucky friday! wtg 544 st8 in ohio

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 000 011 112 113 114 411 511 611 711 811 911 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 037 1450 1295 244 588 599 955 422 252 869 789 505 606 707 900 178 726 09 3099 1033 7293 4237 9532 7006 2014 2103 1048 2048 1248 1037 1047 985 014 406 713 7986 5544 3322 1955 1435 0523 0543 7780 347 769 369 455 544 045 145 303 good lucky straight hits alday long!!!!!Party544 st8 in ohio/ 1450 box in florida/ 119 box in pennsylvana/ 190 box in michiganBananaBananaBananaBananamore to come!/ Banana031 box in arkansas

Entry #108

Hundreds triples doubles day! get your pen ready to circle the winning ones

Party100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 000 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 211 011 311 411 511 611 711 811 191 909 202 303 404 505 606 707 808 special treat 101 876 455 700 177 827 7986 0534 9532 4237 986 546 049 522 351 588 885 508 3086 718 583 2160 2014 5544 lets count the st8 hits today...super good luck!!!! 037 037 347 077    Banana986 st8 michiganBanana505 box in georgia...687 box in arkansasPartywtg!!! and much more to come! to be continued!!!

Entry #107

Sunday #'s 659 233 322 876 789 505 697 069 066 737 739 730 231 455 544 909 019 954 759 859 857 013

709 799 977 456 695 954 231 909 756 730 809 0988 423 032 1745 9532 7006 677 766 607 568 806 866 688 453 456 369 258 411 407 695 733


769 044 054 154 347 833 388 744 747 749 895 0589 090 089 040 020 030 033 133 113 114 378 046 464 112 933 100 011 1214 2014 1798 940 660 019 143 121 123 548 547 457 575 507 508 589 144 155 244 422 509 159 041 327 060 050 s

Entry #102
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