Rip Snorter's Blog

Stuart Wilde's back in the saddle

Stuart Wilde
September 11th, 2006

In a world where everyone likes to insist they are right and people judge and interfere all the time, the law of allowing stands apart as a spiritual idea.

In essence, it says that we ought to live and let live and allow others whatever perspective they wish, even if one thinks that perspective is very wrong. The way to practice the law of allowing is to agree with people you don't agree with

Watching the news in the US one can see how they pump their views relentlessly. Fox News for example is a crass propaganda show, it has very little to do with the impartial disseminating of the days events. The power of a TV show to influence people to accept evil war-like ideas is a great shame. It is a global fault of the western ego to think others have to be like us, and it is a part of your maturity to allow others to be different.

When you watch the ludicrous nature of Blair and Bush with his Redneck Reich insisting on democracy, it looks so much like the southern preachers on TV that offer hell and damnation to all that don‘t agree. Democracy never did anything for workers in the west, it has been a terrible disappointment for the most part; all it ever gave us was crippling laws and various political shades of the Fat Controllers.

Why does anyone think it might help the Iraqis?

Wouldn't it be great if the law of allowing was installed and people didn't have to be ruled by democracy's endless stream of psychopaths, and people could be allowed to rule themselves. That is a novel idea. Imagine being able to think of your own accord without some redneck bovver boy from Fox News telling you what's what and what is permissible and what is not.

I have always seen spirituality and individuality as the same thing, the act of developing a new consciousness, one that is original, and then the law of allowing follows naturally, whereby you allow the same individuality and freedom to others. Allowing is benevolent and warm, while insisting is ugly and nasty. And when people have to conform to some silly politician, or to a religious idea then that is usually someone's ego in the act of empire building, corralling sheep.

And while it may pleasure the ego of those involved in these power trips it's not a spiritual idea, as the truly spiritual man or woman is not keen on entrapment and empire building, they want to see people as creative and free.

To become that way yourself you have to offer it to others, that is why the law of allowing is a sophisticated idea. Of course, the first beneficiary of your law of allowing must be yourself because, if you are controlling and vindictive towards yourself, you become your own Fat Controller with supreme power over your life.

In letting others free you allow yourself to become more free.

©Stuart Wilde 2006

*The Redeemer's Club is now open for membership. It has turned out to be way more than we expected. Members seem very excited about it as many can now see the Morph that they could not see a month ago. The Morph is a lens to another world one packed with information.
Also there are two new Stuart Wilde three-day events for members (free entrance) and to non-members (paid entrance) called, "See The Morph" One is in Amsterdam in October and the other in the Las Vegas in November. For more information please click
Stuart Wilde 2006 -

For more articles and visions please visit


Entry #571

Think about it

It's neither right, nor proper to take over LottoMike's blog for today for a fight I could allow to become ugly.

So I'm going to say this here on my own blog as a continuation of my comments there:

Going to war with a religion is a tough gig and it needs careful thought on the part of anyone contemplating it.

  • Hitler didn't even manage to kill all the Jews in his own country.  There were some left in the aftermath who felt an inclination to get damned ugly about what he did.
  • The Red Chinese have never even managed to wipe out entirely a tiny religion held by the Tibetans.
  • The Romans, the Spanish, the Russians, the Germans, the Holy Roman Empire have conducted the longest protracted war against a religion in the history of humanity, against Jews, and failed to wipe them out.
  • The US did everything it could think of to wipe out Mormons, but they escaped.  Look at them now.
  • If you think about it, consider the efforts made by the Romans to nip Christianity in the bud.  Consider the miserable, abysmal failure of their efforts.  Consider the mass murders the early Christians applied to all those Roman pagans they could catch during the revenge-stage of Christian power.  Read Eusebius.

If you believe you can conduct a war against Radical Islam you, or your children won't one day regret, think again.


Entry #570

Knowledge is power

Ahab, The Arab

Written and Recorded by: "Ray Stevens" 1974

Let me tell you 'bout Ahab The Arab
The Sheik of the burning sand
He had emeralds and rubies just dripping off 'a him
And a ring on every finger of his hands

He wore a big ol' turban wrapped around his head
And a scimitar by his side
And every evening about midnight
He'd jump on his camel named Clyde...and ride

Silently through the night to the sultan's tent

where he would secretly meet up
with Fatima of the Seven Veils,

swingingest grade "A" number one U.S. choice
dancer in the Sultan's whole harem,

 'cause, heh, him and her had a thing going.
You know, and they'd been carrying on

for some time now behind the Sultan's back
and you could hear him talk to his camel

as he rode out across the dunes, his
voice would cut through the still night desert air

and he'd say (melodic garble) which is arabic for, "stop, Clyde!"

and Clyde would say, (whinney whine garble).

