thousandair's Blog

Triple In NY

OK people we cant get cocky now it was only one ticket for 500.00 on the 333 just had a hunch also played the 313 for 20.00$ and the 968 for 20.00$ . We got lucky this eve. for tomorrow we need to play the 313 and 335 might drop in the midday draw, I still like the 96 to come back sometimes they skip a day or a draw look for the 968 in the eve. also give a play to the 9486 combo or box whatever you play.Me personally i like 5 and 5 on it. straight and box, i only combo the doubles, and triples in the four way. we had a good month so far, and i didn't go to jersey to play anything. Good luck to all and may you all win the big one tonight.Thousandair

Entry #158

the 69 In NY

This time the 639 played, almost a nice big win had the 689 straight for 20$ and also combo for 1$ looks like another day is added to the no hit list for the 689 try again tommorow lookin at the 99 to come back with the 3 or the 664 to play we need to cover all our bases for the next couple of draws so be ready to get a big hit. Thousandair

Entry #157

numbers to be aware of in NY

313 looking for this number in the midday draws

611, could play on 8/13, also the 811 could play this eve.,and you know the next number very well the 689,combo due out for a very long time, lets see which one will cross the finish line this week the 689 or the 216 has to be straight to win the race in ny only 216-710-97,and the 689-9/21,02 ah yes am i not forgetting the 878 which hasn't been out straight since 2/8/99 any bets  on these numbers?Good luck in the NY race Thousandair

Entry #156

NYlotto looking good tonight

Play these in your lotto selections16,53,39. in take five play the 28,38 with your other personal selections my favorite number is 33. Good luck to all Thousandair

Entry #155

going with the extra numbers NY

going out in a little bit to play the 364,716, and the 210 all combo Lets play the pick four this eve. 1999, and the 1986 then we will throw in 9-4-8-6 good luck in the eve. draw


Entry #154

Double in the midday 8/8 in ny

Good eve. to all you winners . Im been looking at the 344 and the 445 for the midday in ny. and the 698 and 689 for the eve. Since last Monday played the 986 straight Just maybe  we will see the 689, in the midday draw. you decide which to play Midday, or eve or both. remember the repeats and also remember we are still looking for sum of 13, and sum of 16 in NY  we just might see the triple 999 come back . Time for me to study the take five numbers for this week . { You see John no 3 in the eve. }

Good luck to all Thousandair

Entry #153

Just wondering in NY

Thinking of...This morning i had a thought how many of us play all or nearly all of the numbers we select? Im from NY and i play both draws and the pick fours also most of the numbers i select i put something down on them, the numbers i really like i play heavier than the rest, to me this is not a game or just a hobby, More a second income added or a bonus for me at the end of every month sometimes tax free, Unlike the almighty paycheck where its off to work i go because of the bills i owe ,i owe, and then uncle SAM takes his cut every week or should i say that he just keeps on taking through tax after tax after tax on our daily purchases. Well thats off my mind, lets get busy to earn that extra income so the spouse can spend it. give the 611 and 652 a shot in the midday draw in NY and NJ , PA  Good luck in all states


Entry #152

We are on a streak NY

PartyOnly in NY we have the yankees and the mets my team and we have had two straight hits in the pick three games and a combo hit all in one week 986,133,132 now that we are in the green and our teams are doing well we can party untill the next hit Playing the 116 and the 1161 combo for the next few draws, John I told you so!!!!!!! so lets go get  some really big hits in the lotto tonight goodluck to everyone,Thousandair


Entry #151

Counter clerks at lotto machines

Running into the nasty people who work the lottery terminals at some stores, just make me want to jump over the counter and play my own numbers, maybe tonight i will win on their mistakes. played the 336 and 664 combos for this eve. the clerk kept asking for the number and then played 236 straight and combo, oh well had to grin and bear it. this time I told her that i would take the tickets . I told my wife what had happened and she said that they should have taught her the English language before putting her there, working in a liquor store and doesn't have a clue. Thousandair

Entry #150

NY 8/3 better late than never

PartyWe finally have this computer working again , we had the 213 box and combo, sum of 5, still looking for the sum of 13 in a double watch for it in the midday drawing, also looking for the 15,and 16 sums =555,772,,355,169, etc. we are looking for the 878 since it hasn't been drawn straight since 2,2 of 99 also this week play the 133 and 331 in a combo bet looking for the double in the eve. and midday draws lets get rocking NY and grab some more of the lottery's dough in the state of NY lets party all night and have some more beer, its really hot out there, i wish i was retired so i can have all the corona and lime that i can hold on a summer night. Good luck to all and lets get rocking the night away. Thousandair

Entry #149

Take five 8/2 NY

Good evening to all hope everyone had a good day and made some money, Now to the take five i wasn't able to play the system i wanted today because my computer was down most of the day so i went with a two number key system with 38  numbers in twenty games if four numbers are drawn including my keys then i will at least have a three number win but i could win the second prize with five numbers out of the field or the jackpot, At this time my computer is acting strange again and i might be booted by aol . this keyboard is not working well and the page keeps freezing i will let y

Entry #148

986 finally in ny straight

Coffee The 986 paid off yesterday in midday draw we had a nice big hit. Played a day short , Still looking for the 869,689,698 combo i believe that  its right around the corner another big hit on this combo. My next strongest number is the 878 this number hasn't been drawn straight since Feb,8 of 1999. this might sound stupid  to you being logical people but i believe that allot of the NY numbers has to do with inverting the dates when the numbers were drawn , example, 2-8-99 take the eighth day , make it the eighth month and the second month and make it the second day and there we have 8/2 which is august 2,2005, so this is part of the way that the numbers are coming out, that i can see. Thousandair

Entry #147

update on take five 8/1

we had two numbers from the field of the 13 numbers we didn't match the key# but still managed to get three tickets with 2 numbers good for three free plays. Im going to try a different kind of wheel this eve. i will give  an update later today what i decide to play

As for the pick three in the midday draw i like the 755,878 and the 698,869 combos

Good luck to all


Entry #146

key number wheel in take five

This will not be a test I played a wheel pick 5 key 4if 5 numbers are drawn of 13 numbers in 27 games. i will post what  i played this eve. for the take five. i thought it would be better than a dry run for a test. so I played the wheel tonight . MY key # 23 my numbers are 13,22,21,27,19,33,34,24,28,32,39, and 11 hopefully i will at least get one ticket with a nice win . thanks for viewing my blog. good luck to all


Entry #145

last nights test on take five

Results from last night i had one number out of 7 so i would have won the big zero. tonight i will test another wheel with my selections but a much bigger one, i will get back later and give you the details of the wheel


Entry #144