thousandair's Blog

NY take five here we go

I only had two free plays last night the numbers are running very close to what im predicting its only a matter of time when one of my predicted combonations will come out , maybe within a couple of days. in the numbers game i like the 9-8-6-4 = 948,684,698,896, and the 098 for this eve. also looking at the 4689 to play in the pick four tonight played it as 9486 straight and box . Goodluck thousandair, MM97millions that would be a nice hit.

Entry #173

Hello from NY

Hello out there to everyone had some computer troubles then the line was out for the past two days but im back hope to pick you some winners this week so lets get started Massachusetts 2460,2021, and 2560 until the number 2 plays in the first position, then i will predict another set of numbers for my Friends in mass. Talk to all of you soon Thousand air.

Entry #172

Triple 333 will drop ny

how ya all doing lets see what happens in tomorrows midday draw will we have a 9 to lead 932, 922,822 and maybe the 855  to come in i think the double threes will drop in on us sometime tomorrow 339,331,335,336 all straight in the eve. im going with these and a gut  feeling 755 straight 5 and combo twice for a total of 11$ us currency. Lets see how we do in the take five tonight i have a good feeling, take care and have a good day and night  Thousandair

Entry #171

sunday in ny

Another Sunday in the NY take five game last night i had three free plays, those free plays produced two more free plays this evening. lets see how we do tomorrow night,plus i have two more free plays from the numbers i played tonight. close but no cigar all the numbers were in the ballpark. i will continue to test these games as i play them and then i will be able to put my findings in a wheel. until then good luck to all Thousand air

Entry #170


Thinking of...Remember states follow each other lets say that when todays midday number plays in NJ we should play that number in NY for the eve. draw Good luck Thousandair

Entry #169

For NJ midday only

midday in NJ only 315 331  392  361    305  332  375  337  373  385  these numbers should be played in a combo bet if you could afford it or at least the double numbers should be wheeled as they say in New Jersey double numbers are $ 1.50 for a 50 cents wheel. Good luck to all NJ players.( Russ} good luck Thousandair

Entry #168

Free plays in NY

The fourth day in a row we have had four free play wins in the take five game. We are getting closer to the types of sets of numbers that are drawn. we also had a three number win the other night and three 3 of 5 winning tickets three days ago our time is coming. we need to be patient and keep on keeping on stay with me and we will hit the jackpot very soon. Thousandair

Entry #167

Ny take five

this is the fourth day of playing the numbers  in the take five, last night i had four tickets with two numbers good for free plays, Sometimes i hear people say that they play numbers and the games and they don't get anything back , That is not true, You play five dollars worth and you get five tickets,you play five you get five anything that comes out is a bonus you get what you payed for 5 chances to win or to lose.winning is just a bonus on what you payed for. Thousandair

Entry #166

527 NY

Cheers This drink is for you 527 straight in NY midday we are still looking for the 689 in ny maybe tomorrow eve. look for the 3 5 in the midday number i like the 357 and 535. good luck to all ( John you're lucky your on vacation) hope you had a good vacation . we hope you had  plenty  of rest because you are going to need all of your energy. give a play on these numbers .

Entry #165

Looking at another win in NY

Cheers Its that time again for an ice cold rolling rock and lime, then to sit and watch the mm draw and take five to see how many wins i have. If in fact i do win tonight, you will see me at work tomorrow afternoon, and you will see me for the rest of this week. Remember me as the next  ???????? what a dreamer i am and so good at being an almost million air and then I toast this site for all the info that it has brought me in touch with. and all the wins i now have under my belt the information on this site is incredible and every person should become a platinum member. If you think you knew all there is to winning then think again, you  will need this site, to help you further. Thousandair

Entry #164

798 NY

The one day i only play this number 50/50 and catch it box for 40.00$ better than no hit lets see for tonight like the 78 to come back with the 6 or the or the 5 anyway good luck to everybody. Thousandair

Entry #163

No Jackpot for me last night

CoolIm staying cool today maybe i will hit the MM or the take five jackpot tonight had three numbers on two tickets and two free plays , each payed 19.50 total of  a whopping 35$ lets see what this evening brings maybe i will get lucky and hit the jackpot. play 1967 today good luck to all.


Entry #162

here are those NY take five numbers

I fell asleep last night and didnt get to give the numbers last night here they are 10-15-23-27-38,12-21-25-34-37,6-19-21-30-37, 8-17-25-34-35 , 10-15-23-29-32, 6-15-21-30-37, 4-15-21-30-31,2-19-21-30-35 thats the numbers i tested in last nights draw i will check them alittle bit later so have to run good luck

heres a number for the midday draw 377, 7169 Thousandair

Entry #161

testing in NY pick four

testing the numbers from a new source lets see how they do,8594,8609 played them both 50/50 and the numbers 353,335 combo also have take five numbers i will wait just in case i hit the jackpot tonight, i will put them in a new entry later tonight just before the draw takes place.

Entry #160

At the OTB in Nyack NY

Hi everyone what a hot day is was in NY the heat was unbelievable today this was such an awesome day I went to the OTB first time in 20 some odd years, I wasn't missing much had some iced coffee with Friends and played Quick draw with the extra ball, stayed there for about three hours and give and take i lost about 50.00 , then when i looked at the midday draw i lost my cool and said where is my triple 222, that was it for me. Played some numbers for this eve. and left went to get  my truck washed . played the triple 222,968,313,311,303 and the pick fours 4896,1333,0133,1113  9486 good luck to everyone


Entry #159