Which is camel for, "What the heck did he say anyway?"

Well.... He brought that camel to a screeching halt
At the rear of Fatima's tent

jumped off Clyde,
Snuck around the corner and into the tent he went

There he saw Fatima laying on a Zebra skin rug
Wearing rings on her fingers and bells on her toes
And a bone in her nose ho, ho.

There she was friends lying there in all her radiant beauty.

Eating on a raisin, grape, apricot, pomegranate,

bowl of chitterlings, two bananas, three Hershey bars,

sipping on a "R C" Co-Cola listening to her transistor,

watching the Grand Ole Opry on the tube

reading the Mad magazine while she sung,

"Does your chewing gum lose it's flavor?"

and Ahab walked up to her and he said, (melodic garble)

which is arabic for, "Let's twist again like we did last summer, baby."

You know what I mean!

Whew! She looked up at him from off the rug,

give him one of the sly looks, she said,   "Caaaarazee baby".

'Round and around and around and around...etc.

And that's the story 'bout Ahab the Arab
The Sheik of the Burnin' sand
Ahab the Arab
The swinging Sheik of the burnin' sand




Entry #569

The Long Riders

That Dirty Little Coward Who Shot Mister Howard 

And laid pore Jesse in his grave."

From The Ballad of Jesse James, whom I don't know who wrote it.  All I know is my granddaddy used to sing it to me.

A while back I was doing some research for my friend Marsh concerning an attempt to authenticate a tintype he'd purchased.  It might be a previously unknown image of Bob Younger shortly after he was released from prison.  If so, it's the only post-release photo of Bob Younger.

All the focus I was doing studying photos and tintypes of the Youngers and the James brothers motivated me, when I came across a copy of The Long Riders while digging around looking for computer parts, to watch it.  Not all of it, but enough to know the rest will be watched before long.

The movie stars the various Carradines as the Younger brothers, Stacy Keach and James Keach as Frank and Jesse James, Randy Quad, who'd probably have made a good Cole Younger if physical likeness had any bearing on casting.  Instead, Cole was played by the Carradine who was into some Kung Foo thing on the television set sometime a long time ago.  Probably did a better job of Cole, acting-wise, than Quad would have done.

This James Keach who played Jesse James I've never seen before, but I thought he did a good job if running around stone-faced isn't his natural condition.  If they'd had six or seven clones of him they'd have captured the whole gang on filum.

Anyway, what I'm leading up to saying is the movie did as good a job as might be hoped in recreating some history of post-Civil War middle-west and the various outlawry, Pinkertons, whys and wherefores.

Not a bad movie all in all.

I'm looking forward to watching it all the way through before too much more time passes.



Entry #568

Thank your lucky stars you got protection

The Law Is For The Protection Of The People


"Billy Dalton staggered on the sidewalk
Someone said he stumbled and he fell,
Six squad cars came screaming to the rescue
And hauled ol' Billy Dalton off to jail.
Because the law is for protection of the people
Rules are rules and any fool can see,
We don't need no drunks like Billy Dalton
Scaring decent folks like you ‘n me...
No Sireee

Lee Honeycut was nothin' but a hippy
Walking through this world without a care,
Then one day six strappin' brave policemen
Held down Homer Lee and cut his hair,
Because the law is for protection of the people
Rules are rules and any fool can see,
We don't need no hairy headed hippies
Scarin' decent folks like you ‘n me
No Sireee

So thank your lucky stars you got protection
Walk the line and never mind the cost
Don't wonder who them lawmen was protectin'
When they nailed the saviour to the cross.
Because the law is for protection of the people
Rules are rules and any fool can see,
We don't need riddle speakin' prophets
Scarin' decent folks like you ‘n me
No Sireee



Entry #567

More Rousseau

 The Confessions is slow going at the moment, not because it isn't a worthy read.  It's just having to compete with other activities at the moment.

