BAHAMAS36's Blog

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Happy st Patrick's Day! 789 457 547 369 037 473 900 909 455 544 857 876 746 846 919 019 456 659 069

066 016 911 114 914 389 589 1789 0589 7589 9532 8007 1846 406 549 954 548 455 544 322 233 357 593 246 1248 354 254 348 799 977 549 749 1743 1960 857 568 866 688 143 508 588 4533 1799 1586 433 7230 8760 212 356 1139 1039 787 457


944 507 509 273 144 040 070 919 909 659 769 846 746 054 154 455 009 209 269 489 589 691 2550 2205 252 255 505 321 100 101 202 318 328 410 013 756 3044 473 448 429 482 1378 378 577 777 555 333 444 044 044 036 371 927 527 394 032 043 030 033 133 114 781 261 468 1009

Entry #101

Happy monday!! 069 755 577 231 037 1789 789 1248 2817 0988 0589 9532 2014 2103 588 1844 122 202 700

359 357 933 457 547 780 724 852 659 0739 0650 7780 376 7358  762 737 733 797 127 720 227 369 366 857 528 269 069 066 600 700 800 400 448 039 913 933 501 578 788 508 507 036 037 137 833 038 573 114 115 116 287 809 621 631 7821 4397 4237 1948 399 699 266 227 337 659 697 100


 there was a block shelby50...but yes to your ? good luck!!!! 739 159 509 506 1800 8760 8760 2014 1922 4521 1744 1844 1009 1789 1974 749 113 231 133 233 322 455 544 754 954 469 695 757 507 755 202 122 777 555 666 999 333 033 133 144 299 799 0739 0736 1944 1846 100 300 400 500 800

6632 win it up til i get of from work tonight....u wil win shot's tonight...your truly blessed!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #100

Happy sunday!! using #s from 3/5 - 3/12 good luck!! gat to go til later

here's a few 233 322 455 544 199 1366 1337 1744 369 258 147 037 456 069 659 659 528 528 748 410 140 114 911 987 0988 0589 9532 2014 2014 2103 509 599 955 749 947 777 555 333 666 066 066 166 123 202 122 755 757 737 159 753 359 388 833 933 733 744 100 697 697 762 1844 1922 scroll down for and do the math... gat to go to work now... hope dis is another blazzing hot day and nightttttttttt!!!!!! later... your truly blessed!!!!!

Entry #99

277 st/288 st/541 st/ 212 st/ 088 x3 st/ 267 st/ 988 st/ 5130 bx/014 st/ 060 bx x 3/ 833 bx/ 343 bx

1739 BX/ 151 BOX REPEAT/ 9532 1739 BOTH  BOX HOT FOUR BALLS TODAY SO FAR 476 BOX KOOL!!! IT'S GONA BE A SUPER HOT DAY AND NIGHT!!!! HAVE TO GO  TO WORK... WILL CHECK BACK AT 6:30PM.... HOPE YAL WIN LOT'S WHEN I CHECK BACK LATER....PartyPartyParty so much more box and it's not even funny... do your scrol down like i said and you shouldn't have a problem...cause all you have to do is pick one batch and you guaranteed a win!!!!PartyPartyPartyif you can count the straight vs box...ready start go... what # you end up with that's your favourite #

Entry #98

Well dis is a blessed saturday same #s same place good luck wit same #s jus scroll down 188 659 739

GOOD LUCK!! 987 455 544 233 322 031 014 2014 2103 9532 1099 1472 1792 1803 1812 6640 6603 3306 509 069 159 739 739 777 088 888 266 519 123 SCROLL DOWN FOR THE REST AND KNOW THAT YOUR TRULY BLESSED!!!!! 347 744 267 305 305 583 659 966 699 369 469 429 954 LET'S GO STRAIGHT SHOT'S ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG......1922 297 1472 1942 1549 7498 1346 541 054 1044 3732 6395 1960 1960 6609 374 608 866 688 2468 5139 7780 0650 1237 1739 7293 3743 1044 266 1245 122 202 904 944 914 933 595 595 349 349 599 955 3732 1812 262 2044 0036 5300 1900 1009 528 842 4237 4237 895 5130 407 147 129 277 277 754 547 786 768 697 697 799 1940 1234 

 1948 1948 1378 7780 8870 4521 1974 1940 2099 1746 1846 3210 0322 476 476 456 659 357 359 429 199 299 366 036 037 833 7337 333 555 666 999 222 212 057 588 0589 0769 7006 7766 7706 706 766 666 777 206 250 305

Entry #97

988 straight dis number on fire /889 box x 3 in vermont those/ 0589 box/ 348 box / 077 st/ 578 box

PartyPartyPartyeven gave yal a hunch about the 966 family 699 straight as can be... more to come....137 straight 060 box / 988 box to be continued.... 456 box twice in one day... watch out 069 and all the #s from couple days ago with todays #s... do your home-wk & you will hit straight shot's tonight!!!!! 659

 6791 1976 281 101 151 114 115 031 257 310 431


 916 1966 1966 3005 289 9700 9532 7293 4397 4237 8037 733 748 793 189 595 699... if you  fail to do home-wk.... you will miss out big time..... check my my blog today yesterday day befour...that's research 5100 proof winnings!!! Party 889 box times 3/ 077 straightPartyhot night.... 289 straight/Party 151 straight/ 058 boxPartyPartyboop boop boop boop  229 straight/ 827 straight/  772 straight/ 1812 box/ 670 box... now what you think about doing your home-wk? if i didn't know any better... i would think it's a set up...PartyPartyPartytold you you go down two days and today and you will end up with straight shots... count the straight hit's and what number you come up with... that's your lucky ball!!!!

