time*treat's Blog

They came for "teh crim'nalz"...

and the pets... and the schoolchildren... and the elderly... and finally... Dead

Now, of course there is nothing to stop the addition of a few fields to the database, for other info.

*cough* IBM/Hollerinth *cough*

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Entry #248

60 Minutes: Mind Reading

I'll let you think about where this goes. Skeptical


Entry #247

Cheerios is a drug

Just a shot across the bow, really.


Expect vitamins and other supplements to, in a few years, be reclassified as drugs or toxins and have their availability severely restricted (become 'controlled substances'), under Codex Alimentarius. Conditions that could be treated cheaply, privately, and over-the-counter (like allergy medicine used to be) will require prescriptions (with their extra costs and privacy erosion). Regular food will be "filling", but lack real nutrition.

Anyone notice how so many kids are being born with asthma, autism, and all sorts of other problems - even when they don't live near an obvious source of pollution? Or how they are now 125lbs at 7, 8, 9 years old? Nah, I just make it all up. Roll Eyes

6 Comments (Locked)
Entry #246

Playing in the chem lab + pandemic plans

"Swine Flu Smoking Gun? CDC was Combining Flu Viruses in 2004" Gee, imagine that.Roll Eyes Guess what they were combining.
I know, I know, they were gonna develop a virus that only infects "terr'izts" Clown) -- http://www.naturalnews.com/026159.html

Here, a line from The Hunt for Red October comes to mind. As the Konovalov's own torpedo is about to strike the Konovalov ...
Andrei Bonovia says to Captain Tupolev: You arrogant A$$. You've killed *us*!

Lots of people are asking if they'll have to get a shot or how they can avoid one. (The easiest way to not get one is to not line up to get one.)

Legally, the answer is "It depends ... on where you live."
Thus --> http://www.pandemicflu.gov/plan/states/stateplans.html
These link back to your home state's gov site. PDF's have a search feature, so you don't have to read cover to cover.

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Entry #245

Potpourri stew flu.

Asian, North American, swine, bird --- Looks like they threw every virus component they had in the lab into this one.

Just waiting to see if it has an ebola module, too. Perhaps a little '1918', to wash it all down? Roll Eyes

6 Comments (Locked)
Entry #244

Chinese spies may have put chips in US planes

17 Apr 2009 -- http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/World/Chinese-spies-put-chips-in-US-planes/articleshow/4412075.cms

WASHINGTON: The Chinese cyber spies have penetrated so deep into the US system — ranging from its secure defence network, banking system, electricity grid to putting spy chips into its defence planes — that it can cause serious damage to the US any time, a top US official on counter-intelligence has said.

“Chinese penetrations of unclassified DoD networks have also been widely reported. Those are more sophisticated, though hardly state of the art,” said National Counterintelligence Executive, Joel Brenner, at the Austin University Texas last week, according to a transcript made available on Wednesday.

Listing out some of the examples of Chinese cyber spy penetration, he said: “We’re also seeing counterfeit routers and chips, and some of those chips have made their way into US military fighter aircraft.. You don’t sneak counterfeit chips into another nation’s aircraft to steal data. When it’s done intentionally, it’s done to degrade systems, or to have the ability to do so at a time of one’s choosing.”

Referring to the Chinese networks penetrating the cyber grids, he said: “Do I worry about those grids, and about air traffic control systems, water supply systems, and so on? You bet I do. America’s networks are being mapped. There has also been experience of both Chinese and criminal network operations in the networks of some of the banks”.


It is well known among those whose --- 
1) pets died from tainted food (melamine)
2) children died from tainted milk & baby food (melamine)
3) kids got sick from toys (Aqua Dots) made with toxic chemical coatings
4) product is being counterfeited by the same guy running the factory that makes the legit version
5) eyes can see what is "Made in China" doesn't last as long as when it used to be "Made in America"
--- that there is plenty of low quality knockoff manufacturing going on in China.

Had those jobs remained in the USA, we (not they) would have -- the industries, the employment, the money (a few trillion or so less debt) circulating here, and the bonus of high quality; and espionage would be a much tougher job for the enemy.
Also, some very sick people would still have their health, and others would still have their pets or children. But that's all just my c-r-a-z-y Crazy "isolationism" talking.

Carry on. America does best Roll Eyes when it downsizes its own workforce, and ships its factories off to places where they ---
a) pay 1/10 the wages and face no OSHA & EPA restrictions
b) strategize ways to make war against us (books like "Unrestricted Warfare"), and
c) use our money to develop infrastructure in other nations that are also hostile towards us.

6 Comments (Locked)
Entry #242

Neil deGrasse Tyson - Stupid Design

The universe is a harsh place. It's even more harsh when you're designed "stupidly". Thud

Who says astrophysics has to be dull? ROFL


4 Comments (Locked)
Entry #241


Whatever your opinion ... about anything ... ever ... there probably is or was an editorial cartoon about it. LOL

Here you can see what is showing up in papers across the country (being presented to the masses) or revisit issues you forgot about.


Some of the more industrious among you might even find something new to be steamed about. Evil Smile

Entry #239

Media coverage of protests

Interesting; the difference a year (and four months) makes. Wink

S.A. is IMO one of the more honest vloggers out there. That honesty may kill his career before it gets going well. Disapprove

Tea Party Terrorists: www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ212ahsngY


The Illiberal Media: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VDskoJ46Ng


If you want to see what happened after CNN's Susan Roesgen signed off, from Chicago...


4 Comments (Locked)
Entry #237

violin over r&b/hip-hop


You gotta admit ... Yes Nod

Entry #236

World Builder


I heard somewhere, long ago, that one of the main drivers behind Alexander Graham Bell's early inventions was to show the wealthy family of a woman he loved that he was not after their money and was perfectly capable of making his own. How many things we enjoy today are the product of similar motivations? Was fire harnessed 1000s of years ago by a man who wanted to keep his family safe & warm?

Entry #235