As a young man, Rousseau traveled all over the European continent afoot, mostly broke and living off his luck and his imagination.  Luckily for him, Christianity was feeling a lot of competition with itself, Catholics losing ground to young Protestantism.  Because he'd been reared in Switzerland, he was predisposed to Calvinism by birthright.

So, when he fled his apprenticeship and ended up in a territory predominantly Catholic, the Church sent him off to Turin to be instructed, examined by the Inquisition, prepared for conversion, where he arrived dead broke.

Russeau wasn't overjoyed when he entered the hospice for catechumens for instruction in his new faith and they double locked a large barred gate behind him after he entered.  "This introduction struck me as more imposing than agreeable," he remembers.

He describes the room where he meets his fellows:  "In this assembly room were four or five frightful villains - my fellow students - who seemed to be rather the devil's constables than aspirants to the honor of sons of God.  Two of these rascals were Slavonians, who called themselves Jews, or Moors, and as they confessed to me, spent their life in wandering through Spain and Italy embracing Christianity and submitting to be baptized where they found it worth their while."

Meanwhile, the women enter:  "Through this door our sisters entered, catechumens who like myself, were to be born again, not by means of baptism, but by a solemn abjuration of their faith.  They were certainly the greatest sluts and most disgusting vagabonds who ever contaminated the sheepfold of the Lord."

After sufficient time of being instructed, sexually assaulted, vilified for reporting it, Rosseau and his fellow pupils are accepted into the arms of Catholicism and he again finds himself without funds and without a means of supporting himself.

I'll probably describe more of this sixteen-year-old and his trials alone in a strange country before all the excitement of the French Revolution and Napolean I got everything wockyjawed, sometime later.  But I began this entry intending to tell a couple of his anecdotes a bit later and became so submerged in nuts and bolts of his conversion to Catholicism I've lost my direction.

Guess I'll have to tell you another time about his thoughts on taxes and his innocent involvement with a Greek ‘monk' traveling across Europe selling the snake-oil of restoration of the Holy Sepulcher to the royalty in each country.  When they encountered someone at court who'd been to Jerusalem Rosseau narrowly avoided sharing a dungeon cell with the Greek.  Fortunately, probably because of his youth, they believed the truth.  Namely that he believed the Greek was legitimate and that his role as interpreter was played in good faith.  

But enough for now.


Entry #566

New Computer

I'm a good old rebel

And that's just what I am.

For what you're calling freedom

I just don't give a damn.

We lost the war for freedom

And maybe it's all done,

But I don't want no pardon

For anything I've done.


Evening blogsters:

Not to be outdone by RickG., and Excalibur, I dug around in the boxes and closets, finally brought out a 1995 vintage IBM Aptiva with Windows 95 on it.  I decided because of RickG's problems with getting his comp corrupted by Internet travels that I wanted a machine dedicated strictly to work on the numbers theory, but which won't ever plug into a phone line.

I found everything, I should have said, but the various cables and power cords to attach it to itself and the wall outlet.

I've got Office 97, and I'm feeling the need to figure out MS Access so's to be able to chase draw histories and draw dates, keeping them intact while I combine them with moon phases, moonrise/moonset, percentages of lunar illumination, and the east/west tracks of various celestial bodies on the days of the draws.

This old comp that thinks it belongs to a community of computers and needs to feast on cookies, email messages, spyware et al, just hasn't got enough moxie in the hard drive to have room left for numbers work without crashing all the time.

So I'm going to time travel with my numbers back to a time when men were men and women were glad of it.  A simple time when Americans were an honest, courageous, non-computer literate agrarian folk who hadn't yet gotten as many piercings as they wanted and the tattoos all said, "Mom".  (Except the one belonging to Little Egypt, "She had a picture of a cowboy tattooed on her spine saying, 'Phoenix, Arizona, 1949'".)

No more of this brave new world of the 21st Century for the Unified Random Numbers Theory.  That way, if this one I'm typing on loses radio contact and vanishes from the radar screen I won't lose everything I've done up until now.



Entry #565

It ain't Plato, ain't Shakespeare, but it's worth some thought

Josie Wales, Comanche chief, Ten Bears:

Josie Wales- You'll be Ten Bears?

Ten Bears- I am Ten Bears

Josie Wales- I'm Josey Wales.