Entry #94

Hotie thursday 766 706 659 789 788 456 642 429 944 940 233 322 738 906 699 267 367 911 574 397 739

755 124 204 744 305 305 9700 7006 7766 7706 031 204 206 369 258 147 123 456 789 755 809 697 1844 1746 9532 1549 1744 1844 748 448 448 048 940 944 499 631 960 599 866 615 506 566 348 5778 788 344 9700 7006 1922 4521 794 3784 269 299 730 809 899 988 0988 014 7780 842 824 128 476 299 229 209 999 666 100 659 057 508 588 885 106 360 960

 WILL YOU BE THAT FAT POCKET WINNER TODAY? LET'S SEE IF YOU CAN PICK THE RIGHT BATCH OF #S TODAY... IT'S ALL IN THE PALM OF YOUR HANDS... JUS RECEIVE IT!!!!! AND BELEIVE YOUR TRULY BLESSED!!!! 8050 328 821 407 827 7741 877 947 800 595 599 595 809 0988 0589 0736 0345 3467 9873 9185 0589

437 7436 757 1746 1812 1803 456 1976 1900 4009 944 499 304 955 069 609 7780 0650 397  644 644 624 140 204 228 911 700 060 054 476 476 128 128 318 299 509 1004 036 809 882 730 833 933 039 733 1733 1844 1754 1718 778 367 267 578 578 578 8578 6609 677 457 189 445 455 7706 SOMEONE WILL WIN BIG TODAY! HINT OF THE DAY 739 906 066 096 3306 659 788 789 755 031 014 507 757 369 189 456 659 699 799 739

1515 344 343 373 757 574 6263 1942 1792 229 229 748 048 0650 1237 6640 1732 1739 378 388 5300 3005 277 772 124 204 7548 7703 707 700 060 066 767 766 615 506 566 866 626 263 037 137 196 196 134 3784 159 357 953 359 759 957 135 788 887 780 739 739 739 777 555 333 666



Entry #93

Hot wednesday! lot's of straight and box #s with same old #s 966 straight lot's more straight check

  433 straight/104 box/ 7841bx = straight/847 straight/170 straight x 3 in vermont  those/288 straight/ 966 straight for the 5th time/ lot's more to come/ 3306 box/ PartyPartyPartyPartylot's box much more to come keep old list until further notice....Partyand every state watch out for 699 069 696 659 879 and dont forget to back track on the number's from day before... good lucky wednesday!!!  744 box/


{069 966 }you can even think out the box and buy the family of 966????

Entry #92

were going for straight hits today... 659 037 305 100 002 555 429 697 744 267 766 347 456 069 966 11

571 507 711 700 536 366 697 466 199 998 541 419 328 229 228 219 509 590 354 455 544 548 2014 2103 7780 9532 1960 4237 1009 1800 170 1248 1847 1743 1746 6640 7707 3306 6603 1997 1974 139 395 665 651 737 077 777 777 777 777 700 700 069 659 057 507 755 576 661 458 1378 325 494 499 305 194 941 514 146 229 228 291 847 347 755 426 268 440 403 433 Party219 TIMES 3=CASH$ IN VERMONT THOSEParty 905 STRAIGHT/ 203 BOX TOLD YOU STRAIGHT HITS ON THE WAYPartyMORE TO COME!!!  599 STRAIGHTParty / 072 BOX MIAMI/414 BOX MICHIGAN/ BOOP BOOP!!! 038 BOX EVERY # THAT FELL IN NASSAUGAMECOM CAME STRAIGHT OR BOX SO FAR PartyMORE TO COME!!

308 031 014 013 311 411 328 615 761 128 128 1812 1806 7006 7766 4860 002 795 500 500 555 215 127 027 027 772 096 3005 328 716 762 738 2301 2014 1922 4521 199 299 4532 456 320 201 202 212 303 019 191 139 830 303 818 188 088 7780 7805 0589 555 288 028 466 644 665 566 317 177 351 509 069 966 519 873 737 941 414 513 305 305 905 955 599 054 276 267 780 899 058 1746 1846 2204 2205 0589 765 655 889


0988 1960

Entry #90

Hot #s coming up tomor! use the one's i had posted until tomor..jus a few to add to the 069 347 966

The old list.... 474 476 659 213 069 037 267 305 147 047 9532 4532 1746 1846 199 1960 1922 4521 5243 966 347 809 988 7780 0589 0988 2103 2014 777 555 013 014 411 511 456 768 789 756 476 7006 7766 7740 1974 328 429 427 772 960 509 788 588 128 128 321 322 233 032 212 202 222 100 697 011 1812 1803 933 258 369 257 615 506 566 866 608 159 753 486 153 3005 1900 1009 0650 GOOD LUCK!!!

Entry #88
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