Ten Bears- I have heard. You're the Grey Rider. You would not make peace with the Blue Coats; You may go in peace.

Josie Wales- I reckon not. 'have no where to go.

Ten Bears- Then you will die.

Josie Wales- I came here to die with you... or to live with you. Dying ain't so hard for men like you an' me, it's livin' that's hard. When all you've ever cared about's been butchered and raped... Governments don't live together; people live together... Governments don't always give you a fair word or a fair fight. Well, I've come to give you either one. Or get either one from ya. I came here like this so you know my word of death is true; and my word of life is then true... The bear lives here, the wolf, the antelope, the Comanche, and so will we. We'll only hunt what we need to live on, same as the Comanche does. Now every Spring when the grass turns green and the Comanche moves north, we can rest here in peace. Butcher some of our cattle and jerk beef for the journey. The sign of the Comanche, that will be on our lodge. That's my word of life.

Ten Bears- And your word of death?

Josie Wales- Here in my pistols, there in your rifles, I'm here for either one.

Ten Bears- These things you say we will have, we already have.

Josie Wales- This is true. I ain't promisin' you nothin' extra. You're just givin' me life and I'm givin' you life. And I'm sayin' men can live together without butcherin' one another.

Ten Bears- It's sad that governments are cheaped by the double tongue. And there is iron in your word of death for all Comanche to see.

And so there is iron in your words of life.

No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men.

 The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death.

 It is good that two warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death.

It shall be life.

Entry #564

Rousseau's Confessions

I'm approaching the half-way point in the re-read of Rousseau's Confessions.  That brings him up into his early 20s, (Circa 1730) and the tome's getting somewhat more interesting.

Frankly, the main things interesting about the first 50-60 pages didn't involve what he didn't have to confess, so much as the descriptions of his travels, his experiences as an engraving apprentice who committed the criminal offense of running away after a series of severe beatings by the journeyman he was apprenticed to.

But, insofar as his early childhood and even later, he didn't wrong severely enough to make any of his confessions minutely interesting.  He was a good kid.  Too good.

Part of what kept me reading through that involved seeing a man in his '60s, whom I'd have thrown rocks at as a kid, reflecting on his childhood.

I'll be writing more about Rousseau and his times, his travels, his loves, his countless follies and poignant observations that still apply to the human condition.

This entry's just to give you fair warning.




Entry #563

Moonset, housewears, wooly mammoths

Morning to you. 

I think I've got my realities all sorted out from dream-stupidity an hour and a half later.  Enough, at least, to mind-wander through a blog entry, but not enough to begin anew working on the Unified Random-Numbers-Behavior-Theory.

Sorted out sufficiently for mundanities, but not enough for labor-thought.

For instance, this old abobe I live in is threatening to become a Communist.  I've lived here a couple of years now, and most of it was during the most severe drought anyone remembers, which is friendly times for an adobe.  Water is the enemy of any structure built of mud.

Anyway, the guy who originally built the place probably never dreamed it would still be standing a century later.  He thought he was building a milking barn.  His son, or maybe his grandson changed it to a turkey barn for a while, then later poured a thin veneer of concrete on the dirt floor and moved his daughter into it.  Eventually his grand-daughter and her husband used it as a residence while they were in college. 

Afterward came four decades as a rent-house with erzatz maintenance, which no adobe will endure without protest.

By the time I moved in the interior adobe was in a state of last-ditch crumbling.  The vigas supporting the flat roof are visibly sagging.  I've jury-rigged enough wiring to allow lights in the bathroom, but things keep failing and it's nip-and-tuck.  When I moved in they'd already condemned and shut down one of the two interior gas heaters, leaving no heat to the front of the house, but still allowing hot water to the tub/shower, sinks, but leaving things awfully wanting insofar as temperature.

The landlord's a diplomat living somewhere in the Middle-East, married to the grand-daughter of the guy who converted the place from a barn.  He and his wife lived here when they were in college.  So they don't want to hear about any kind of difficulties, deterioration.  They just want a rent deposit in their bank account every month.

The results of all that are becoming interesting.  I use a five-gallon propane bottle with a heater on top to heat the front of the house wintertime.  I locate and plug roof-leaks as best I can, and put pans under those I didn't find last moisture-fall.  Which is further cause for melting in the structural adobe walls, as manifested in floor deltas of mud on the floor after every moisture event.

But recently, things got critical.  A major plumbing leak developed in the shower-tub, causing me to have to break out the adobe wall to get to it.  With the sound advice of RickG I tried a number of fixes, but they were all doomed to failure within a day or two, and the only way I could stop a constant water-flow was to cut off the water to the entire house.

Eventually, thanks to RickG, I isolated the plumbing to the tub and lost the water-availability there, but regained water to the remainder of the house, such as it is.

Which was a major inconvenience, hauling water from the kitchen to the tub five gallons at a time to bathe or do laundry.

Ha!  Solved it yesterday, the shower part, anyway! 

I went down to Bernalillo figuring to resume my old Y2K cabin showering methodology.  Found a one-gallon pump-up insecticide sprayer for $5 Clearance Sale.  Now I can fill that with hot water, pump it up, hang it on the shower-head, and do showers again in a way that I don't consider inferior to what I could get in this place before-plumbing-holocaust.

Laundry will still be a bit more difficult than before, but not so much as to be concerned about.

Life's always been good, but it's better again.

Much blessed,


(Edited in:  I never got around to describing that whammo red moonset just before daybreak this morning, nor to talking about wooly mammoths and the kind of winter all us old timers are thinking might be on the way.  I'll maybe do it later.)



Entry #562

Too much Lottery Post - a dream

Must have been about 45 minutes ago I awakened from a vivid dream.  I had several minutes afterward in that confused reality, arguing thoughts as though the dream was the reality.

This was no dream-fun of being with the Blues Brothers in Chicago, of Twiggies in Jaguars and the boys on a prison stage playing Jailhouse Rock.  No dream of Bobby Dylan and me wandering around the deserted streets of NYC, as described in my last fun, but imaginary blog.

This was a dream about a non-existent LP forum thread, a dream of a conversation about number behavior.

Dream Poster:  "Rip, this isn't the first time I've seen you post on threads claiming lottery draws are influenced by draw histories."

Me:  "I've never posted anything of the sort.  I've posted they're influenced by the moon, maybe.  I've posted they're influenced by heavenly bodies.  I've posted in long and loving detail how they might be influenced by a particular artifact located on the surface of the moon. 

"I've never suggested, and I don't believe the draws are influenced by their own histories any more than I believe a coyote is influenced by the tracks he made yesterday."

Dream Poster: "Yes you have.  And I just want you to know that if you ever post anything like that again it might well result in the end of our friendship.  It might even cause a flame war."

I awakened and wondered for a while.  I couldn't imagine why this LP member would consider me a friend.  I've read a few of his posts, and he's PMed me a time or two over the years.  I found myself being newly-awakened indignant that this guy would threaten me with a flame-war as though such an event would be an event (even in THIS reality) and the dissolution of a non-existent friendship to keep me from posting a viewpoint I don't hold.

I haven't even been following the threads lately and here I am dreaming about them.

Wasted a few minutes of wakeful life trying to sort it out.

Something about this ought to tell me something.  Probably does.




Entry #561

Had a dream

Had a dream my brothers

Background dancers:  Yesyesyes he had a dream

Had a dream my sisters

Background dancers:  Yesyesyes he had a dream

 Dreamed I was in Chicago

Yes, Chicago

Background dancers:  236, 435 haaaalleeeluah had a dream

Little Diner Jake was there

Background dancers: 167, 662, haaaalleeeluah had a dream

 Little Diner Jake was there

Howlin' Wolf Aretha Franklin

Background dancers: 867, 333, haaaalleeeluah had a dream

Jake was out of prison

Background dancers: 427, 233, haaaalleeeluah had a dream

From the tables:  167 hit in jawjuh

Background dancers:  hit in jawjuh hit in jawjuh haaaalleeeluah had a dream

 From the tables:  662 in Tennessee

Other table:  662 in Tennessee

Background dancers: 167, 662 in Jawjuh Tennessee

 From the tables:  haaaalleeeluah haaaalleeeluah had a dream

Yes, my brothuhs

Yes, my sistuhs

Had a dream



Entry #560

The Iconoclast


Just got back from town, where I noticed again something that's changed without me noting it.

Time was when Americans used bumper stickers to tell everything about themselves worth knowing.  It was a means of self-expression, definition.  People in the US used bumper stickers to describe the depth and breadth of their thought processes, their tastes in literature and philosophy, everything important about themselves.

"Pro- Choice"  was a telegraphic way to say, "I don't have a fetus inside me, but if you are unlucky enough to have one I'm rabidly enthusiastic about your right to kill it and flush it down the toilet."

"Right to Life" - translates:  "I think abortion's a bad choice and I'd like to kill, or imprison anyone who believes differently. Knitting needles in the bathtub were good enough for grandma and they're good enough for you." 

"Support the Right to Keep and Bear Arms"  Translates:  "I like guns a bit overmuch.  I've got them and, while I'm a patriot, probably a flag waver and mindless supporter of any unconstitutional war our prez gets us into, I don't want them taking away muh guns."

Ban (Firearms)(Handguns)   Translates- "I am an idiot and don't know it, but I want you to know it." 

"Support Your Local Police"  Translates:  "I'm either a cop, or I drive 75mph through school zones and figure anything might help.  Either way, don't trust me."

"Save the Whales"  Translates:  "I've never seen a whale, but I'm hoping this bumper-sticker will help me meet people who have seen them.  Or meet females who haven't seen whales, either, but who would like to talk about saving them over drinks and maybe have sex afterward."

"Proud to be an American"  Translates:  "I'm glad I was lucky enough to be born in a country where everyone's fat, has MasterCard, and can talk in English about what team won the game last night.  I'm most especially proud not to have been born somewhere full of non-English-speaking poor people who are hungry and get the bejesus bombed out of them all the time by us."

GAY (Pride)(Marriage)(Rights)  Translates:  "I want to tell you what me (the owner of the bumper-sticker  - not, 'me', jack) and my friends do with our genitals.  I'm in your face about it because otherwise you mightn't care."

Anyway, that's all over with.  Bumper-stickers are dying in favor of the less-literary, shorter-attention-span next-generation. 

The brave new world has little magnetic ribbon icons made in China of all different colors.  Each color makes a pronouncement about what the car owner thinks will interest other Americans.  Yellow means support the war (as though a person could pay taxes but not support the troops and the war).  Etc etc etc.

I saw one today, a brown one of those ribbons turned upside-down so the ends stuck out like ears.

"Support Bambi" was printed in the center decorated with two doe-eyes with long lashes..

I'm sorry bumper-stickers went away before I got to see one saying, "You can take my pit-bull when you pry my cold, dead fingers from his snout."


Entry #559

Cautionary note

The method I used in predicting the All-States Pick 4 for tomorrow isn't the same as I used today.  Anyone who happened to see the results for today and assume the ones for tomorrow will be worth a flip would be assuming more than I'd dare.

The All-States was a refinement on the method, an attempt to reduce the number of combinations without filtering them. 

It is completely untested.

However, it's essentially the same method used to predict the keno games for tonight, PA Lucky for Life, and a couple of others, so it mightn't be that bad.

I honestly don't have a clue.  Neither do you.


Entry #558

Blind-sided by self awareness

Interesting, the ways we discover things about ourselves reading forums on the Internet.

Things we know already but maybe hadn't thought about.

I happened to read Excaliber's post on one of the threads about how he'd lost a lot of his eyesight a decade or so ago and had to quit reading books.  I'm usually not much moved by forum posts, but that one managed to roll over me by surprise.  Shock and deep sadness until I self-examined why.

Purely an identification/selfish reaction.  I was imposing my own value sysem on Excaliber, whom I think might be the same person as Lantern used to be (which suspicion caused me to feel an empathy for him I mightn't have if the same had been posted by a total stranger).

But Excaliber went on to remark on various aspects of the affliction.  He's handling it a lot better than I might.

He mentioned he daydreams a lot, which I do also and call it meditating.  I used to soul travel a lot, as well, but the joy of it was too seductive.  I got so's I'd rather be there than here, so I backed away from it most of the time.

Anyway, Excaliber's post got me thinking about physical sensory input and what a blessing it is.  Even if we could remain alive it's tempting to believe it wouldn't be worth the trouble.  Until my mind came across a memory of a book I read once by Helen Keller.  Blind and deaf from birth, she grew to be a model of enthusiasm for life for a couple of generations of Americans.  She took the five-high hand she was delt and made a straight flush of it without any thought of self-pity or complaint entering the game.

Admirable, but it would surely be a tough gig.


Entry #557